>can I ask you something?
do white people actually talk like this or is that just something done in cinevision?
Can I ask you something?
It's pronounced mask
*rubs cock*
*whips out cock*
I dunno, CAN YOU???
It's considered polite to ask somebody if you can ask them a question.
you have to go back
Bait thread, but yes we do. If you don't you're a rude fuck, which if you aren't white you probably are.
Lem mask you somthin
mask u sumthin
Oddly enough it is considered by some people rude in the west to ask a question without permission, especially if the conversation leading up the question suggests the question being asked.
However this is a holdout of puritan culture and is over-represented in television. In reality most people don't give a fuck. I have never asked or been asked for permission to ask a question.
>can i ask you something
>in asking that question you've answered it
*unzips dick*
not really, the consent of the askee is in dispute. you could ask even though it's completely unacceptable to ask.
it's a fucking rhetorical question; "can I ask you something" is almost always followed immediately by the actual question with no opportunity to give or deny permission
it's basically a figure of speech, it's meaningless, it just sets up the fact that you're about to ask them something and it's probably going to be dramatic
Even if you interpret her question as being in regards to the consent of the askee, her question - in being asked - answers the question.
No, because the question implicitly demands the consent of the askee. It's not a question of, "is it physically possible to ask you a question?" but, "is it morally acceptable that i ask you a question?"
>Hol up, lemme aks you sumfin
Do blacks actually talk like this or is that just something from Barbershop 2: Back in Business?
I'm genuinely curious if you people actually and unirionically say the words "can I ask you something?"
I have never heard this spoken in real life, only in film
ayoo lemme axe u sumthin
My grandmother says this shit and everyone in the family says "no you can't" when she does because its so annoying.
Actually its not polite to talk like that, if you have to ask you suddenly put a burden on the other person and she starts thinking what you may want to ask and if she really should allow you to.
>do white people actually talk like this
Now here is the black version
>lemme axe you kweshun
Now here is the Latino version
>Whut ey?
And here is the Asian version
>Me ask you sumting...
Then there is the Arab version
>do white people actually talk like this
Yes, unless you're tight. Family and friends don't typically say, "May I ask you something?". It's usually more like, "hey, ______". Or just say the person's name, and continues with your thought.
White trash, however, do not usually observe respect for other humans; ie, they lack self awareness, just like niggers. They will shout out at complete strangers. "HEY!!...HEY!!"
People have done that to me, and I just walk on.
I do it. If I just ask a question outright the person often mishears me or just isn't paying attention.
So here is the deal:
writers do not talk to people, they read books which are always 5+ years old at best and were written 5+ years more.
Another problem is that devoting yourself to the word, to writing in the first place and having the guts to tell other people about it or seek publishers/editors/whomever puts you in certain circles. As soon as someone hears you are a 'writer' then suddenly they are very exact and surreal in their speech. They tend to mirror what the writer says in order to sound 'smart' or whatever. Basically, most writers (even the low tier writers - merely hearing that someone writes is enough to create this weird parallel world) are trapped in their own involuntary echo chambers.
Sycophants plague the MARGINALLY competent or successful. If you SEEM like you know what you're talking about through charisma or money or with the bare credentials then people will line up every day to blow smoke up your ass. These are people that you meet in the fucking grocery store. Now if you're even a D list celebrity like, i dunno, seth green? Fuck. You don't know what reality is. Too many fuckers around you blow so much smoke in such different colors and in so many different directions you are LUCKY to make any cogent sense in any given interview. You think Corey Feldman is insane or sounds like a retard? He's actually quite sane for what he's been through and all he's experienced.
The people who climb the mountain enough to write your stories for you are so far beyond normal experience they cannot no matter how hard they try write characters that even resemble a normal human being.
i dated this cute lil redhead off tinder once and that binch always keep asking me "can i ask you something"
whether it was through text message or IRL, she asked that
it bothered me to the point where I had to go No Contact on her.
not english native here,
but as i know the correct way is : 'May I ask you ....'
becase if you're not mute, then you CAN, but still not may talk to
People are acting like its polite but unless you specify what the topic of the question is what the fuck is the person supposed to respond with?
They don't know if the question is okay or not so they just say yes and its like you never even asked in the first place.
>Hey I know its a touchy subject but can I ask you about x?
Holy shit the autism in this thread
why is her face so attractive?