This will never be Wonder Woman, how does that make you feel?
This will never be Wonder Woman, how does that make you feel?
How sad is your life, and how does that make you feel?
Feels like a missed opportunity tbqh
But it's not like I lose sleep or mental cycles obsessing over it
We saw her meatflaps in TD, I can die happy
i guess it's time
Feels great.
I am the real Krager
I want to bury my face in Daddario's ass.
She doesn't have much of an ass, but who am I to judge.
would prefer this version tbqh. but daddario is close second
is that hayley?
Its honestly perfect casting but we cant have that in shitty Hollywood
Makes me mad and sad
You're finally going to lasso that horse?
Fuck she is so fine.
Her in the WW costume are truly what dreams are made of
>that pen mark
My dick would literally explode with her as WW with that fucking accent of her's.
The costume would barely be able to contain her (or Daddario). It would be PERFECT
She has a weird poofy babbyface and I could've never taken her seriously as a warrior character.
Some user said it well in a Conviction thread the other day. He said something like
>Hayley's clothes always look like they're hanging on for dear life while grasping as tightly as they can against her body
or something to that affect.
Yet you can take Gal Gadot seriously? It's Wonder Woman, not Shakespeare. All she needs is blue eyes, big tits, black hair, and the ability to speak legible english.
>ANOTHER brown-eyed, brown-haired Diana
no thanks
Why is Hollywood so against women with chubby thighs and medium THICC-ness?
Why are they so obsessed with very skinny women?
Seriously, Gal Godat's body is not good for Wonder Woman.
Hayley Atwell is a good blend of looking hot while also being believably badass. Peggy Carter is best Marvel girl, but still, it sucks that Hayley got stuck with a character that was basically DOA after CA:TFA. Would have loved to see her as WW..
>posting a shopped version
Imagine how wide a thicc woman would look on the big screen.
> hanging on for dear life
Sounds accurate. And I'd have it no other way.
This shit looks so fuckin stupid in the WebMs
but then so did BvS
I like Alex but I don't think she would have worked as Wondy
Now Zatanna on the other hand has her name all over it
>All she needs is blue eyes, big tits, black hair, and the ability to speak legible english.
Too bad no one told this to Warner Bros cause gadot fails in all but one of these points.
>Blue eyes-NO
>Big tits-kek
>Black hair - yes
>Legible English - nope
She would have been 10/10 times better than Godat.
Too bad Daddario had lost a lot of weight though, she looks too slim in the new Baywatch photos.
Can someone please tell me WHY they picked Godat?
She is as skinny as they get and does NOT AT ALL fit the body type of Wonder Woman who is supposed to be a women who has been exercising her whole life with saving people, has a lot of muscle etc
I also like that Hayley does most of her own stunts. Makes me like her even more.
fyi, Gal's hair is naturally brown and kinky
>agent carter was cancelled
>agents of shield still going strong
still makes me rage
You know, I could totally see her as Zatanna.
Not only that, but she'd fucked DC a little by getting pregnant. If she has a role in any of the movies about to be filmed then they're going to have to use a body double.
>a body double.
They made her CGI in some of the WW scenes like here
DAMN it looks so cheap
Probably has something to do with her heritage, user.
I mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist of investigative journalist to figure this out
Hollywood is already a nepotistic enterprise; awarding roles to members of the tribe isn't going to raise any eyebrows.
I know, man. Life is not fair. I still hold out hope for season 3 on a non-shit network (fuck you, ABC)
Eh !?
Hayley's other show failed too, it looks like her tits can't keep something on the air.
Nielsen families have failed us. Her plot should be able to keep anything afloat
90's Lucy Lawless was the benchmark that didn't exist until her. Nothing exists as perfect as that still.
This girl looks weak.
I guess this is weird to say. She has a young look to her, despite her age. Wondy is beautiful but she has a look of maturity to her that I dont think Alexandra Daddario has. It could of worked, I guess. Definitely better than Gadot, no one would argue that.
I used to be sad, but DC is such a trainwreck that it's probably for the best.
I hate that she was cast as the one dead-and-probably-never-coming-back character in Marvel
> tfw we'll never see Hayley Atwell on the big screen wearing a sexy superhero costume
why even live
Inb4 cunnybot appears
Wonder Woman isn't always drawn like a mature woman, she sometimes is drawn as very youthful. The new 52 de-aged her.
Moron. She would obviously work out for the role. The issue with Gal is that she wouldn't.
stop thinking with your dick
Why would you wear heels in the pool?
someone please put blue eyes
They used a stunt double and then just cgi'd Gadot's face on
Sad and ripped off. Disappointed.
The perfect casting would have been her for WW and Antje as Major Kusinagi. Instead we get skeletor jew and fat in the shell.
>Can someone please tell me WHY they picked Godat?
Why indeed.
>caring about anything related to capeshit
Grow the fuck up you mongoloid.
>Can someone please tell me WHY they picked Godat?
i don't know man, i'm pretty confused myself..
She will also never be my fun girlfriend I can joke around with.
And that is making me feel much worse
Josh you got a wife
i'd give my left ball just to have daddario as WW
fuck off, nigger
I would not let your sacrifice be forgotten user
She looks hotter here than ever
Zatanna, please oh please.
With what I've seen and heard of the movie so far. I'm kind of glad she or any other actress I enjoy won't be tied to this shit.
pretty slow bullet
Kind of a missed opportunity. She could be zantanna or Rita farr
Probably some marvel woman but I don't read SJW Comics
>all those kids who see Wonder Woman will never look her up and find pictures of her cooch or the webm of her riding the BBC
How is Captain Kirk tracking the bullet with his eyes too?
>Not chosing the right cute tsundere girl.
>or the webm of her riding the BBC
Man so many people haven't actually watched that clip or the movie it's from
She could be either Starfire or Zatanna.
You'd need to put robin in a batman movie first I'd imagine before doing a teen titans film
Yeah but I would be surprised if they're planning on it. When Affleck teased Deathstroke, he moved the camera to show something with the word 'Titans' on it.
what emotion is she trying to convey?
No, she has ugly eyes
The "hateful, rat faced kike" look.
>When Affleck teased Deathstroke, he moved the camera to show something with the word 'Titans' on it.
Combo with
Shit actor and
Shit director
>people thinking hayley atwell would make a good WW
sure, as long as she hit the gym and tightened up her body. WW is tall and fit. keyword TALL and FIT
Everything you said there with out exception is wrong
she's got scary eyes but big boobers so i'm not sure if i like or dislike looking at her
It could make for a good Batfleck film in the sense that he was at his lowest because of the loss of Robin but his solo movie ends with him finding a new Robin (regaining his hope)
Then Robin starts teen titans. I'd prefer BeastBoy to appear in the doom patrol first but that's hardly necessary
Perfectly happy about her not looking like a top heavy doll. Save her for the TV show or something, so it can be campier. I just think she's a bad fit for the cinematic world that they've been building on.
While pretty as hell, her face doesn't really express much emotion. At least Gal Gadot has the accent and makes WW seem more amazonian.
Logan Lerman busted on those fat perfect tits. Logan fucking Lerman.....
>thinks that accent is anything but retarded
>thinks gadot express much emotion
Daddario is too baby-faced to play Wonder Woman.
Killer body, but she's got the face of a 17 year old.
Daddario just looks to cheesecake to me to be taken seriously for the cinematic universe. She's going to be nocked around and hit by stuff, so you don't need to be distracted by her large knockers. That's the issue with a lot of superheroine costumes, they don't translate well to the big screen.
I mean if this were a Dead Or Alive movie, I be down to place her in just about any role.
>She could be either Starfire or Zatanna.