Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering.. is there any more movies with this 'repeating the same day' theme? Not as good as Groundhog Day for sure.. but gimme some suggestions. I love time travel movies .. and this theme is sort of time travel ..
Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering...
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Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering.. is there any more movies with this 'repeating the same day' theme? Not as good as Groundhog Day for sure.. but gimme some suggestions. I love time travel movies .. and this theme is sort of time travel ..
Lola rennt! (Run, Lola, Run)
Lola rennt! (Run, Lola, Run)
what is the deal with this pasta? I see it posted here almost monthly it's posted infrequently enough that it doesn't even seem like a repost. Why do you post it?
what is the deal with this pasta? I see it posted here almost monthly it's posted infrequently enough that it doesn't even seem like a repost. Why do you post it?
This board is a fucking train-wreck.
Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering.. is there any more movies with this 'repeating the same day' theme? Not as good as Groundhog Day for sure.. but gimme some suggestions. I love time travel movies .. and this theme is sort of time travel ..
This board is a fucking train-wreck.
what is the deal with this pasta? I see it posted here almost monthly it's posted infrequently enough that it doesn't even seem like a repost. Why do you post it?