How will the inevitable Trump episode play out?
How will the inevitable Trump episode play out?
That kike's not gonna get any close to Trump, he knows He'll put him straight in the oven.
Look at my jew, I love my jews, such good people, hardworking, terrific people, look at him, wow
It won't happen.
he would probably get pissy that he met a bigger megalomaniac than himself
Heeb wouldn't risk the sjw backlash
>now that's a nice car. beautiful car. tremendous amounts of horsepower, and that sound! those huge exhaust pipes really gives off some sound, don't they. a shame they don't let me drive anymore, i have a driver now, it's very sad.
Seinfeld is probably related to Trump by marriage
Why would anyone want to hang out with Trump?
He has no friends, have you never noticed this?
>t. Jeb Bush
I got very curious when I read that mr. Bannon had gotten some seinfeld money, in that hollywoodreporter interview.
Also the smartest jews are always politically neutral until they see where the chips fall. Or at least, they're not vocal.
y-yeah what a l-l-loser
he'll have jerry drive over mexican workers at the white house
Trump called SNL unfunny
Jerry has friends on SNL
He won't go in the show
Seinfeld is arrested sent to gas chamber by President Pence in the middle of the episode.
Trump is right though.
Based lashley
Trump is nice and all but obama is way too cool to follow in ccc
I know right, he's such a cool hip black man, drops the mic and doesnt afraid of anything
I want Steven Seagal do this with Trump
>mfw Seagal tries to bring his 1911 collection to white house
>talking slow and stuttering is cool