Where are the new episodes, macaronis?!
/typ/ The Young Pope General
I'm not expecting the new ep for at least 9 more hours.
This, it's usually a late Saturday or Sunday.
k, keep me posted
The wait takes forever, I hoped they would upload them right away, but I guess the series isn't popular enough in burgerland.
>tfw lenny died
hold me Sup Forumsros
prepare yourselves, you're in for a ride
what a faggot you are
I really hope he makes Vatican great again, going full Borgia conquest mode
crusade when, bros?
Is this show catholic kino?
I need some religious/wholesome tv to watch with my mom
Also, how hot is Jude Law as a pope?
Serie A is today. Don't expect new episodes until later today or maybe even tomorrow. And as for subtitles, expect them on sunday
Extremely hot
>Is this show catholic kino?
>I need some religious/wholesome tv to watch with my mom
It's very conservative, don't know how boomer parents will like that.
>Also, how hot is Jude Law as a pope?
He's sexy and he knows it.
how many episodes are out, and are they worth watching instead of playing ESO?
>playing ESO
I hope you fucking die.
The Italians already watch ep 9 and 10 but they don't want to spoil it
You can ask me anything if you want tho
>It's very conservative
How so?
My moms Catholic mate, idk how much more conservative she can be
Thanks for the heads up on JL guys
Im a big fan, hair or no hair lel
Monitoring this thread, someone please post once it is up.
>my friend bought it for me and im actually enjoying it
so is this shit on netflix or do i have to go the coke and popcorn route to watch it?
pls post more hot pics of pope law
IIRC there's no italian dialogues in ep.9-10 so you burgers won't need to wait for subs
There's some minor dialogue in ep. 10 if I remember correctly. Ep 9 is clear
Where do you get the subs for this show?
Where? i don't remember any
>mfw I made this pepe
Is that how it feels to see your child being successful in life?
Addic7ed usually has everything for tv shows.
download bs player
so where can I find links for ep 1? Its so interesting that my autism was triggered
Oh, come on now, leak the episodes already.
Cant find ep9 and ep10 anywhere. Has it been aired yet?
Voiello did nothing wrong
Was aired Friday evening
Just upload it this evening. I want it to be comfy.
It seems like a good show. Should I start watching it now or wait until January/February?
Did I liked it ?
Why wait till January? Do it.
The last two episodes should be released within the next couple of hours so you could just watch the whole season now.
based voiello
>mfw waiting for new episodes
I'm hyped for the popes scene.
is this the season finale :(
Lets help each other and post when we see that the episodes are up.
A lot of Catholics aren't that conservative though. Everyone who went to a Catholic school knows that.
It doesn't matter anyway, the show isn't conservative.
If you are here you should know the answer to that
Why did you bring that awful pic to this thread? Are you one of those evolution deniers?
please kill me, i want this song out of my brain
its evening already, your siesta is over macaronis! upload now!
last week they uploaded it around 9 PM CET
>still no torrent
the opening credits fill me with so much glee
it perfectly fits the show and sets the tone so well
damn I love this show
ayyy who dat?
>boomers are liberal
Meme. Hippies were a very small subset.Boomers are the most conservative generation next to what's left of the silent.
blocked in my country
i liked when they changed the opening song in ep 3 or 4 i believe to better fit the sad tone of the episode.
lazy bloody italians. give me my fix already.
great cover of all along the watchtower, Ringtone material.
>muh parents
Why do people like this show?
is this show anything more than "DUDE CATHOLICS ARE EVIL LMAO!" ?
Yeah, and in this case cover is actually SO MUCH BETTER without lyrics: youtu.be
Fuck off retard
not an answer, check your fanboyism
All right my fellow negroids. What is the verdick? Is it better than that awful priest show?
He doesn't want to give you an answer.
Yes, it's highly critical of religion thru a study of a mad man trying to take the church to middle ages. What else do you fucking expect?
Now fuck off.
You're indeed a retard, and the show isn't fedoracore in the slightest. You can watch it.
Why don't you fucking google it normie.
>youre a retard for not knowing what a fictional television show you have never seen is about
you are getting upset over nothing
So far it's 8/10, let's wait for the ending though.
Still no upload?
no, you're a retard because you were assuming it's liberal anti christian
>its retarded to make assumptions that are perfectly reasonable and that are right
Its funny how one of the apparent themes of the show is the dangers of unquestionable dogma, yet you lash out at someone who questions a show you enjoy
Yeah, last two episodes. Should be up at the same time.
why do they air two episodes at the same time?
To deliver us more fun.
goddamnit where are the episodes
lord save us
Lord you must, you must, you must, you must upload these episodes! Amen.
>tfw already rewatching the entire series in HD
Thanks sky atlantic