>barely even in his 30s >already wrote half a dozen films >some of which are genuinely fantastic
Why the hell do you guys hate Max, are you just jealous of his massive success? He was younger than many of you when he wrote Chronicle and that film was one of the best of 2012, I mean can you losers be any more jealous of me?
Ayden Johnson
>some Chronicle was the only decent one and even that one is arguable, also quantity doesn't equal quality. There, Now stop posting these fucking mad landis threads all the time you fucking faggot
Mason Ramirez
Come discuss his newest series: >>>
Gabriel Bennett
Is he still in the closet?
Connor Hill
Is that a Rainbow Dash cosplayer?
Nathaniel Evans
I hate his stupid hair. Chronicle was good though.
Jeremiah Campbell
>Chronicle was the only decent one Wrong
Eli Allen
>some of which are genuinely fantastic
List them I'll wait
Xavier Wilson
fuck off max
Thomas Davis
>it's a Max takes credit for Chronicle episode even though that was 100% Josh Trank
Eli Campbell
Max are you shilling yourself on Sup Forums again? The only reason you have a job is because of who your father is.
Adam Gray
>it's a max gets passive aggressive against a movie/script that's superior to anything he has ever done episode
Logan Miller
>being jealous of someone who did get where he is due to his dad's connection shiggydiggy
Eli Price
>>already wrote half a dozen films
Like that frankenstein flick? oh! wait.... the "awesome" American ultra? or the "outstanding" Mr. Right?
And dont say Chronicle because that was co writen by Josh Trank. The faggot only got work because is son of John Landis.
Lucas Reed
>The only reason you have a job is because of who your father is
To be fair, you could say that about most millennials with good jobs
Jeremiah Robinson
Surprised how much I'm enjoying Dirk Gently, it's pretty good. Not trying to be the book, but it keeps some of the absurdity.
Matthew Gray
>constantly insists that nepotism isn't the reason he has a career in Hollywood >is going to remake his father's film An American Werewolf in London What a hack.
Hunter Peterson
I don't hate him really, just dislike how nearly EVERYONE in hollywood these days are someones kid or bought their fame.
Brandon Miller
Off topic but it amazes me that Josh Trank fucked up his own career so badly. If he hadn't melted down on F4nt4stic 4 and publicly shit all over Fox he could be directing a Star Wars movie right now but instead he's doomed to spend the rest of his life making obscure indie movies.
Kayden Cook
He's alright by me, as long as he stays away from rotary wing aircraft
Ethan Rodriguez
He's easy to hate with how narcissist he is.
Just follow him on twitter, it's always me, me, me. Pictures of himself doing 'cool' things, posing in 'cool' ways. It's a like a 14 year old's facebook page.
I don't hate him, but it's pretty easy to see why some people do.
Hudson Bell
I'm thinking there are two stories to that incident, and the one we're not getting is the one that wasn't published by a large megacorporation that used a portion of its media to slander a promising director because he dared to hint at his frustration over studio meddling openly.
Mason Scott
Josh was still very unprofessional. It doesn't matter if you're in the right, if you act like a spoiled child, no one will like you.
Blake Robinson
I don't think anyone would say nepotism didn't get him into the door, didn't help him sell his first few scripts and gain contacts.
But that was like years ago. Would it still matter now? His dad hasn't done anything of worth in Hollywood for like 20 years. Does John Landis really hold that much sway that executives are willing to waste millions to buy shit scripts from his son?
I think he's just good at pitching ideas to old dudes in suits.
Cooper Perez
I sort of pity him for it. It's a product of growing up in one of the most narcissistic environment in the world and entering into one of the most narcissistic eras in human history by virtue of social media. He never stood a chance really, unlike movers and shakers that simply move to L.A. and can thus retain a semblance of the modesty and humility that's been hammered into them by more mundane upbringing and expectations.
Charles Morales
>fat bald out of shape guy becomes a multi-billionaire at age 36 because of one single indie game called Minecraft
Max Landis is a fucking hack, busting his ass all those years and burning himself out for relative peanuts. Pic related is the true genius
Brody Harris
It's less that and more the instinct not to take the fall for something that wasn't your fault. Which is something you have to suppress if you want to work in Hollywood, that's how "failed" directors get second chances again and again. If they simply keep their mouths shut about projects which bombed because of studio meddling, actor melt downs or an rushed script, and take the blame because that's apparently the role of the director no matter how much things were out of his control, you get to play again. It's a trade off to getting all of the praise when things go right, even if you might have been an asshole nincompoop on a project which was saved by a great script and a great crew deciding not to let the director get in the way of a good show. Trank, being perhaps a bit too young and naive or just the type that doesn't want to play by those rules made a mistake. But it pales in comparison to many directors that have made similar stinkers and get more work again and again, so I think the fact we haven't heard more from him since is more personal than just a simple blacklist. The work is probably still out there for him if he wants it, the fact this became such a controversy probably has more to do with him not wanting that work on those terms.
Justin Myers
He was too autistic for his own good. He should've been a good goy and just do what the studio tells you.
Blake Ross
This was unwatchable garbage, Anna Kendrick was annoying.
Wyatt Nguyen
I don't hate him. I feel bad for him. Must be hard being the victim of helicopter parenting, your dad constantly hovering over you.