Wait, did they give her CGI boobs?
That is just weird.
Wait, did they give her CGI boobs?
That is just weird.
Other urls found in this thread:
>what is a push up bra type thing
OP is a virgin you stupid fucking idiot
just finished this
what a shitty flick
pushups tend to you know, push
rude desu
I keep having dreams about Cara. We are in love
Yes. Don't ask why, they just did.
Her regular "dirty" costume has a pushup bra in it, and it shows. That looks physically painful to try and create so much tits out of her bee stings.
he's right though
>get powered up
>tits double in size for some reason
worse movie I have watched for a very long time.
forced edgy music, forced will smith, forced harley scenes.
did you see that part where enchantress does a little dance for no reason. this film is shit
because the enchantress was completely cgi, op
no different than ultron
why did they make her shake her hips the whole time? that looked so stupid
Say again?
Whereas there's no pushup going on there, they just CG'd bigger tits on her for some reason.
Seriously? Why would you do that? That is just needless.
is the extended bluray out yet?
i wanna pirate it
dude, come on
>not shutting it off after the first half hour
You guys haven't seen The Avengers?
They thought a girl in a bikini doing a silly dance would make for a compelling villain.
it's probably the worst capeshit I've ever seen
but why?
Suicide Squad:
>Everyone slowly walks through some streets for half the movie
everything about her was cgi
wouldn't surprise me if in the bts videos she has green bodypaint
I actually thought this was edited by someone here. Imagine the laughter seeing the video and its correct, frame for frame
be honest, if you had an oculus you'd feel up her digital boobs
How was it CG? Her whole deal was just the actress in a bikini
That's clearly not a push up bra.
She was pretty hot in her witch getup. In real life she's not hot at all, total man face with a bad body, but as the twitchy dirty witch she was hot.
Weren't people claiming they enhanced Harley's ass with CG? If that's true maybe they did enhance Cara's rack with CG as well.
>all those people getting triggered because Enchantress had to kiss everyone to turn them
>she only kissed one guy and the actual kiss was never shown
the way there were bitching about i thought it was all tongue in in explicit close up detail
>dude CGI monsters lmao
When will they learn?
>villain is a human girl in a bikini with a headdress
>Make her entirely CG
Why even hire an actress? Just to roughly model your CG villain on?
I can't be the only one who sees it.
this is a thing in movies now?
no just her magic energy stuff
at least Avengers got good SFX
hot cleavage
but her ass was flat on every single scene that was visible
unless you're talking about her stunt
She actually looked hot in this movie.
>at least Avengers got good SFX
>at least Avengers got good SFX
>at least Avengers got good SFX
what's wrong homie?
The only time she wasn't completely CG was when she was June, that was Cara. Any time she was Enchantress she was 100% computer generated.
>at least Avengers got good SFX
arent dcucks supposed to be the delusional ones?
>whats wrong?
a lot of things desu, but lets not do that.
In my opinion, I think alot of the cgi is the marvel films has been awful, especially that avengers film. The most impressive thing they have done was making Michael Douglas young
This is about the quality of a snapchat filter
what about a movie where the villain is totally real practical effects and the heroes are all CGI
> it is called "push up bra"
Enchantress was not 100% CGI.
wait the entire outfit was cgi?
What the fuck lmao, for what purpose?
>it's a villain shoots a laser into the sky and makes the heroes fight a horde of indistinguishable minions episode
does he ride with El Rey?
Magic power is stored in the breasts.
They haven't decided the outfit of "enchantress phase 2" at the time they filmed this scene, so they filmed Cara in bikini with a few tattoos and added the "dress" in post.
Did they give her hips as well? She's literal fridge on the left and somehow her hips are bigger than her waist in the right
>women need more than just makeup now
Fucking hell lokks like some early power rangers shit jesus
Well, a little CGI in her hips is nothing compared to Taco in the Shell...
>Bloat in the shell
>Pig in a blanket
>Gut in the shell
Literally SyFy tier cgi
Something looks a little dodgy
>> it is called "push up bra"
No it's called "literally is completely CG"
>have bikini clad villian
>choose boy body with no ass to play her
who is this MtF transsexual?
She looks fine for a woman of her age.
They needed to casr someone younger and more athletic.
I'd come on her if you understand my dude
kill yourself
looks like everything but her head is cgi desu
Cara is bae tho
idk what youre trying to say retard? look where her arms are in that pic
Her rhythmic spellcasting or whatever she was doing was great.
Who cares? I still wanna lick her feet!
her weird demon dances made my dong expand
it's ok, they CGI'd an ass onto her
Sometimes not even the head is real
By her side? I don't get it
Look at her hand. I think literally only her face is actually real, the rest is all CGI.
Why would you make her body digital? It's just a human body in a bra. I understand making like a monster CGI, this just seems like a waste.
Anyone got webm of it? I remember people laughing in the cinema when she did that jig
Looks like a bobblehead.
nice 2009 video game there
Correct. Even the headdress thing she has on is CGI.
Only part that's real is her face. Pasted on like the annoying orange or something
I'll show you. Here are her actual tits shoved up in a pushup bra for her practical costume.
wanna suck her tiddies desu
And here's her bigger CG ones from her other form
She's still a 'fridge'
the lines of the dress trick your eyes though. And your'e the time of schmuck who doesn't notice that shit. hahahahahahaha
Yes they did. Anyone doubting needs to see her scenes in motion. They wobble around like video game tits, it looks like she's from Soul Calibur or something.
But with Cara Delongname's actual face pasted on this digital body and head looking like WWF No Mercy. Someone will do a webm I'm sure.
eh, they definitely made her a little more curvy looking than the ironing board she was , and the digital tits are bigger too
She literally looks straight out of a video game cutscene. What the fuck is this? It's terrible.
>when you're so flat they have to add your bust in post
reminder that Cara is a MtF tranny and that's the reason why only latent homosexuals and beta nu-males find """"""her"""""" attractive
prove it
you're only making me harder senpai
look at any picture in this thread. there's your proof.