cuck destroyer here
this is the breaking news...
cuck destroyer here
this is the breaking news...
Other urls found in this thread:
>John Oliver and Bill Maher are such brainwashed cucks
this lol
and these hillary supporters are off the wall
reddit pls leave
Is that Mike Cernovich's son?
holy shit that nigga uggly
nudes when
go back to infowars, retard
>actually falling for the water jew
no wonder you're such a faggot
He looks like someone who still follows WWE
Hi re.ddit
mainstream media shill detected
You think I haven't bought an INFOWARS.COM filter?
Thanks Carl
so, this is what we've became?a fucking counter-version of buzzfeed just spouting different buzzwords?
HI r3ddit
ugly as shit
>cuck destroyer
>is himself a cuck
Paedophiles and degenerates on tv defending paedophiles and degenerated in government, what a coincidence. Trump is going to purge you all.
Is this the liberal b8 thread? What do I do? Pretend to be #withher to trigger bernie cucks?
Forget it, user. It's Sup Forums
link this webm video please
this guy has the most fucked up jawline i've ever seen lmao
also not television and film related
Discount Channing Tatum
take this alt right cuck shit to Sup Forums
why is this guy so weird looking
how long will it take for cucks to learn what a cuck is
this swole guy just told his opinion about the elcetiobs
Best post
>Oh hey guise, feminism bad, cuck cuck cuk up my ass
fuck off, sam
you cuck
poor guy has the same eye-white disease as Donald Trump he looks like a college kid in a fat guy mask
>Sup Forumstards complain about cucks but use words like "daddy" and "cuck" repeatedly
>trump is going to purge you all.
oh boy, we got some news for you son
Let's be brutally honest, most of Sup Forums have a cuck fetish. They just hide it behind some shitty meme politics.
no they don't retard. they do secretly fantasize about being a 6'3 mandingo with a 8x6 BBC though.
It's kind of strange.
Would you eat the same food everyday if it was shit?
Are Sup Forumstards suffering from a pathology?
Being this much of a reddit numale libcuck SJW
Tell me
Why doesn't he grow the stache?
>he says as he posts 'cuck' for the twentieth time today in a Sup Forums thread
Youtubers are Sup Forums-related now?
No one on Sup Forums understands what this word means; it isn't just a smart way of saying "nou." When you're the one who constantly thinks and talks about cuckolding, it doesn't make sense to say someone else is projecting when they point out your obvious closet fetish. They aren't the ones who spend literally all day thinking and talking about it. Retard.
Why'd you stretch the image out? It's disgusting.
Please stop, I don't like being psycho-analysed!!
which channel?
>reddit tries to purge degeneracy from Sup Forums
>/k/'s furries/anthros + Spice and Wolf crowd isn't even the most dangerous portion of the iceberg
>Let's be brutally honest, most of Sup Forums have a cuck fetish. They just hide it behind some shitty meme politics.
this is not an accurate perception of Sup Forums, and probably an accurate portrayal of yourself. that's why it's projecting and why you're both a literal and figurative cuck.
I never mentioned the C word, buddy. See my image.
>If you hate something, that means you secretly like it!
Typical dumbshit Liberal logic.
like half of BLACKEDs membership is Sup Forums
pol and k will purge the degenerates m8.
Not an argument.
that's because they all secretly wish they were black alpha males, not because they want some nigger to fuck their nonexistent wives
the subject is off-topic and another youtube thread was just deleted even though it had subject matter more on-topic. idk why this thread is still up on this board.
it's literally the only off-topic thread currently up on Sup Forums
>this is not an accurate perception of Sup Forums
Yes it is accurate. Another behavior of everyone Sup Forums is incessant pathological lying, which is why nothing you have to say matters.
>Liberals trying to make fun of anyone elses' appearance
I'd be real, real fucking careful doing this, Liberals.
Glass houses, throwing stones, etc.
Look, essentially you're talking about yourself. You want it to be true because it would normalize your behavior. Basically, you just outed yourself as both a cuckold and a pathological liar. Which is why I'm not sure if the former is true, but the latter certainly is.
Literally nothing will happen.
Degeneracy will continue as it did before, real life isn't a movie.
>Yes it is accurate.
no, actually it's not. at all. what's more likely that they are all secretly cucks or that a cuck is projecting his own cuckoldry onto them?
>implying they are liberal
Do you even know the history of Liberalism? Ever read Locke?
>purging degeneracy
How fucking newfag are you, m8?
A third of those fuckers openly worship slav culture. Nothing more degenerate than wishing to be subhuman.
Mike Pence is going to have him assassinated
is there a playlist of him BTFOing fags in public? I checked their channel and didn't see one
>mentally ill sped with a low IQ discussing things he doesn't understand even fundamentally
Luckily for you there's a board specifically for this:
Enjoy your circle jerk.
>Giving this guy a show
What a disaster.
I saw him get in an argument with Van Jones where he got so completely manipulated that he practically came out sucking on Jones's dick.
Who is Van Jones?
Is Reddit still shilling for Le Donald? I don't see why they don't hate his guts. It's very obvious most of them in that subreddit aren't truly repbulican or conservative. The election is over.
What an absolute cuck
>reading subreddits
It's about time to go back.
>dude, the only use of the word "liberal" should be restricted to the one from the fucking 1820's
Or, get this: Words and their definitions change from century to century.
you lack a fundamental understanding of both psychological projection and the word cuck as it is used by Sup Forums. you probably couldn't even begin to give the non-sexual meaning of "cuck" as used by Sup Forums in your own words.
>this fag jumping on the alt-right bandwagon after Trump's victory
Eh no. Liberalism is defined by its tenants of free speech, secularism, freedom of religions, freedom of the press and the presumption of innocence.
SJWs don't believe in free speech ergo, they are not liberal.
Professional Black Guy.
Yep. He surprised attacked Jones, and was totally going to stump him. Jones saw him coming from a mile away, and immediately switched to acting like a bro-who-wants-to-build-bridges and the "Cuck Destroyer" immediately bent over like a fangirl and acted like he'd just made a new best friend.
Then Jones was like;
>Yeah, okay now I gotta go and do real work, bye
Except that is true, Marx defined communism as a stateless society where the means of production will be owned by the populace post-socialism and post-capitalism without money.
Do you know any history? (btw, I am a capitalism and a free marketalist)
Nazi's are socialist.
Therefore Trump is not Hitler.
Liberals BTFO
you are an literal autist
>knowing history makes you an autist
I never said he was?
Are you a Spaz or a Retard? Pick one.
Now, I'm curious, link?
Have you read the Communist Manifesto?
What is infowars missing? ah yes, a jay bauman
no, being excessively argumentative and pedantic over the meaning of words that are now in common use in meanings other than your own makes you an autist
>Except that is true
So how many times does it have to be tried before you're satisfied?
It's already failed 40 times.
Do you need it to fail 50 times before you realize that that Communism will ALWAYS end that way?
60 times? 100 times?
How many people will be dead in purges and famines by then?