If you went back in time to 00s and someone told you Donald Trump was president. Would you believe them?

If you went back in time to 00s and someone told you Donald Trump was president. Would you believe them?

>Donald Trump
Literally who? Why should I care? Leave me alone, I want to watch cartoons.

George Bush was president. a literal retard.
Trump may be a dickhead but at least he has a brain.

I'd just think they'd talk about a Idiocracy prequel/sequel

Did going back in time erase my memory of 2016?

>being this retarded

No wonder trump won

If I went back in time to the 00s why would someone there tell me that Donald Trump was president? I would be the one who knew

Great job OP


>Trump may be a dickhead but at least he has a brain.


I would never do anything to affect the timeline. We're in the best timeline. We have the best timelines. We love our timelines don't we?

Nope. If someone told me Hillary, I would've likely believe them.

Americans voted for Arnold Schwartzenegger not because of any economic or political skills .. but because he was a cool fucking robot,

yes, I'd believe a nation of fucktards would vote for a fucktard.

>If you went back in time to 00s and someone told you Donald Trump was president.

Did they travel back in time too?

he made a billion dollars, could you?

>go back in time
>tell everybody the next president is named Barack Hussein Obama
>invasion of Iraq gets canceled under the assumption the war ended with the Iraqis conquering and occupying the US

Hell if you went back in time to October I wouldn't have believed you

What if someone already traveled back in time, to our time, to change the future and make Trump potus? Could we call them Time Trumpelers?

Sure, give me a million dollar loan and all the contacts from his father and I can easily do more than him.

I can't believe Hillary is still paying people to shit talk Trump online. She just doesn't give up does she?

Trump is the smartest man in America. my sympathies.

do I get $1m (plus inflation) and all the connections?

so your massive intellect isnt capable of getting a small loan.

What's stopping you then?

>moving the goalposts because you got BTFO

thanks for playing

You moved them first though, nice try.

Here people can acquire (You)'s and make others mad by stating an opinion intentionally deviant compared to the sitewide norm.

It's easy to see why they do it, but there's no way to justify responding to it you drooling mongoloid

I was watching the Apprentice back then so sure, I could have seen it.
Also it would be the person telling me that went back in time, not me.

bush is the best president since reagan.