Lets settle this debate once and for all: Who was in the wrong?
Lets settle this debate once and for all: Who was in the wrong?
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Mythbusters tested it. Double-dipping does not contaminate the dip in any statistically significant way.
timmy was right. george has no class
Why did they make such a big deal out of it anyway?
George is never in the wrong, I've always sided with him. The eclair was fair game.
Its a funeral you're on edge
It was a big salad! You know, if it was a regular salad I wouldn't have said anything.
It's the thought that counts.
You see some fat cunt stick his spit soaked chip in the dip, it ruins it for you.
Mr high hair was in the right but was such a dick I'd be reluctant to back off. I'd triple dip just to teach him a lesson, which is very Larry David I guess.
George was never wrong.
This just nullifies the health argument against it. Doesn't do shit regarding the social, cultural side of the complaint
it's just poor manners. It's also not that hard to dip the side of the food that hasn't been bitten. I do this with cheesy bread all the time
eating from the garbage is wrong
It wasn't in the garbage. It was on top.
It's kind of ironic because usually George was making a big deal out of everything.
Adjacent to refuse IS refuse.
Pushing aside the elderly and children to escape a fire is wrong.
Not in Trump's America.
The elderly have lived a full life and children are young enough to be easily replaced. The adult is the real loss.
>t. Huffpo
Watched this episode when I was a kid. I haven't double dipped since then. Or i just turn the chip/pretzel/whatever around to the other side.
I turn the chip around too, except I point out to everybody at the table that I've turn it around to make sure that nobody thinks I'm double-dipping. I think this is an autistic behavior, but I can't help it.
Pretending to be handicapped is wrong
What if the salsa is sitting on top of a garbage can? Is it okay then?
You're disgusting.
I remember my grandmother and my aunt having an argument because of this episode and not speaking to each other for like a week.
i wish my family were that interesting
i bet if i tied you to a chair and made you tell me anecdotes i could write a script that'd get picked up
Some people are petty.
George has had pettiness thrust upon him.
>i bet if i tied you to a chair and made you tell me anecdotes i could write a script that'd get picked up
this itself is worth of being turned into a script. kaufman, you're welcome.
Smug George=Best George
>That episode where George tells a couple he'll name his child Soda and they fucking steal it.
>"You know, we're living in a society! We're supposed to act in a civilized way." - George Costanza
Double dipping is not acting in a civilized way. You know, we're living in a society. Therefore, according to George, George was in the wrong.
it was Seven
>how about thirteen? no thirteen's no good
George is my god.
the monkey episode gril was best george gril
I never double-dip. It's disgusting.
>It's also not that hard to dip the side of the food that hasn't been bitten.
people still consider that double dipping
At that point though you're just being a dick
that quote is supposed to point out that george doesn't do things the way society expects him to. it's a quote that points out ggeorge is a hypocrite when it's convenient.
Yeah dipping into a mixture of dip and other people's saliva is quite tasty
You dip both ends of the chip at the same time in a see-saw fashion, that's the only way to do it
you pour the dip into your mouth swish it around then spit it out and say happy birthday.
>more than one bite of a fucking chip
i don't know how you guys suck so much dick with those tiny mouths
Are you referring to his private bathroom at Play Now? They just assumed he was handicapped because of the cane. George dindu nuffin in that situation.
You could Mr. Tomasulu chose the wrong man
>"moral obligations" that are detrimental to self interest
George was right, if the guy had a problem he shouldn't have sperged like that.
Kek I'm writing this down now. Remember this moment when you see the black comedy of the year
This is numale tier shit. This is why George was in the right. Dude doesn't give any fucks. And when hall monitor Timmy tried to stop him he wasn't having it. George is always right.
George was a numale though.
it was actually Seven.
sucks because looking at it, Seven is a pretty cool name.
What why? Nobody ever told me this
I bet Larry David did this is real life and he just had to make an episode about it
I've eaten food my friends were going to throw out, if you don't have aids you'll be fine who gives a fuck
Jerry was a numale George was alpha
He was bald and in New York but not necessarily a numale.
They needed a leader.