are there any good movies about Rhodesia? I was never taught anything about the place in school, but it seems very interesting.
Are there any good movies about Rhodesia? I was never taught anything about the place in school...
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Just watch Black Hawk down it's similar niggers getting killed.
it doesn't exist anymore, there are docs on yt about sandline's contracts there. try asking again during south african hours
Yes it does. It's just not a racist hell hole anymore.
I don't know shit about this movie, but it's got a pretty sweet cast.
Rhodesia is too hard to explain to an audience. You got like the savages on one side, white people who aren't really white on the other. Hollywood doesn't really care because there's no American angle, not even from a Cold War perspective. It's just another civil war that no one really cared about.
as a political entity nope dem cowboy days are over
>. It's just not a racist hell hole anymore.
>first thing the bantu niggers do is mass murder and expell the ndebele tribes
Yeah ok timmy
Go back to Sup Forums
it looked fun
No I just corrected you,
It's still a racist shithole on addition that it's a starving bankrupted shithole.
>you can be the hardest fighting monkeyfighter on this Monday to Friday planet but all your efforts can be undone by some bullshit politics
Just fuck my shit up
Hotel Rhodesia
Don Cheadle kino.
All work for nothing
>Professional Adventurers
I would like to have that on my resume.
Metal Gear Solid 5
>it's a /k/ cancer spills out of its containment board episode
you are not alpha enough, lad
Who the fuck are you quoting?
fucking beautiful
what is this meme
Rhodesia is a /k/ meme newfriend
Who were you quoting though?
Only someone from /k/ would know that.
Did you just rat on yourself?
who will portrait him?
*eats cyanide pill*
Only retarded Sup Forums teenagers care about Rhodesia.
Absolutely REKT. How will /k/ ever recover?
its on youtube
Search green leader raid on yt.
I have literally no idea what they are talking about
Sup Forums and Sup Forums to a lesser respect love Rhodesia fagfriend
>you will never be this comfy