>little kids show
>characters break the fourth wall and ask viewers to answer questions
Little kids show
Awww yeaaaa, it's Hilldawg
Why are you watching a kids' show you fucking faggot? Do you suck dicks for a living? I bet you do.
Kill yourself frogposting redditurd
>"what color is the apple?"
>don't say anything
>"that's right! It's red!"
Fucking shit writing.
Why weren't there vicious barack and mitt memes during 2012
>t. Reddit
Shut the fuck up
Kek had not yet blessed us.
>kids show
>you already watched this episode so you can look smart in front of your friends
>Madame Popular Vote
>posting nazi frogs
stormfags pls go
And she only won that because Commiefornia had legal weed on the ballot
Too poor for the new iPhone, cuck?
>it happens every episode
>little kids show
>is evident that the show's director is avoiding lewd shots during dance scenes
>when they go to great lengths to avoid panty shots
but you found one frame to jack off to anyway
>little kid's show
>real humans mixed with caricaturized puppet humans
>little kids movie
>good guy defeats evil woman
>little kids movie with four young heroes
>one is white, one is black, one is asian, one is hispanic
>the asian is a total beta
Sup Forums was Obama meme city in 2008
Sup Forums was /comfy/ when Bush was still in office
I hate Obama but he was still a better choice than Mccain
I watch every show that does this whenever it comes on and answer every question just so faggots like you can't complain about how nobody actually answers that shit
sorry you're not in the god tier target audience
>kids show
>it's doesn't have girl bands singing pop songs
fucking dropped
>Win election
Does Hillary know people are using a White Supremacist meme to represent her online?