Other urls found in this thread:

>Marvel = Liberal
No shit amigo. Feige is driving a crusade against anyone that would defy this narrative.

>Movies I Like = My Politics
>Movies I Don't Like = Everyone Else's Politics

It all makes sense now.

Actually BvS is probably the most conservative superhero movie since The Dark Knight.

Yeah? How's that?

I started watching this and it starts off strong but it falls apart

too much exposition done hamfisted way
mediocre acting
action is good though but not enough for it to distinguish from Marvel movies


It's nothing like the Marvel movies. Which is why people hated it.

>the pre 9/11 American dream
Something so vague that it's essentially meaningless.

>the election of Donald Trump proves that audiences were receptive to Snyder's vision
Correlation =/= causation.

Donald Trump and Superman are absolutely nothing alike.

This completely disregards the fact that Lex Luthor is an arms-dealer, a representation of the Military-Industrial Complex.

And that Batman's newfound purpose includes building an international (Wonder Woman, Aquaman) alliance to fight the coming invasion.

And that's just two of the more obvious problems with this reading.

>an autist actually took the time to type all that

People didn't even hate BvS that much, there was a huge divide in the audience's reception vs the critic's reception.

Most people actually enjoyed both CW and BvS. Guess what, dipshit, you don't have to pick sides.

Is that kieth davids voice in the webm? What movie is it from?


kys idiot

Cool it CTR

The lection is over, retard. Now stop it with the shitty memes.

Oh it's just getting started. You're in for 8 years of memes son. There is no going off this ride.

Yes? Marvel has been left-leaning since forever. By which I mean the 60's.

>not Donald
One job faggot

fucking idiot newfag.

Political opinions in 2016 is basically equivalent to personal taste in shows and music and shit.

I'm glad you said the newfag ord this means you're an expert on Sup Forums.



Why do fags even bother

So now that you know that Bruce Wayne would support Donald Trump (he is against illegal aliens) has your opinion changed about him?

The kind of Trump worship around here is really creepy.

Politics shouldn't be about worshipping some supreme leader.

You guys are thinking conservative from like a political wedge issue mentality, true conservative values are present in this movie but it really has to do with real freedom. Superman has the capacity to help anyone, he is a private citizen though and because he's not a public servant or employed by the government, they don't want his help without putting restraints on him. Same with Batman, but Superman's story comes in the way that people express worry more about Superman. Should he help? Almost every person asks this question, except his mom. His mom frames it slightly differently, she asks "do you Have to help? " To which she says it's up to him. That's where the conservative message comes in. In the form of privacy, free speech, taxes, etc. All of these are areas that the government can inhibit your freedoms, allegorical to inhibiting Supes. That's how this movie is slightly conservative. Civil War attempts to tackle these issues as well but they really miss the point of the argument.

>Politics shouldn't be about worshipping some supreme leader.
We humans are made to worship something.

Whether it be a God, a musician, a politician or the president. It's what we do.

The opening scene is literal 9/11.

btw Zack Snyder has been putting Islamic/9/11 references in his films as far back as Dawn of the Dead.

The opening shot of Dawn of the Dead is Muslims praying until a zombie outbreak occurs amongst the Muslims.

It does.

At a point you're going into the "good of the people" argument, which for all intents and purposes is a liberal, socialist ideology. Not trying to say you're wrong or really get into politics, but on subject with OP im explaining the perspective

>humans are made

What the fuck is this article even about? I don't wanna give those fuckers another click.

All of Zack Snyder's films are political. The American Christian nation being threatened by outside terrorists.

Zod, Superman - these are symbolic of Americans being fearful of Muslims and immigrants.

Watch that video which explains this.

Watch this video

It explains what Zack does in his movies

Man of Steel

>Islamic parents are having their house bombed by Islamic terrorists and thus send their son away to live in America who is raised by American parents
>The Islamic child grows up when Islamic terrorists come to find him and threaten to destroy America
>War breaks out as the Islamic grown child murders the Islamic terrorist leader
>An American military asks the Islamic grown child at the end of the movie "How do I know I can trust you" when he responds "I grew up in Kansas, I am as American as I can get".

