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Alpha thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw never be alpha
>tfw never fuck mexican midgets
why even live senpai?
>used steroids
>made millions of dollars as a direct result of cheating by using steroids
>revered worldwide as a direct result of cheating by using steroids
Oh, I'm laughin'.
you JUST know
How long do you think it would take for prime Mike Tyson to beat up prime Schwarzenegger in a street fight? Does he?
Iron Mike was literally One Punch Man. His hooks were deadly and would make the most hardened boxers flinch. Arnold is dead after one straight.
>manlet beating based arnold
top lel m8
>a bodybuilder could actually beat a professional boxer in a fight
look at this retard.
How can black bois even compete?
Someone post that scene of young Mike in his prime training, you think the clip is sped up but his speed is literally NANI!? tier fast.
One punch unless Arnie can shoot a double leg quickly and take him down which I doubt
If he'd remained at light-heavyweight and had a promoter who wasn't primordial scum like Don King, would Tyson have been the greatest?
Nah he was just great at mindgames. Holyfield always said tyson wasnt that hard of a puncher.
Because he didn't fight Tyson in his prime.
>using steroids
You do know that every single bodybuilder uses steroids right?
Shh. Face the truth. Your hero is a sham. Now go softly to sleep, dear pet.
No one is more alpha than he.
>shit governor that banned 50 bmg rounds being my hero
he could die in a hole for all i care, along with all the rest of bodybuilders.
They're all faggots in my book.
looks like a 2nd or 3rd animorph picture
>If most people cheat it is no longer cheating
Bodybuilders are good for show but not much else
Well obviously. It's be like pitting michael phelps against The Rock in a swimming race, it's obvious who'd win. They train for completley different things. Anyone who'd think a bodybuilder could win a fight against a trained fighter is a fucking moron. I've lifted for 7 years but I know some manlet whos a trained fighter could kick my sorry ass.
Yes and no, a trained fighter can beat a untrained bodybuilder. But a 100lb weight advantage is huge, pretending it isn't is like saying a wolf could take a gorilla.
Probably. He needed a handler to keep him out of trouble and a promoter who could make him a long term fighter, a champion and a legend instead of a cash cow.