What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
that greedy fuck didn't care about anything except that big diamond
Look at his nose. Clearly a jew
big ole' racist
Was this Kino?
This chicken scared the shit out of me as a child, and still does.
Tip top kino.
I always thought it was a penguin
Yes. Literally in the top 10 of all time.
yes why is this even a question
Is this the funniest movie scene ever filmed?
Likewise. Still gives me a little tingle down the spine when he stares
Stop motion is not filmed
it's LITERALLY "sides, meet orbit" type of scene
Yes, but at the risk of being called a nigger or sent back to red.dit, I have to say that I prefer A Close Shave.
>Was this Kino?
Why do you even need to ask that question?
for you
Watched it every time it was played on PBS during their donation drives for maximum comfy.
Wrong Trousers > Grand Day Out > Close Shave
>brits in charge of kawaii
Hes never seen the movie...
I don't wanna ruin everyone childhood..
but i heard a rumor from my mates dad who works at Scotland yard that there lining up Wallace for a investigation linked to Operation Yewtree
Is that Pingu?
Name a better chase scene. Go on, try.
>scene begins
>Waif-like woman beating the crap out of multiple larger orcs within twenty seconds
Yeah, I'm not gonna be finishing that
Delet this
Marathoned A Matter of Loaf & Death recently, it holds up pretty well desu
Post yfw the trousers are wrong
Posting essential claykino.
Literally kino.
>Implying that sheep isn't cute