Is this the greatest piece of TV comedy?
Is this the greatest piece of TV comedy?
This is the one thing we didn't want to happen
how was this even legal? why did britain go from this to full SJW cuck "le don't want to hurt your feelings"? will trump make british tv Kino again?
Is it true he diddled a dead cunny?
New Labor happened
Morris is a massive lefty
At least he's funny though, unlike the various Russells
people werent such delicate flowers in the 1990s.
How many?
What are their names?
The press went full SJW about the "comedy about pedophiles"
Most amusingly printed next to "Cor, she's a big girl int she!" about a 15 year old's tits.
The same cuckedness made this possible. Nobody wanted to say "hold on this sounds like bollocks" for fear of being seen as not denouncing pedos, or "cake."
People have always been virtue signalling, it's just got a name now.
It's the best satire of UK media ever made, certainly
>British """""""""""""""""""""""""satire""""""""""""""""""""""""
I'll always appreciate a work a comedy that takes the piss out of news/media outlets
The outlets in question will always respond in demonizing it and normally getting the show cancelled, proving the show right
>got any cake?
>she's a big girl
for whom?
>Calling bongs pedophiles
Not really cutting edge when you realize he's part of the same group that funded a human ghoul's reign of terror and put him on TV to brag about it openly. Not to mention everyone else in the world already thinks of bongs as huge degenerate kid diddlers.
>not diddling kids
Reported to INTERPOL. You can't even joke about that online here in the UK anymore. Enjoy your door being kicked in within the next six months.
>You can't even joke about that online here in the UK anymore.
Yet you can go on kid diddling safari in Rotherham.
What if you're Islamic?
Well then that's fine, you can do whatever you want.
>within the next six months.
damn your justice system is as prompt as your medical one.
Nothing has really changed, Chris Morris just stopped making TV shows. Stop being hysterical about everything.
How could you not think that the moment when Del Boy fell through the bar is the greatest achievement in television?
The beauty of the setup, the fact he was such an amazing actor that he didn't even flinch as he fell. I don't think you appreciate the impact that had around the world!
Parents of Reddit: How would you feel if a pedophile said your kid was unattractive?
He come up, Stew.
I had one say my kid was attractive. Won't be seeing that jew nosed manlet kid diddler anymore.
yeah but what if one said your kid was ugly? Would you be insulted? Relieved?