Christopher Nolan is making a war film based off the famous chickening out of the Brits at Dunkirk, where when shit got a bit heated, they scampered off as fast as they could, relying on the civilians of the country they were deserting to the Nazis to run off with their tails between their legs.
And he's trying to portray it as heroic and patriotic for Britain.
Sup Forums's thoughts?
Dunkirk: Nolan makes a patriotic film about the British military running away to let an ally die
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Do the good guys win this time?
Well the Brits tuck their tales and run away pissing their pants and Germany takes over a deserted France that's fighting alone, so if you count the Germans as the good guys yeah.
2 World Wars in a row where you euros can't do shit without us Americans.
>And he's trying to portray it as heroic and patriotic for Britain.
At least wait until a full length trailer comes out before you judge the movie. I wouldn't be surprised if he portrays it has heroic and patriotic but he might not.
>this is what brainwashed amerisharts still believe to this day
Not our fault the largest army in Europe couldn't even defend their own country
>when your this retard and have you Limey head shove so far up your ass
France sacrificed its entire 1st army at Dunkirk so britbongs could run.
Churchill compared the French to the Spartans fighting the last stand at Thermopylae
Brave Great Britain ran away.
Bravely ran away, away!
When danger reared its ugly head,
They bravely turned their tail and fled.
Yes, brave Great Britain turned about
And gallantly they chickened out.
Bravely taking to their feet
They beat a very brave retreat,
Bravest of the brave, Great Britain!
>Christopher Nolan is making
So what will the twist be?
Uhh. Literally tens of thousands of french soldiers were also evac. Only most decided to return soon after or after the Armistice. Very few stayed with DeGaulle. The Maginot lines worked. The Germans went around it through Belgium because Waffles stupidly didn't want to join the Allies in the vain hope that Germans will leave them alone lol. The Allies couldn't persuade the Waffles and were handicapped. Of course the French had shit generals and politicians but they lost so many youths in WWI that they have no stomach for another round.
Oh yeah; Europe totally would have won the war without America.
>can't do shit without americans
learn your history americuck. Pacific Theater is all yours but ffs stop taking credit in a war you barely showed up
Germany took a gamble and as a result, managed to enclosed the bongs in Dunkirk, they had no option but to retreat to water. Either that or suicide (read: fighting against a shiton of krauts with only 40,000 men).
I'd take water every fucking day
Hitler could've just slaughtered them all right then and there but instead gave the order to allow them to retreat.
but of course Anglo's are an evil bunch and they mistook his mercy for weakness
what did they mean by this?
>largest offensive in the history of the world
>barely showed up
>taking history lessons from retarded cucks on an anonymous child porn image board
Since Nolan can't understand humans he probably just thought the fact that British people were fighting made it a heroic story and nobody had covered the topic before so it was his turn.
wtf i hate jews now
too many people here won't get this
But you're one of the cool and knowledgeable ones thanks for the heads up cool guy
europe would have won the war against who? the jew?
Fucking retarded. To suggest that even with a German victory in the Battle of Britain (without even going into what that would actually entail), that a hypothetical German invasion of the British Isles was possible is totally laughable. There was no chance of that. The Kriegsmarine had not a 1% chance of victory. A German invasion of Britain in WW2 is absolutely absurd. Air superiority doesn't magic Germany the ships necessary to do that. Planes alone can't secure the channel for Germany.
As far as the land war in Europe, yeah Americans didn't do the brunt of the fighting and the dying. However, the industrial contribution of the United States to both the Soviet Union and Britain is so huge it's almost impossible to overstate. The Soviets would have been overcome without American trucks, airplanes, and general supplies.
It's not to say that the U.S. won the war solo, but the contribution was IMMENSE. That picture seems like the British equivalent of a typical layman American's view of history desu.
Hitler wanted the infantry to catch up to the much further advanced panzer divisions.
It's debatable whether he let them have two days to retreat out of mercy or if it was all the mud from heavy rains that slowed down the trucks full of troops.
>Literally ran from Saigon in civie yachts after LOSING the war.
the question is why is nolan using a boyband as an actor ?
>chickening out
a tactical retreat is not "chickening out", there is no point losing lives and time fighting over useless strategical points. When the enemy has stronger forces and positioning, retreating is the most sensible strategy.
If only America knew about that they wouldn't have sent all their conscripted civilians to die in Vietnam, where they were out skilled by terrain.
