Was Jerry's style fashionable in the 90s?
Was Jerry's style fashionable in the 90s?
it wasn't fashionable, but it was the normal look for 90s people. Suits were the most fashionable during that time
yes..it was grunge without being dirty
his sneaker game was on point
slayin pussy in those sneaks
Did people in the '90s really tuck their shirts in like nerds?
Also, why did Jerry alternate between wearing a tough guy leather jacket and wearing flamboyant dress shirts?
Sneakers are fucking stupid. They cost 10 cents to make and sell to niggs for hundreds.
Get quality brown leather casual dress shoes once you're out of college and will actually take care of them
The same goddamn shoes for twenty years and counting
I bet you that fucker gets them for free.
Those are some RDJ-tier lifts
Traditional white man clothing.
he rocked high tops. these are jordans
in the 90s everyone got laid all the time.
his sneakers are actually fucking fugly. george had better taste in sneakers.
Only if you had no clue and were a Jew, aka Jewless
lmao alright gramps
>i think the character purposely made to be a poindexter had the nicer sneakers
complete mess. that's why you never got to say i love you to anyone
He has a fucking hardon over his car
>there are people posting here right now that aren't old enough to remember the 90s
but that word sounds like you don't have any jews.
George is wearing killshots in that one pic. Jerry's wearing dad sneakers.
Jerry is actually wearing dad sneakers. I've never noticed. Lol
>they can probably vote
>There are probably posters on this board right now whos sexual advances were rejected by my mother.
>They'd still be rejected
How did he get away with it?
Why was Jerry so deceitful and Rude to Louis Cuck?
>giving king cuck any kindness
not me :(
>implying I'm not your father
The man you call father was cucked, timmy
banging teenagers is ideal, and as long as their parents are cool with it (or dont know about it) you rarely get in trouble for state-rape - just dont post a sex tape of you banging her online or show it to friends, could lead to pedo charges. be careful and stay safe. Teen pussy is worth the risk, just don't be a fucking idiot about it.
m'dad shoes
>george sneakers
I like the navy blue Nike Cortez's George rocked
i tip my fedora to you good sir
hey thats me
michael chiklis on the couch