Just start with some basic things: >A smartphone that records 1080 or 4k. >An editing software, like DaVinci Resolve (the basic edition is free, and you can do lots of things). >A good story (adapted to your limited resources).
If you want something a bit more professional, use a stabiliser, an anamorphic lens, perhaps even some illumination. If you do it well, you'll get something more satisfying than what most commercial movies do nowadays.
I have 2 FS7, 3 led lights, wireless audio equipment, 2 kit lens and 3 Pegasus for storage.
But I'm always drunk.
Dominic Mitchell
that would mean I have to interact with people
Connor Bailey
i wouldnt know what to do with what i filmed
how do i turn that into money?
even viral hits will be ignored
Eli Torres
anyone have a link to the joke where a guy says he worked on a stop motion animation for a long time and they they play it and it's like 5 seconds long? or know what that is from?
Nolan Cox
>how do i turn that into money? That's the hard part. Do you want to do art, or to monetise your product? If you're into the second one, start meeting people inside the industry.
Dylan Morris
What's with the whole "just use your smartphone bro" meme?
If you use a phone it'll look like shit compared to an actual camera.
Christian Turner
if you're actually any good you will be noticed and you can monetize your later work.
Robert Stewart
In other words you have no creativity.
Jack Hall
I want to monetise creativity
I have a knack for comedy and writing dialogue
I lose interest writing screenplays when I realise they're like 90 pages and spending all that time alone working on something that will probably amount to nothing is depressing
Michael Nelson
how do you money if only drunkpost?
sorry to english
Andrew Jenkins
nb: Sup Forums is like, instant gratification. if i write something funny or create an image, I get (you)'s and I know it's hit the target. that feels good.
if i write a script and spend literally 100 hours or more or whatever's required... I'm guaranteed nothing but that the time was spent and I will probably never be satisfied with what I wrote because so many different options could've been taken in every facet of the story
it's a fear of perfection combiend with a fear of failure
John Torres
Show me something brilliant made on a smartphone, something that you can't tell was made on one.
Cooper Baker
This, the most biggest problem with aspiring directors are that they are fucking talentless hacks, if you have even a shred of talent and willingness to make your vision come true you can succed
Connor Wright
There must be some kind of website where people post scripts that can be used by people like us
Jayden Flores
>something that you can't tell was made on one. not really important when you are starting out unless you are trying to look professional right from the beginning
I've seen a documentary filmed entirety with iphones, it was very good.
Leo Jackson
what if you made a thing where it made sense storywise for the camera to be shit
otherwise i agree with you
a lack of production values sends up a flag to potential viewers that whatever you've made is shit
i mean it'll probably be shit either way but at least if it the camerawork is good they'll have something to admire amidst your shitty writing and acting
Aiden Garcia
That's why you are a wanker too.
Jose Long
please link i need proof of concept
don't you mean fear of imperfection?
Luke Martinez
thats why i fucked your bitch you fat motherfucker
Austin Lopez
when I see something with relatively high production value and shitty writing and acting it's more painful to watch than something with low production value and good writing/acting
Eli Hill
really? that gives me hope
Connor Wilson
>2 kit lens
Yeah you're gonna make it
Brayden Hughes
I edit someone else's footage
With scotch
Nathan Wright
Cameron Thomas
I think it's about the expectations being immediately raised when you see high quality video which 99 times out of 100 are a huge disappointment. you expect a shitty quality video to be shitty all around so when it's actually good it's a pleasant surprise.
William Russell
I film my gf blowing me. Does that count?
Camden Perry
I meant 2 sets. Like 8 lens total.
Eli Lopez
short of sucking dick there really aren't many ways to meet people in the industry. unless you wanna run around for a few years making faggy indie movies with untalented people trying to make a name off you. I'd stay away from projects that don't involve close friends or that can't be done solo for the most part.
you're not taking advantage of the social media platforms and peoples evershrinking attention spans. think of it like this, that 15/3- second time limit on most platforms is about all the time it takes to get people interested in your work. starting there is a good way to work on your confidence and ability to get a laugh out of people. work your way up to 3 minute or even 5 minute shorts, then 15-20 minutes, then it becomes easier to work on because you have more confidence in your work.
Connor Hernandez
Not sure, can you link it so we can judge the quality?
Sebastian Moore
No. You guys will make fun of my tiny penor.
Juan Turner
i dont like the whole production side, especially the working for nothing thing
ill give away my scripts, i know a director, and if the work becomes popular ill then transition
but seriously paying all that money to shoot shit thats worthless... its just depressing
my friends been doing it for years and is still a bartender even though he got a short shown at cannes
Jose Ward
I've always wanted a job like this. I enjoy editing. How do you get into it?
