So was there ever a bigger player than Riker ?
This guy went through pussy like a madman.
/trek/ thread
Pretty sure Ducat got more pussy during the occupation
Hey Kira. How's your mom?
Negas Zek probably had pussy and Oo-Mox on tap
>So was there ever a bigger player than Riker ?
I think /trek/ has established that Kirk being a player is a meme unless you could kissing as being a player.
Riker is a better Kirk than Kirk ever was.
thats just because sexual innuendo on television was a lot more censored in the 60s, trust me he fuged them all
>watched TNG all the time as a kid
>reading rainbow was airing at the time so Geordi was my favorite character
Rewatching it now I realize Geordi was such a fucking loser jesus christ.
>that episode where he gets btfo by real Dr. Brahm
>Falling in love with every green chick you meet for half an hour is being a player
Nah Kirk is an autist who latches onto any sign of affection, he just has more skill points in charisma than most
Take that back
Geordi was /ourguy/
don't bully geordi
During Future Imperfect the Romulans say they made Riker's wife the woman he last had romantic contact with, who was Minuet. A holodeck character from 3 years ago. Riker hadn't gotten laid since then.
Kirk >>>>>>>> Riker.
Don't let that colour your perception of LeVar Burton user, he's a nice man who just wants kids to read
Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.
>gets cucked by worf in the last season of tng
>movies just get him married to troi
Were the tng movies racist for not letting troi get KLINGED?
>TFW no troi and Jadzia as the first two members of Worfs ever growing harem
>had a black waifu
>she died
>had a white waifu
>she died
being worf is suffering
Geordi was literally an Elliot Rodger-tier robot who was one rejection away from breaching the warp core while "inspecting" it.
>Worf goes through lots of character growth on both TNG and DS9
>In the movies he's back to his fucking TNG Season 1 persona of basically an animal in uniform who growls and wants to blow things up
I don't even consider the movies as canon.
Data dying and being replaced by his autistic cousin is a dumb idea and I don't know why they thought abruptly killing off the show's most beloved character was a good way to end a series.
I just started rewatching S1 of TNG the other day
It aint just Worf. In the pilot the crew start reaching for their phasers pretty much every time Q begins a new sentence
Reminder that Nurse Ogawa was best girl
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
Fuck off, faker. You'll never be as good as the original. Never.
This guy.
>Grooms Kes, so much she donates a fucking lung to him.
She leaves.
>Immediates starts on Naomi Wildman...
>Get paid to do a dumb episode of a sci-fi show
>A quarter of a century later discussion about said show cannot be made on one website without a picture of your face accompanied by one of the stupid fucking lines you were forced to say
Some people find pop culture immortality in the strangest of ways.
>Kes: Adult body, immature mind
>7 of 9: Adult body, immature mind
>Naomi: Rapidly-aging, will soon have adult body with immature mind
Voyager really had a "type", didn't it?
Absolutely disgusted.
>Kes: Adult body
FALSE! Reminder that Kes was two, and Ocampa did not go through puberty until they were five.
I mean that her body is shaped like an adult human even though she is mentally just a child.
Just like 7.
Just like Naomi was going to be.
Fucking Voyager.
Harry's only on this list because he dropped his spaghetti.
Eugh tho, she became obsessed with eating and had weird stuff oozing from her skin.
>They didn't delve deep enough or maintain the divide between the Marquis and Star Fleet crews
>They didn't have Voyager looking less and less spick and span and clean and more rugged looking as time went on
>They didn't have Janeway ever break or bend the prime directive to get home quicker apart from in Scorpion, and even then they don't really address it
>They don't have any memorable new reccurring antagonists, apart from maybe the Hirogen, but they're just a cheep knock off of the Predator
>They DID have Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson deliver a People's Elbow on Seven of Nine
Every cloud has a silver lining
we have to start enforcing a ban on voyager discussion in /trek/ threads
>they didn't have Chakotay learn that he's adopted and embrace his Armenian heritage
What did ja make of this?
Upgraded ios and now I'm accused of being a faker...
He didn't stop with Naomi either.
>posting from a Fisher Price toy
It's "image.jpg", now get it right or don't bother, you faker.
Reminder than being O'Brien = Suffering
Reminder that he did nothing wrong
>DUKAT: You might ask, should we fear joining the Dominion? And I answer you, not in the least. We should embrace the opportunity. The Dominion recognizes us for what we are. The true leaders of the Alpha Quadrant. And now that we are joined together, equal partners in all endeavors, the only people with anything to fear will be our enemies. My oldest son's birthday is in five days. To him and to Cardassians everywhere, I make the following pledge. By the time his birthday dawns, there will not be a single Klingon alive inside Cardassian territory or a single Maquis colony left within our borders. Cardassia will be made whole. All that we have lost will be ours again, and anyone who stands in our way will be destroyed. This I vow with my life's blood. For my son, for all our sons.
So what exactly did he do wrong, again?
>Went in with a sympathetic outlook on Bajorans, understood their place in the society in which they lived but took no joy in harming them needlessly
>They repeatedly make attempts on his life
Nothing. Dukat was a saint.
