LMAO this marine lieutenant colonel was sentence to TWENTY fucking years and he never even showed up
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Oh they finally came back? Fuck their scheduling..
Lmao, seriously? What did they show?
That seems kind of crazy. Why didn't he just claim he assumed they were roleplaying? And based on the fact that there was never any 13 year old, isn't this just thought crime?
So the 2nd guy never said anything overtly sexual, never came to the house, never sent nudes, and he still got a suspended 10 year sentence and 3 years probation?
Literally what the fuck?
Do you have to do this in every thread?
Not that guy, but when they don't even show up, and still get 10 YEARS in prison, that's way too fucked up.
They called it off+they were never talking to an underage child anyway.
Two words:
Butthurt pedos
Oh wow that fake show where the people trying to catch the pedo are doing more illegal things than the pedos themselves.
Butthurt pedo detected
>never came to the house
He literally did though
I know replying to you retard is useless. Only in the fucking US it's possible to get 10 years prison for chatting with another adult.
>oh I know what we're doing for a show we're going to a pedo chatroom (nvm how we found one) and pretend being a child. Oh wait it's not even a pedo chatroom because then we'd be seeing illegal stuff. We're playing bait-and-switch (although this is illegal because we're not police).
Seriously I have nothing against the police using honeypots to get pedos into prison but there are so many things wrong with this show. It's a fucking show, this ain't no investigative journalism. What Hansen should be asking himself is if he thinks playing pretend with strangers should be his legacy in this world.
This shit drives home the point more than ever, you get caught, don't talk to the cops. GET A FUCKING LAWYER ASAP
>What Hansen should be asking himself is if he thinks playing pretend with strangers should be his legacy in this world.
Think about that for a second. The only reason he brought back the show was because he has nothing else.
>13 yr. old
>another adult
It wasn't actually a 13 year old bro, it was just fbi pretending to be
He didn't know that though.
they're not fbi
It wasn't a child. It wasn't FBI either. It was one of the show pretending to be a girl. I mean everyone who's falling for this is pretty retarded but getting jailtime for talking to a bald, fat guy pretending to be a cute girl? Chris Hansen could invite half of the *chan userbase for merely visiting this site.
>We're playing bait-and-switch (although this is illegal because we're not police).
No it's not
It is. Only law enforcement is allowed to pull this shit. Try the same tactic as a drugdealer, chances are your charges will be higher than the person you're trying to sell out.
1. They work with law enforcement
2. A better analogy would be pretending to be a drug dealer but never actually having any drugs.
What are they doing that's illegal
It doesn't matter, even if they're working with the head of FBI and Homeland Security.
I guess it gets tolerated because people like you love filling prisons with people who played pretend OTI.
But that still doesn't make sense, or enough sense to incriminate anyone anyway.
>i've got drugs, you want to buy some drugs
>yeah, give me a teenth
>oh lol sorry got no drugs, let me arrest you either way
I want someone to scare the decoy so bad she pisses herself
This show is insane. They are tricking normal men into doing something that is completely legal in many other countries and something 99% of men would do if given the chance, and then throwing them in jail for years for it.
The American justice system is a joke.
When will we see you on the show?
This is some minority report shit
What I find more disturbing is that the organization "Perverted Justice" builds profiles presenting themselves as underaged boys and girls then chat with people until they get engaged with sexual talk then agree to meet with them. Hansen himself defines the people they catch this way as sexual predators and not pedophiles. The same organization could lure men under the disguise of being an 18yo woman but nobody besides hardcore feminists would jump the shark calling those caught men rapists.
The moral of the story is don't look for any kind of pussy online
Don't look for pussy period
Literally all you have to do is not be a fucking pedo and you're good.
Back to cunny threads you go.
this guy got 20 years in prison suspended after 10 years for chatting with an adult pretending to be a 13 year old
am I the only one amazed by this or it it because I'm german?
No, the moral is don't go after underage pussy. These people knew fully well what they were getting into.
hell you dont even get 10 years for actually raping a woman in germany
>go to prison for 20 years for roleplaying online
and hoooome of theeee braaaaaaavveeeee
>a footfag
What a scum
>Send a couple of "raunchy" texts
>Realise you're thinking with your dick and call it off
>10 years in the clink
>Literally all you have to do is not be a fucking pedo
That's like telling someone to just not be gay. What you meant to say was "just don't molest a child," which he in fact didn't do, and couldn't do, because he never even went to the house.
You normally don't get 10 years for rape in the US either.
I thought this "To Catch A Predator" thing with Hansen ended over a decade ago? Is it still ongoing or did they take a 10 year break or something?
it's not even normal men a lot of the time, it's like extremely lonely men who are starved of human connection
the tv show poses as a person who is showing interest in them and persuading them that it's OK to come see them even when the guy is like 'nah this aint cool'
You talking about the virigina guy?
Look up the statute they got him on. Shits fucking insane.
Wait, what the fuck?
Luckily, I'm into MILFs so I never have to worry about this shit, but merely texting with a FAKE underage girl and never even seeing the FAKE underage girl in person is illegal? Also, people start sexual fantasies much earlier than that.
I hate this fucking planet. Dude wasn't even a funny creep, he was someone who served the country and he can't even get some teenage pussy when he gets out. Russia sounds better and better every day. I've lived in the USA my whole life and I am getting sick and tired of everyone being a moral crusader.
13 is ephebophile, aka EVERY SINGLE MAN EVER.
Except for the gays.