Holy shit this was bad.
Was really bored, decided to give it a try rather than trusting my assumptions.
Holy shit this was bad.
Was really bored, decided to give it a try rather than trusting my assumptions.
The original was bad, too, to be fair.
To be fair I've wondered what I would have thought of the original two if I had seen them in theaters when they came out. But I realize they were just amazingly good compared to this pile of dogshit.
It's seen as a classic to me.
I also tried to imagine how the originals would be if they were originally made now.
They'd have a lot of poorly done cgi and Seth rogan or Adam Sandler as the lead
Well Harold Ramis' old stuff was quality though, nothing like this pile of dogshit.
Stop calling girl ghostbusters dogshit when it's exactly the same thing as the original you fucking fag
I know they were seen as good movies back then (for what they were), but of course there would be people that would think they're shit.
> being this retarded
Paul please leave
> paul
Has contrarianism gone too far
I know you're baiting, but there are imbeciles who actually believe that
Coop, what's a vajoyna?
It's over, Sony damage controllers. You'll only draw attention to how badly the film did and cost you more money. Go home.
The original isn't the perfect classic it's made out to be but you're just baiting at this point.
Not going to attack feminism or sjw's for one's..
But holly shit, this really is utterly shit.
So fucking unfunny.... I cringed through the whole movie.
They talk about not reading hate comments IN THE FUCKING MOVIE, like three times... The comedy was extremely forced...
The acting was just shit, it looked like a TV show.
Why would you not trust your assumptions?
If you think it's sequel, it's just bad ... On the other hand, watching the same film, thinking this is "Spin-off", then things suddenly become so colorful.... "WHY" !?
it was aggressively unfunny