Why are Sal and Murr the only ones the lose?
Impractical jokers
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because when Q loses, he cries like a child
they all ugly so don't care
Because Joe isn't easily beaten.
>both act like faggots
>wonder why they lose all the time
Joe honestly would never lose but the producers have to keep him from going too far. Guy literally doesn't car about any awkward situation
The only normie show that's actually good
And Murr and Joe are the stars of the show
I don't think so
He still hesitates to do disgusting shit like Murr does
But when it comes to spoken shit, he's the boss
Are you gay
no. even if i am, i won't hook up with an user on an user board especially 4chen user board. sorry.
and i'm saying again: they all soooo ugly. sage. downvote. #thumbsdown.
>tfw haven't kept in touch with anyone from my high school
>see these four guys being pals since high school and just dicking around
Feels fucking bad man
the reason joe wins all the time is because he just comes off as insane and so people will just oblige him to end the conversation as quickly as possible because they don't want to get murdered by some crazy guy.
considering that he will do anything, youd think the other guys would push his limits to find things that he actually wouldn't do, but then joe holds a grudge and get them back even worse on their own turns, so they just end up pussyfooting around him and he ends up winning all the time
joe a shit desu
Then what about Q? He's the one who has the highest no. of thumbs up (207) as compared to joe (205) though both are tied for the least amount of punishments received (30)
Do any ants browse Sup Forums?
Reminder that Fe-mail and Strip High Five are GOAT punishments
fuck you. Q is the best
joe will say and doing anything
Cause Sal's your average goody-two-shoes and it's quite fun seeing an overall fag facing the blunt of the punishment
And Murr's your average Sup Forumstard who's down for most of the shit and is quite frankly the joker of the group
joe only looses when he cant get the mark to do what he wants them to
>literal neckbeard
Q at least has an Achilles heel, when it comes to pranking qt girls, he almost always has visible anxiety with the tasks they give him and that has gotten him a thumbs down plenty of times
Q is weird. sometimes he has no problem doing almost anything.
Other times he clams up on simple things
Murr losing is fan service
Sal loses because he has the funniest reactions also always says no to pranking women
Q is the worst one
Honestly this, sal gets second because his reactions and losses are by far the funniest
Q is by far the most interesting
If we were on a lesser site like Reddit i would totally up vote your comment right now
Surprised Joe and Sal haven't made a spin off show and called it "I Dare You featuring Impractical Jokers' Joe and Sal"
even his name is boring.
Go home brian
Hey Brian
Go work on the fucking show instead of shit posting here on Sup Forums, you hobo
and who's brian and what i'm saying no to?
>Q is the most interesting
Literally what
What is the interesting bit about him? The fact that he's a single man child with 30 cats or the fact that he got cucked by a hot cop
Is he /ourguy/?
This is honestly one of my favorite shows.
It blows my mind how this one show is probably keeping that shit stain of a network called Tru TV on the air.
I do enjoy World's Dumbest though. Even though most of the comedians are kind of unfunny, I enjoy that short irish boxer man.
> he got cucked by a hot cop
Wait what, was that one of his punishments?
Q is the best!
Lost his fiance to a hot cop, supposedly.
jeeeesuuuz almighty up and down the deepest pits of hell and beyond /yourguy/ is sooooo disgustingly ugly
I'm sorry you have to stoop so low to hook up with Sup Forums people, but that's not my problem. Anyway only a gaylord would judge a show based on the looks of their same sex
I'm sorry you're so ugly desperately trying to hook up with 4chen people, but that's not my problem. Anyway, only a foreveralonevirgin would be so jelly of good-looking people of the same sex.
Is Sal white?
doesn't matter what color he is. he's fat ugly.
ummmm.... no. there is no debating this
maybe this is why my life is a bottomlesspitshitstain. i'm gathering so much bad karma universe can't wait until my next life to hammer me. but i come here because my life is a bottomlessshitstain. it's a vicious cycle.
He's either Sicilian or Italian, so no.
My Favorite show on Television. Who's your favorite side character? Mine's Sloppy Joe.
he's an American "white"
Does he have a smalltooth?
IIRC, Joe doesn't say shit about his wife, or do anything that could annoy her.
Because Murr either pusses out or Sal gives him some unthinkable task
Sal loses because he gets embarassed easily