what a some good films about hospitals?
What a some good films about hospitals?
doesn't he have AIDS?
fags won't be satisfied until they infect everyone else with their faggot disease
What are some good movies about niggers?
Fags need blood donations too faggot
but plenty of straight people have AIDS, And is also transmittable through women.
Why does that man have so small hands?
I'm assuming this was a publicity stunt and they threw away the blood right?
I imagine thats a the joke
I guess he was donating it for aids research or something
It's very difficult to get an STD from a woman. Lesbians are almost always STD free.
well that seems reasonable
Can AIDS people donate blood to others with AIDS?
I don't think so
>It's very difficult to get an STD from a woman.
If you're a virgin, sure.
>It's very difficult to get an STD from a woman.
That's if you're a woman having sex with a woman.
A man can easily get STDs from a woman.
it's fake, there was no tweet, the photo is from years ago and he was having tests done hence drawing his blood
HIV doesn't survive well outside the body, the reason it's so prevalent in gaymen is that blood vessels are so close to the walls of the angus so it can get straight into the blood easily. basically the only way you're likely to get pozzed up is by getting fucked by a guy with it. fucking a guy with AIDS in the arse, fucking a women, giving/receiving oral sex etc all have very low single percent or less chance of transmission
woops my numbers were all off but you get the idea. high promiscuity + anal sex is why the gays have so much AIDS
>try to donate blood a few years back
>they get scared because i look Sup Forums pale instead of the usual tanned fag
>do preliminary blood test and calmly make a remark about the blood spurting into the tube looking gross
>suddenly they believe i'm young and terrified and refuse to let me donate because i "had a panic attack"
>go back the next day and they refuse me again and if i really wanted to do it i should wait till summer when it's warmer
Blood donations are a fucking joke.
Dark Floors
They didn't have the heart to tell you you've got super-AIDS.
How does a virgin get super aids?
He was HIV positive, never developed full blown AIDS and now is HIV negative.
Power of money, user.
Why can't more people enjoy their aids?
That doesn't even take antiretrovirals into account. Those drugs have come so far
T. Faggot
>a few ive seen and thought were good
Brittania Hospital (malcolm mcdowell, mark hamill)
Bedlam (botris karloff)
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Carry On Nurse/Carry On Doctor
Critical Condition (richard pryor)
this is great fun, saw it a few months ago.
>He was HIV positive, never developed full blown AIDS
how is it possible
Well he is black
Antiretrovirals greatly delay the onset of AIDS. not a cure but they're the best thing HIV+ folks have now
That guy didn't know what he was talking about---Welcome to Sup Forums!
No, he's HIV positive but hasn't developed AIDS.
American History X