>"...And so two years ago, our government signed a treaty with the Dominion. In it the Dominion promised to extend Cardassia's influence throughout the Alpha Quadrant. In exchange, we pledged ourselves to join the war against the Federation and its allies. Cardassians have never been afraid of war, a fact we've proven time and again over these past two years. Seven million of our brave soldiers have given their lives to fulfill our part of the agreement, and what has the Dominion done in return? Nothing. We've gained no new territories. In fact, our influence throughout the quadrant has diminished. And to make matters worse we are no longer masters in our own home. Travel anywhere on Cardassia and what do you find? Jem'Hadar, Vorta, and now Breen. Instead of the invaders we have become the invaded. Our 'allies' have conquered us without firing a single shot. Well, no longer. This morning detachments of the Cardassian First, Third and Ninth Orders attacked the Dominion outpost on Rondac III. This assault marks the first step towards the liberation of our homeland, from the true oppressors of the Alpha Quadrant. I call upon Cardassians everywhere. Resist. Resist today. Resist tomorrow. Resist till the last Dominion soldier has been driven from our soil!"
Dukat was wrong, Damar was right.
pretty shitty speech t bh
we're to believe Dukat's little son understands border incursions and rebel colonization, or cares about them from what we presume is a fairly pampered life he must live? it's even a pretty sorry ass case for globalism, our real-world villains can come up with sweeter-sounding temptations to lure the poor gullible saps into accepting the new world order better than that "equal partners" spiel
This holy shit, Damar was the true hero of this story. Dukat was literally the Clinton of his species.
>He was my friend. But his Cardassia is dead, and it won't be coming back.
Damar was a true hero.
Reminder Bashir has no game and can only pull Spoondick and he was born mentally retarded
Which Weyoun was best?
The only good Weyouns are dead Weyouns.
You can't imagine how much that disappoints me.
He fucked Rom's wife
He also says to Odo in that episode with not-Frank Sinatra that he'd helped him fug some dabo girl or a waitress or something
the traitor Weyoun was cool as shit. I almost wished he would live and you could see him join the federation side, but I guess that would go against the "this is hopeless, we have no chance of winning" narrative they were trying to weave in the last season
>He fucked Rom's wife
Yes and she fucking dumped him FOR Rom.
Like how is that even possible?
>Dominion get
The police officer one who kicked the shit out of Ben for being a nigger in Far Beyond the Stars
Rom clearly has a 15 foot prehensile snake dick.
Its always the quiet unassuming types who do.
she wanted him for his latinum obviously.
Federation members don't even get paid
Bashir is a snobby prick, Rom is unassuming and kind-hearted. Rom also has the big ferengi cock.
So why did nobody seem to care that Worf literally helped eco-terrorists ruin a planet for 100,000s of people just because his girlfriend was being a slut?
Because they were 100% right that the Federation wasn't taking the Dominion seriously which is why they almost lost the war until literally gods saved them and billions of people died?
"What happens on Risa stays on Risa."
Bashir is a sweetheart who has a lot of compassion and sleeps with a teddy bear. He's just autistic and people misunderstand him.
This desu
He seems like a womaniser, but he just wants love.
I'm about ready to watch Voyager. I know it's bad, hadn't seen it since I was a kid so I remember very little. It lasted Seven seasons so there had to have been something to keep people watching....
Anyone here wanna help me hold down and gang rape a trill?
The Symboite not the host.
Is Worf x Jadzia the worst fucking pairing in television history?
>it's a Riker episode
All Star Trek relationships are bad. Nerds can't write romance.
>Not like the massive unresolved sexual tension between Kira and Dukat
Nah they have chemistry together as actors and the characters have a lot in common.
Its the fault of the writers for turning her into
>Look how twee and in love we are
Bah. Make Cardassia Great Again.
Fuck. Someone beat me to it.
DS9 had a lot of unresolved sexual tension now that I think about it.
Bajor wasn't sending its best people. They were sending their rapists, their murderers.
Grab 'em by the orbs of the prophets
Seven and Akoochemoya was worse.
>Sending them where, sir?
>To Bajor, Damar! Pay more attention!
>Yes, sir.
Nobody has more respect for the Bajorans than I do. Nobody. Nobody has more respect.
Please don't make me click a Huffpo link.
Two somethings.
Is this the best boobage you see in star trek? There never seems to be that much cleavage.
Photomanipulations are low test.
When Qo'noS its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good Klingons.
Look at her. Look how soft and pliable this Kira is. Literally poured into that nightie. Skin positively glowing. Body looking like it would yield like warm taffy under attentive caresses. TRY and find a flaw, you can't. She is perfect.
You're low test.
It's mostly push-up bras and good costumes, her tits aren't that great.
>Holographic Kira
>Cardassian Kira
>Mirror Kira
>Starfleet Kira
Like an exquisite wine, aged fifty-nine and looking fine.
yeah thanks for ruining Leeta's tits for me.
They really aren't that good
>The LA Times recently ran a story about the Child Exploitation Section of the Toronto Sex Crimes Unit, which contained a mind-boggling statistic: of the more than 100 offenders the unit has arrested over the last four years, “all but one” has been “a hard-core Trekkie.”
>Mirror Kira will never sit on your face and suffocate you, making you beg for air while you tongue her ridged butthole with Ezri eventually joining in.
why even live?