Man of Steel is symbolic of Americans fearing Islamic immigrants and "aliens" that are different from their home country.

>implying the BvS intro/MoS ending isn't Christianity battling the Islamist hordes

Fanboys do not own the franchises of Batman and Superman movies, so director Zack Snyder went against the mob and dared to raise the genre to a level of adult sophistication in 2013’s Man of Steel, the most emotionally powerful superhero movie ever made. (Fanboys hated it.) Snyder’s sequel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice adds politics, bringing to the fantasy some contemporary, real-world concerns. This is not conventional comic-book allegory; rather, Snyder uses the figures of Batman (Ben Affleck) and Superman (Henry Cavill) walloping each other to give visible substance to social and moral issues, much as Greek tragedy does. He takes the wildest, Bizarro World fiction — of two superheroes turned super foes — and uses the premise to explicate our current dilemmas concerning power, principles, and divinity.

It helps that Snyder is also visionary, inclined to extravagant spectacle and gifted with a signature erotic touch. An early montage equates violence, wealth, loss, and grief through symbolic images of bullets, pearls, blood, and tears. It is witnessed by the young Bruce Wayne, a paranoid orphaned millionaire who misconstrues Superman’s involvement in the previous film’s battle that devastated Metropolis (and traumatized nearby Gotham City), and so he vows a vigilante’s revenge. With its legal-brief title, Batman v Superman reflects the confusion that pits secularists against believers, and the partisanship that inhibits national alliance. This tension is so visually amped up that the opposition of Batman to Superman feels revelatory: Man versus the god in Man.

You're just now figuring that out?

>This tension is so visually amped up that the opposition of Batman to Superman feels revelatory: Man versus the god in Man.
Based White.

Based Armond


Based negro.

>Still rumbling about Gamergate

I guess GG is the 9/11 of the internet for leftist

"Mankind has a long history of following powerful figures down the road to unspeakable atrocities."

"For it is the doom of man the he forgets."

>yfw Trump got elected and GG won

And how we're terrified of nuclear Islam.

The avengers even made an ad for shillary

All cucks

Superman isn't Islam. Superman is a force of good. At best case scenario, Islam is non-malign. And that is the best-case scenario. Superman is more akin to Christianity considering Zack's own faith and origins.

DCucks are so stupid

Not with Ben Affleck as Batman.

Don't think of it in terms of religion. Think in terms of culture, like how it's possible to be culturally Judeo-Christian just by virtue of growing up in the West.

who was he talking to I always just see the pics of ben

Why do critics hate Synder and Bay so much? I'm not necessarily referring to the hate that their movies get, they're just always referred to as douche-bags and the like. I can kind of understand calling Bay a douche-bag after the whole Megan Fox thing but Snyder seems like an okay guy. Is it just because he's a white male that happens to be in good shape?

>"i don't like synder's politics therefore he's the worst ever!"

Yes, along with his beliefs.

Bill Maher and Sam Harris.

He's a conservative filmmaker. They always get a shitstorm attracted to them. The media narrative is predominantly liberal.

Politics. Both are conservatives, and it shows in their movies.

I liked BvS a bit more than Civil War because Civil War felt like a horse designed by committee.

Winter Soldier on the other hand is based

Worship my dick faggot.

Time to make #IMFAT happen.

BvS was complete trash. The plot was so contrived. Why is there even a thread about this movie?

No, but nice try

It was incredibly easy to follow. You must've just been born retarded my fellow Marvel fan.

thanks! god what cunts

My comment was incredibly easy to follow. I didn't say it was difficult to follow, it was contrived. You must've just been born stupid.

Go on. Tell us how much you loved Civil War.

Civil War was garbage go fuck yourself there isn't a binary position of thinking one movie is good just because another is abysmally bad. They're all trash.

>Fat DCucks actually waste their time doing this

Stop falseflagging, #IMFAT is a legit movement against bigots like you DC/Trump supporters

Falseflagger you won't bring down IMFAT

>IP doesn't change

>islamic extremism is not conservative