Aiden Hughes
think about it this way, many classic films from the 20's to the 60's were made with worse equipment than what you easily have access to today. not just the camera, but the lighting, sound gear, everything.
David lynch is a perfect example - he was always a film camera purist but was forced to try digital for inland empire because he had no money and he ended up really excited about it because he got to learn different ways to get creative with the camera.
Julian Evans
Yeah but who watches a shitty quality video? I immediately expect cringe when I see someone's home movie on YouTube and ignore it.
Cameron Barnes
I don't have anyone to film with. I can do special effects, color grading and overall compositing. Pls send footage.
Owen Walker
pretty much every viral video is a shitty quality video. I expect cringe when the video opens with extreme shallow depth of field montage + lens flares.
Cooper King
When you hear someone needs an editor for a project you say you can do it and tell them your price.
Charles Powell
Just post it. We'll be watching your girlfriend, not your dick. After a few years of watching porn, dicks aren't interesting anymore.
David Barnes
>I have a knack for comedy and writing dialogue Have you seen "Life of Brian" or "Clerks"? Not god tier quality, but that kind of production would be pretty cheap nowadays.
>Why don't you make your own movies, guys? I would go to jail
Jaxon Martinez
>>A smartphone that records 1080 or 4k. I started filming my first movie with a smartphone, and hated every moment of it. Even a cheap DSLR is so much better and easier to use.
Jordan Jackson
What are you recording, mate? Videos of yourself diddling kids?
Justin Anderson
Obviously not, I would go to jail
Justin Rogers
how do you hear these things
Elijah Kelly
Owen Smith
I find sound work on Craigslist. it's very hard to find jobs but at least editing implies they have a mostly finished product so it might be easier for you.
Chase Torres
I got a job on an up-and-coming production company in Atlanta
so I don't have to go out and just "make my own"
Nathaniel Sullivan
>JOKE yeah okay chester reported
Daniel Davis
that is neat
William Diaz
Lucas Powell
Thanks user. I don't like to brag but I don't really have anyone else to talk to about it. So I just wanted to tell someone.
Josiah Gomez
Have you seen Tangerine? Did you know it won plenty of awards? Box office of almost 500,000 under a 100,000 budget? Shot with 3 iPhone 5's. :0
Austin Carter
this is very true.
Connor Sanders
don't bother I think he's made his mind up about what he believes
Xavier Baker
I made this piece of crap last month to get the ball rolling: youtu.be/UqvvojrmmW0
Basically in post production hell. Shit was such a disaster on set (REALLY bad luck, so many incredibly unexpected issues occured) that I have to go back and reshoot some scenes. Problem is getting all the actors back together. Bit off more than I could chew so I'm gonna have to release this one next year. :/ So I'm just gonna do very simple short films for practice sake.
Cooper Price
I'm a film student, I'm drunk on like 90% our shoots, it's great.
Nathan Jackson
how do i be like you and get to where you are
Evan Watson
FUUUG, well done user. What's your role? Can you tell us more about the production?
Joshua Rivera
You have no eye for making interesting shoots.Good that you try at least
Jaxson Rodriguez
And to add to that , what sucks is that I'm very pressured by a lot of peers who put their work into this + people genuinely hyped about it. I seriously don't want to release it in the state that it's in and I'm afraid to disappoint these people. It was the worst filming experience I've had but the one I've learned from the most so there's an upside.
Joshua Butler
Can you elaborate? Anything I could improve on?
Jonathan Edwards
That is a loaded statement and possibly terrible advice
Should be revised to something along the lines of >Don't make a film unless you have a vision that needs to put onscreen
Austin Taylor
your actor looked into the camera also your framing and overall composition of shots are boring as fuck, it makes it look like a typical student film so unless it was planned sort it out in your future productions your actors cant act for shit, it's always better to have just one or two actors that CAN act than twenty morons that keep on looking into the camera. when it comes to short films, and I guess feature films too.
Julian Roberts
have you ever taken a photography class to learn about framing and controlling the viewers eyes and all that?
Cameron King
Have no friends to act in my movie. Have no money to hire actors.
Noah Sanchez
He doesn't even need a class. Just watch Every Frame a Painting on YouTube, great guy, amazingly explains all the bits and bobs of filmmaking using feature hollywood productions as examples.
Joshua Butler
So I went from shitposting all day on here to actually trying to rally the troops into making some stuff and it's finally soon to pay off. Don't hang around Sup Forums as much as I used to but...
