What did it mean, Sup Forums?
What did it mean, Sup Forums?
That you're a fag.
But Kidman made me rock hard
Illumanti bullshit
>dreams are never just dreams
>the elite have bizarre sex parties and murder people without issue
Nothing, if you're referring to retarded conspiracy shit.
It's based on a french novel from the 20's. When you account for the obvious change in time period and setting, it has the exact same plot and themes beat for beat. There's nothing ominous about this movie.
It means, as opposed to squinting your eyes and seeing only profound darkness your eyes are just barely closed and you can almost see the light, you can make out the differences between light and dark but little else.
paranoia fucks up your life
nicole kidman is a cunt. she played that part too well.
I have no idea but Nicole Kidman's portrayal of smoking weed makes me think she's never actually smoked weed.
>I dream about cucking you into oblivion
What did she mean by this ?
does it need to have a meaning?
what did 2001 mean? what did Full Metal Jacket mean?
No but both of those left me with a very impactful ending.
With this piece of shit I was actually left quite pissed off after having to sit and watch this with the only actually tense scene being the kabala sex party.
>tfw none of these things actually meant anything and you connected random dots in your head because your bitch wife decided to have her period at the wrong time
Quite honestly one of kubricks worst
That it doesn't matter what the elites get up to, you can't stop them.
>implying everything after the first hour mark wasn't incredible
>being this pleb
Do they end up fucking other people? I watched it up until Kidman and that Russian dude started dancing. She kept giving him the fuck-me eyes and I felt poorly for Tom, so I gave up on the movie
No, it turns out they are both virgins
4 u
He meant that Hollywood is filled with pedo sex cults and exposing them led to his death.
>tfw all that build up and you're left with your dick in your hand and half a jar of peanut butter
That's just hurtful
I felt it was pretty straightforward. I don't get the theories that it was all a dream. The only part that really, to me, is supposed to make you think is whether or not the cult actually killed that woman and would have gone after Cruise and his family
I'm sure there's some deeper meaning meant in that but I disagree that the movie or even parts of it are meant to be a dream.
>Am I sure? Only as sure as I am that the reality of one night, let alone that of a whole lifetime, can ever be the whole truth.
>And no dream is ever just a dream.
also illuminati or some shit idk
you definitely have never smoked weed lol it was quite spot on, especially women get like this when they're high
>felt poorly for Tom
wew lad you are the definition of lame
are guise for real or trolling? i thought there was actual movie appreciation on this board, instead it's all Sup Forumstard-tier viewer comprehension and underage virgins getting triggered because of sexual tension
Kubrick is a genius. Eyes Wide Shut was his masterpiece (some of his fans dont personally like it, but the masterpiece part is universally accepted)
there are no fucking conspiracy theories
nobody gets murdered. chances are, nobody even dies at all.
Bill is a fucking naive and self-absorbed manchild and uber-cuck. dude can't get laid with his dick out and two horny gold diggins models drooling all over it.
He's got a banging wife and somehow can't wrap his brains around the fact that she's far from being a bimbo. He's convinced that women have no sex drive.
he can't get over the fact that his wife COULD have banged the navy dude, COULD have left him, but CHOSE not to - and he somehow feels like he's the one who's been cheated
there are countless indications that the whole thing is a dream (the use of blue and red colors, the building numbers when he's walking on the street, the ending scene)
come on guys, it's like you don't even want to not be mentally weak
You're 50% correct and 50% retarded
Not a dream necessarily, but the scene where he goes back to the random street hooker's house and meets her roommate gave me the impression that some scenes were Tom's character's subjective idealization of the events clouded by his libido, with a few scenes being the 'harsh reality."
There is a point in the conversation after she tells him that the roommate had AIDS that the camera angle abruptly flips and the roommate's body language/facial expression is much less sexually receptive. From that shot I could imagine an alternate conversation where the repressed Doctor imagines that this woman's sympathetic attitude towards him is a manifestation of her sexual desire for him, when in reality she was trying to deliver news that could ruin his life in the gentlest way possible, Its only after he actually hears the news that the illusion of sexual tension disappears and he is left with the reallity of the situation.
>What did it mean, Sup Forums?
Take a guess...
That's actually pretty cool
that's the point of the movie you fucking retard