The Pacific

8/10, little more tame than band of brothers though

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The Snafu and Sledge OTP elevates the series so much. Imo it goes: Sledge's story>Band of Brothers>Non Sledge The Pacific

holy shit agreed, sledge and snafu were goat

leckie had the conventional literary asides and reflections but snafu and sledge evolved more as characters and articulated their thoughts profoundly by saying less but in their unique voices

this guy should have played Snowden

100% agree
>Ending of With the Old Breed painful sates how the end of the war was not like a movie.
>typical movie ending in the show

Still awesome.

>little more tame than band of brothers though

How so?
Just started watching Band of Brothers and haven't made it to The Pacific yet.

I disagree, tame in the aspect that Pacific was more 'war horror'.

But tame in regard to as much of an enveloping production as BoB, sure.

I was bored out my mind 4 episodes in and never went back

This coming from a guy who spent 120$ on the tin BoB collectors DVD back in early 00's

I just watched it a couple weeks back after BoB and GK, I don't feel it compares to either. Sledge had a nice arc but overall it was dull, and the literary guy was just cartoonish.

>more tame
Okay chum

Besides Leckie having a happy ending, I thought episode 10 handled it really well how the ending of the war wasn't a movie.

It certainly wasn't like Band of Brother's happy uplifting ending. Sledge and the other marines having a pretty dull return and getting no celebration, Sledge trying to reintegrate back into civilian life with no success, and Sledge having to deal with PTSD made it as good an ending as it could have.

Yeah, I don't remember anything in Band of Brothers coming close to that. Granted it's been a while since I've watched it.

Not him, Pacific is way more violent.

However, there are civilian backstory scenes and the narrative is fractured, whereas BoB is all war and follows one group of people from start to finish, so it's more engaging when someone is killed.

Band of Brothers>Generation Kill>(power gap)>Pacific

Love interests and nudity actually took away from the Pacific.

They need to hurry the fuck up and make the series about the bomber crews.

I was reading Slaughterhouse 5 and was thinking a HBO series about a WW2 POW camp would be interesting if done right.

They should have cut the entire Australia arc.


It was annoying to keep track of the individual stories. HBO should really make a show about post-war drama at home with the onset of the Korean War.

Band of Brothers is absolutely flawless.

My grandfather was a radioman in the Pacific during WWII. I have his log book and his silk map of the Philippines.

The most interesting and sad part of the show is the train ride home a everything afterwards.

My great uncle was a radar engineer. One of the early guys to do it. He eventually went to IBM when it began.

Sledge was my favorite story.

Him and Basilone. All others were dumb.

>sledge has opportunity to impress the pretty blonde
>goes vader instead all over her about killing japs and being good at killing japs

He went on to sell cigarettes, vending machines, and slot machines.

She was condescending as fuck. What else could he have said to her?

>nothing happens
>nothing happens
>nothing happens
>nothing happens
>radio operator and a waist gunner get hit from flak fragments
>bombs miss ball bearing factory
>nothing happens
>nothing happens
>radio operator bleeds out
>nothing happens
>get drunk
>only 24 more missions to go


The Old Breed > Band of Brothers > Rest of the Pacific.

Im reading the book now and sledge recounts it as the crown of his head being shot away.

Its the best account of a combat soldier ever written.