Numerically this true, but by many accounts the arrival of American troops really turned things around all the over the place. In particular Americans were fearless in trench warfare and would be often get killed but also seemed to give them a sort of advantage sometimes. As one source put it, it's hard to fight stupid.
>Americans were fearless in trench warfare
where did you get this nugget of shit
>what is russia
what a dumb negro
>when your this retard
>when your
how could anybody take burgershits seriously?
>Oh shit they have a bunch of surplus broken AKs and shit covered sticks, RUN
If any of the big three allies gave up or didn't fight they would have lost.
No USA and - no chance for Britain to get rejuvenated after hemmoraging material and manpower and having to fight the Germans and Italians on a shoestring budget in Africa, the Mediterranean becomes a German-Italian lake, Suez is lost, the Middle-East is lost. No Lend-lease to the Soviets, no USA manpower to let Britain invade Italy or have any viability of invading the Balkans and thus tying down more German divisions and no USA manpower to allow Britain to invade Western Europe. Failure to alleviate the strain on the Soviets means Stalin finds the British/Western allies "willing to fight to the last Russian" and tries to make separate peace with Hitler. Also no USA to distract Japan which means they can assault the Russians in the east.
No Britain and - USA has no means of breaking into Europe, no foundation to work from towards the mediterranean and the maghreb, the Middle-East turns pro-Axis and thus no Iran corridor to supply the Soviets, the Nips waltz through Indo-China, Hitler gets Suez.
No Soviets and GG no RE impossible for USA and Britain to break into fortress Europe, more divisions than Hitler knows what to do with and can merrily go and take Suez take Gibraltar take the Middle-East and march off to fucking India.
And all the British chest-thumping of forgets the constant string of fuckup failures of the British. In France, in Norway, Greece, in the Maghreb until they got their shit together and had resupplies of tanks and material by the USA.
>britain would be able to prosecute the war indefinitely through bombing and blockades.
Crock of shit given the attrition of the uboats, the slim pickings of aircraft after the battle of britain and how few they had on hand to help in the Maghreb and Mediterranean, and the fact that blockades mean fuck all for a Germany that holds fortress Europe. If Britain could just blockade without a care in the world begs a real question why they had to run with their tail between their legs and abandon so much material in Greece and why the Germans were able to keep resupplying the Africa Korps until finally Torch threatened to cut them off and they withdrew (Without being blockaded by the British). In 1943.
>When George Greenfield, part of the british contingent at the November-December 1943 Teheran Conference, proposed a toast to "El Alamein" in reply to the numerous toasts offered to "The battle for Kiev" and "stalingrad", the contingent of soviet officers, who had never heard of El Alamein, looked perplexed and asked how many Axis divisions had fought in the battle. "To make the 8th army look good I told a lie, or at least a wild exaggeration" remembered Greenfield. "About fifteen". 'In the Soviet Army, we do not call that a battle', the soviet officer replied after a moment of reflection. 'To us, that is a skirmish'".
Yes, I am certain Russia would run to the defense of Britain and France.
you don't lose the jewel of your country's manhood over a period of 100 years, and still go looking for a fight.
>I get my history from an anonymous image-board commonly used for anime porn and CP
Imagine being this fucking stupid.
You mean the Russia that's entire military was supplied and bankrolled by America to keep them in the fight so that turnip farmers with pitchforks wouldn't collapse at the sight of a second wave of Germans once France was fully pacified and the UK declared neutrality?
You mongs have no idea how close the Soviets got to folding like a Hallmark card before 1941.
better than common core and american education LMAO
Resorting to more memes I see. Need to get out more, read more.
Weve all seen Saturday Night Live idiot
>You mongs have no idea how close the Soviets got to folding like a Hallmark card before 1941.
Your schools teach alternate history, that's interesting.
Also explains American being under half the planet in educations tandards.
Using OP's logic the Germans were the biggest cowards of the war, they had the most retreats and the entire war 1941-1945 for them was basically one big retreat.
This is so adorable.
The Germans didn't even inflict 2:1 kill ratio on the soviet army, they just killed a lot of civilians and prisoners. Fortunately for the Germans the Soviets were more merciful
>mfw I have no face that neither of you, when talking about something that is historically documented, bring up facts or stats.
Might as well be pissing in the wind or jerking yourself off you fuckwits.
This is how you do it.
If the French weren't willing to die for France why should the British?
>Le vague reference man