>tfw actually making kino soon
Eli Mitchell
a lot of people work for free to get their name on some credits in order to get more/better work in the future. but if you couldn't think outside the box enough to figure that out, then perhaps you shouldn't be making movies.
Carter Butler
That's from Parks and Rec
Andrew Jackson
>a lot of people work for free to get their name on some credits in order to get more/better work in the future
>like me get a shithole airbnb on the southside of atlanta and start answering craigslist ads
I'm camera assistant, and gaff/grip. It's a small crew. The production was a comedy pilot, and since the production crew already had a good track record, it's pretty likely that it'll get picked up. I guess I got in at a really good time because before that pilot they didn't have that big of a crew. I guess they still don't but I like smaller crews anyway. Shit's fun yo
Christopher Richardson
Not a serious advice, but I'd personally change the text format that you used in the second vid. I'd use a smaller and more readable font. Also, sometimes, the text is centered, and others, adjusted to the left. Check the spacing too.
That said, you're doing something (it's more than most people could say). The first vid would have potential you'd be able to fix what anons said before.
Jonathan Hernandez
I haven't but I'm currently learning photography. Funny you say that though since I wasn't the cinematographer, though I could have had a better one. He would flake on productions due to last minute shit. But yes, once again, everything you said is exactly why I don't want to release this or finish it, ever. Specially with the actors. Theyre even supposed to act like shit (its a meta movie) but they're so shit you can't even tell they're acting like shit on purpose.
The fact that what was supposed to be a 26 hour shoot got cut to 6 hours made things worse. The thing is like 15 minutes long and I had to rush it because of unreliability and bad luck. However, was also a lot my fault for trying to shoot this as soon as I could instead of waiting an extra month and having more production meetings. Would love to reshoot this and even expand the script but I'd rather move on to something new.
Ryan Hernandez
> (You) >Also funny how you said "low paying" and not "free"
what's the difference?
Kayden Kelly
do you have any qualifications or prior work experience or did you just get lucky?
Chase Thomas
kek He stand in the place where he lives
Mason Kelly
The difference is you first said "free" and now backpedaled to "low paying."
Liam Flores
>would have potential IF you'd be able*
Jayden King
Both, I guess. I worked freelance at a tv station before that, and worked on an indie movie doing basically the same thing. But I really did get lucky because I went down to atlanta out of desperation and somehow got work
Atlanta is going to fucking blow up with production in the next few years and that's probably the easiest way to start getting work and experience
Jackson Bailey
Damn man, I'm so jelly, been trying to get into a small production crew for some time now but all the smaller productions in the UK do is music videos and promos and that's not what I'm into.
I have worked with smaller crews though and if you all bond together it can indeed be a lot more fun than working on a massive shoot where nobody gives a fuck about you.
David Clark
sounds like a complete nightmare. there's no shame in pulling a project. timing is everything.
Logan Jackson
You can interpret it that way, yeah.
Grayson Johnson
>than working on a massive shoot where nobody gives a fuck about you. Yeah that shit's the worst. Even your fellow PAs don't really want to be friends or whatever because everyone think's that everyone else is out to steal your job. It's pretty depressing
Nathan Fisher
I'm sorry you only understand your menial desk job and will never make art. must be a tough life.
Jaxon Ross
By second vid you mean the black and white one? Cuz the trailer is not anything serious. But if you mean the black and white one, I'm currently working on a smoother edit for Vimeo or something. Gonna take it off youtube, I just wanted it to show to friends and family. It at least landed me a small freelance job as storyboard artist and 2nd AC.
Samuel Diaz
By second vid I mean "Amateur (2016)". What editing software are you using, btw? I'm personally starting with DaVinci Resolve.
William Evans
How do you guys find film work? I work for a studio that gets stuff from Blindlight and Lucas, but I don't want to edit professional movies (I enjoy doing games and events professionally). I'd rather do B movies if I edit films. Any tips on finding these people? I don't hang around film communities, which is where I'm guessing I'd have to go. It'd be nice to find this stuff online instead of going to sets or college clubs and standing around like some weirdo.
Charles Johnson
Adobe Premiere. Is Da Vinci any better?
Julian Wright
no experience with this but if i were going in that direction, i'd go to local film festivals or fests that specifically screen the type of films you want to edit. wear a lanyard that says youre an editor and then just walk up to people. that's what i would do anyway.
Nicholas Kelly
Not sure if better, but it's easier for me. And the normal version is free, that's a plus.