What aren't there more ebony goddesses in tv and film?
What aren't there more ebony goddesses in tv and film?
Why are black men so gay?
Every black dude seems to be a down low faggot
Poor impulse control
I'm glad they are, if you know what I mean.
Desperation for sexual contact.
Hard to tell the difference between male and female apes
lol wat
is that dick real? surely it must suck for both parties not being able to go balls deep?
that is way too large. i'll show my wife and see what she says
People have sex drives?
google fisting
funniest part is how he has a boner. pretending to be a chick gave him a boner
I'm sure you could take it easily, Satan
Thicc af desu
this is probably why I think about sucking cocks. no matter what they tell you never ever having sex ever fucks up your wiring
hes probably really short. those earbuds look massive
>Booty Warrior's face when
>top white athlete in the past century is now a fucked up looking he-she
>homophobia is mostly openly accepted in the black community
>i-it's just perspective!
That's some of the funniest insecurity I've seen.
i've not had it for 2 years and i feel this way and probably had it every single day from when i was 16-19 with some spells up until i was 21.
always felt that way tho tbqh
it's probably because your dad put his penis in your mouth when you were a baby
Why's it so fucking big
Fuck off with reddit tier hag shit
Whatever happened to good ole Anthony Jeslenik???
He dumped the ((((((Chosen One)))))) and lost anything resembling a career, because of it.
that's a big nigger dick
dont project on me buddy. his earbuds look really big on his chest. mine are like the size of my thumbnail, and theyre standard size
You know the only reason I envy big dicks is because I have a tiny one and it's been the reason why I've never been laid despite getting 2 girls into bed (watch how fast a woman walks when she sees your tiny dick).
But this webm I don't really feel envy because how the fuck do you comfortably have sex with that? You basically have to halt your thrusting 1/3 of the way through, lest you fucking impale them.
maybe he has big ears?