Buffy would have been better if it finished with season five.
Buffy would have been better if it finished with season five
Buffy would have been better if I got to fuck Alyson Hanigan.
Buffy would have been better if Dawn had done a nude scene
Buffy would have been better if it was a prequel with Giles.
If Buffy was a dog she would have been Ruffy.
If Buffy was a plush animal, she would have been Stuffy.
Buffy was better when it was a movie.
If Buffy was on a plane with snakes on it then she would have had Enoughy
last two seasons were generally crap but several really great episodes can be found, episodes I'm glad exist
Sure if it had ended with season 5 it would never had jumped the shark, but then there would be no Tabula Rasa, Once More With Feeling or Conversations with Dead People
Buffy would have been better if they spent a whole episode of Anya not understanding how humans those days wore bras and had to be taught by all the females on the show about getting your tits out for a free meal now and then.
If they filmed Buffy getting killed then it would have been Snuffy
you mean the script the Kazuis turned into a Lost Boys knockoff? Hardly
The musical episode is literally the only good one.
If Buffy were Scottish royalty, she would have been MacDuffy
It's good but overrated as fuck and there are dozens of better ones
If Buffy stopped shaving she would be Muffy.
better than whedon's shambling monstrosity
no she would be Scruffy
The first four seasons are excellent. The movie, on the other hand, is an enjoyable but unremarkable flick
If Buffy lifted a lot of weights she would be oh wait fuck
If Buffy were a kitten she would be Fluffy
>Hey Joss, just checking in, wondering if you've given any more thought about that Buffy reunion idea.. call me
>she distances herself from the show because she got pissed at Joss
>refused to go to cons or voice the games or appear in Angel Season 5
>now all she's known for is that and Scooby-Doo, and she looks like shit
If Buffy sniffed paint she would be Huffy
>she got pissed at Joss
damn he looks p good though
Something so qt should not be moving so sexually
dunno. only girls watched this show
Buffy would have been better if it was exactly the same show except with hardcore porn scenes interjected instead of the edgy PG13 shit. It's basically a porn parody already but with better acting and production value. Would have won more awards than Pirates!
No one can stand Joss for very long.
If you say so user
dlet this pls
Why is she with a Chad
The letterman's jacket was enchanted to attract girls
The movie was shit, it was rushed as hell and didn't leave any long lasting impression
Doesnt Hannigan hate her as well?
you're delusional, season 4 was a huge drop in quality and individual arcs were terrible.
Agree (笑´・艸・) Can't complain, user.
I wanted to eat her ass so badly
Dollhouse was best Whedon
Pretty much this.
>tfw I made that webm and now cannot unsee the extras in the background totally change position after the cut
when you make webms/gifs and go through stuff frame-by-frame, things like that really jump out at you
Didn't watch that webm or read your post but what are you on about?
What about Angel?
Virtually the whole cast doesn't like him outside of the Desinofs and Acker.
Don't expect Sup Forums to get it, though. They're can't decide if they're pro-Joss since the SJWs turned on him or anti-Joss because he's a cuck.
Depends who's doing the hating, I guess.
Source me on those claims
What claims? That the cast doesn't like him? He hasn't worked with anyone one else since and they've never had a positive, non-perfunctory, thing say about the guy.
Since when? Which cast? Dushku worked with him after Buffy in Dollhouse, Acker wasn't in Buffy so it's not that + Denisof was mostly Angel.
Nobody here is pro-Joss you faggot. Him getting eaten by his own was hilarious and he deserved it
>no spike with soul
holy shit kys
Since when is Dushku a member of the principle cast? The only reason she got that gig was she has a production did with Fox for another show.
The Angel cast is the Buffy cast. Boreanaz wants nothing to do with him and was glad when Angel was over. CC, it's well known what he did to her.
Benz, Trachtenberg, Marsters, et al, have had negative things to say and also, never worked with the guy again.
he has a magic jacket makes women fuck him
Learn to punctuate, child, then actually read the threads. People were damned sure defending his dumb ass after that twitter shit.
Why are you using et al when you don't even know the difference between principal and principle? Stick to simple words, gal.
That was already posted in response to the post you were responding to. No need to post that information again. Your post was literally worthless, you contributed nothing.
>CC, it's well known what he did to her.
>Your post was literally worthless, you contributed nothing.
Et tu... ha ha ha
is this movie any good for something other than fap materiel?
>et tu
Did you mean tu quoque, fucking faggot nigger who doesn't know how to properly speak in Latin?
six feet under in hd fucking when?
>HDTV 720p rips of the show finally starting to come out
>they're ripped so bad it looks even worse than the dvd rips
why do you torment me. i have to settle with the french channel rips that have censored episodes :(