ya boi carl gettin it
What was Maggie's last name again?
Your roleplaying is cringeworthy. Kill yourself
Is Into The Badlands Sup Forums approved?
It's already over :^(
>I'm talking to Jesus
>implying it's over yet
Is this episode 90 mins
Greene, but Glenn's was Rhee. She married Glenn and became Maggie Rhee
What's Carl's endgame here?
Comics have anything to say on it?
Did anyone get that flying kick in a screenshot?
Did anything happen? Also, dat Maggie ass
Ron please leave the thread.
maggies last name is REEE?
oh yea, I forget Jesus is a fucking operator and actually fucking pulls this mission off
Carl will
He's gonna shoot up the saviors
So Enid will become comic Sophia
Man I LOVE that Christmas Hershey commercial
>its an ass episode
Its one of the comfiest commercials
Is there gonna be some lezzin out?
he hides in the truck and tries to kill Negan. He kills like 5 saviors but misses Negan. In the comics Carl is a 10 year old sociopath who clearly didn't really think it through. In the show he's nearly a grown ass man and is just retarded.
Enid shows up and no one questions it.
Man, they should've had better meme awareness and gone with something like Park.
Is this the sisterhood of the traveling pants?
>we have us
Oh hey little girl who had to walk through walker infested roadways to get here.
well this was shit
I need the from behind shot not the side profile shot posted last thread.
It's also one of the oldest ones.
Fuck that sound.
Sasha pls
Any maggie ass pics?
>It's another show goes past the hour because they couldn't fit all those commercials in 60 minutes episode.
Rick is going to flip
is that a cigar in her mouth lol
>carl and jesus have the same idea
Every year since 1989
You use to know when it was officially Christmas when they commercial played after Thanksgiving but corporations fucked that tradition up.
What's with this kid a shit blaring over the entire episode?
>Jesus and Carl teaming up
Ho boy...
>tfw ywn be a meme consultant for movies and shit
this is really great television
>next episode is a pregnant Scientologist episode
>Tara episode next week
so now with this upward trend of strong female characters do you think game of thrones is going to go full feminist with trump winning the presidency
Big tits lesbo is back
can anyone give source on a live stream for tonight's ep?
Good episode, even though nothing happened for the 5th week in a row
I'm guessing that "We are the saviors" line is from the season finale when All Out War starts
Who is that Latina?
scientology is truly the funniest religion
>It's a Hardwick show
Maggie may have that short hair byt fuck she's sexy as hell. Negan knows how to do things.
It's an emerging field, user. Time to get in on the ground floor.
I missed her
Thanks, user.
Yes Dany will absorn her dragons and kill a Night King that looks suspiciously like Trump
>Hardwick will never give your gf the Harddick
What went right?
We get it Hardwick. Damn.
Post em and I'm getting in the shower so fuck off Talking Dead.
sweet jesus
fuck you hardwick
Not that flabby ass
I need the shot of her ass when Gregory is walking away.
Dam son
Will Negan bully Carl? ;_;
Fucking Chris Hardwick is a terrible host in everything he does he tries to steal the attention from the guests. Fucker just spent like 5 minutes yammering on about nothing.
I love the premise of @Midnight but he ruins it by stepping on other comedians jokes.
Fuck off retard
>people actually think this episode was shit and filler
>when next week is a solo Tara episode
Yeah you fuckers better buckle the fuck up
could have gotten a better picture of her fine ass whats with the shit quality
What happened to tara last time? I remember something about Denise dying
Make me faggot
>Based Jesus stuck in the same room and Kevin Smith and Hardwick
Name a worse hell
>a solo Tara episode
You obviously didn't watch the preview because it's not that.
>Jesus and Carl buddy episode
Guaranteed best of the season right there
Dat preggo weight treating her right
>his name is Xander
It said coming up in the following WEEKS
>he wouldn't fuck negasonic
You mean 100th
holy shit i hate kevin smith
Will they kiss?
Go fuck your face
What's the point of this photo when that's not Betty White?
The real young Betty White was a cutie though.
this show is a chore
>tfw you will never be the savior that catches maggie alone and out of sight of Negan and you step up behind her piercing her lung through the back with a long KABAR knife and sinking it deep deep into her lungs yes she needs those to breathe and she is gasping and you push her down against the hard asphault slamming her face over and over until it is bloody, nice and bloody and you lick the blood yes you do, then you force your penis inside that tight littles asshole cushioning your thighs on those tense buttocks ramming her with your cock then as she approaches orgasm you slit her throat so that she experiences ultimate agony and ultimate ecstasy at the same time, screaming and gurgling as she cums and bleed simultaneously, then leaving her body for dead, cum still dripping from between those amazing asscheeks as the walkers centers on her body attacted by the screams and begin to feast, tearing into her legs and ankles ripping away her achilles tendon like a chicken bone, ripping her apart, gnawing on her femurs as she screams begging them not to and tyring to crawl away, but they latch onto her arm biting away her slender feminine bicep so she can no longer move, eating her eyes and nose and chewing away her beautiful face, leaving nothing but a bloodstained skeleton over the course of many minutes, eating the half-formed baby inside of her, and you leave satisfied knowing you gave her the last orgasm she would ever have on this planet.
It didn't take Kevin Smith long to mention comic books, Batman, and something gay.
He'll never change.