Let's put together a cinematic equivalent of this canon.
Cinema of the Right
Shut up you try hard faggot kill yourself
Any Mel Gibson kino triggers the nu-male.
>recurring badguy force are dark skinned inherent mongrels
>only heroic blacks are tamed by either Christianity or marriage
forgot pic
>I seed an image on another board
>better post it on Sup Forums
Fight Club
Dirty Harry
Roger and Me
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
Come and See
Independence Day
Die Hard
Nolan films
Triumph of the Will
Starship Troopers
Feris Buellers Day Off
The Good the Bad the Ugly
Lost in Translation
>Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
How is that right wing?
Don't get me wrong, I quite liked it, but fail to see how it fits into the category.
Being able to delete memories of women is patriarchal as fuck, and I'm not saying this ironically I'm being serious.
What a fucking retard
Shit reason, discarded.
The nu-male is roused
The Browncoats are essentially Confederates. Imagine how much shit Whedon would catch from tumblrinas if Firefly came out today.
calm down buddy you're way too triggered, say a fucking white male 10 times to calm yourself.
>Starship Troopers
No, just that you have shit taste in movies and you're probably an actual retard if you though Come and See was right type film
Andrei Rublev
The Passion of Joan of Arc
Quo Vadis
Triumph of the Will
There Will Be Blood
Iron Pill:
Fight Club
Traditional Values:
Tokyo Story
I think many movies that aren't exactly reactionary or right wing can go in this category. What it meant to be Right or Left has shifted over to where I think Libertarians are more Left-wing then they are Right-wing due to their advocacy for individual rights over the collective. This means that Soviet films, which contain a wealth of kino, can be considered Right-wing due to their themes of collectivism and patriotism.
>implying they didn't live in a perfect fascist utopia
>implying you're not just too blind to see a blatant parody of fascism for what it is
so you admit they were right wing fascists
gg kiddo
Eyes wide shut
of course
the thing is, the movie is not meant to be celebrating fascism
not at all
but that seems to have gone straight over your head
never said that it was celebrating fascism, I'm quite aware of the parody.
...so it's not really a right wing movie
It's a movie about a right wing fascist society, so yeah it is.
it's a movie about satirizing a right wing society
it's thus explicitly not right wing in nature
the dictator is not a right wing movie either. shocking, isn't it?
no, not semantics
just admit you were wrong
>Fight Club
I stopped reading already
Hacksaw is not right wing in the slightest. If it was right wing they would have kicked him out of the military. Instead its all about, "Why am I being persecuted for my beliefs"
The main character (a jew playing a Christian white man) invents his own unique form of pacifism and then forces everybody into letting him "do things his own way"
I know that Mel made this movie but he sold out and gave us this SJW propaganda.
The people shilling it clearly didn't see it.
>Roger and Me
Michael Moore is literally the opposite of right wing
Then it can't be right.
You dumbass.
what a moron.
Damn, kys. Retard