Almost walked out of this one guys. What you think?
Hacksaw Ridge
I thought it was okay.
I like the war scenes but the fact that his dad had to bail him out kinda makes his story a moot point. Like he could have done all that and still held a rifle.
The combat scenes were fantastic. Everything else was preachy boring shit.
>americans have no choice but to make movies set in 1945 because they didn't actually do shit in WW2
Didn't see the the movie but I wouldn't want some POG piece of shit in my DFP that refused to carry a weapon. He should have been in a non combat detail if he wanted to contribute to the war effort, not on the front line. Stupid movie concept that never would have happened IRL
We just won the war for you faggots. No big deal.
I'm sure you would've rather had Stalin as the overlord of western europe for 40 years. I heard East Germany was a really fun time.
It did happen in real life you fucking cunt. 75 people would be dead if not for doss. What the fuck have you ever done to help another human being in your life? Nothing. Such a pussy dude kill yourself
Thanks for nuking a bunch of japanese civilians, America-senpai, that was very noble of you
its a fucking true story you idiot
And by fantastic you mean terrible.
Hundreds of thousands if not millions more lives would have been lost if not for the nukes, you stupid shit.
it's a true story your retard
Spotted the pleb.
>still believing that shit
that trailer looked like shit. you should have realized that when you saw spiderman cry like a girl
That wasn't the worse thing done in that war. Have you heard of fire bombing? Brits came up with that. War was full of atrocities committed by everyone.
>Hacksaw Ridge is an obscenely violent gore-porn cartoon conjured forth by a spectacularly disturbed, deeply unwell mind.
>Hacksaw Ridge might not be Gibson’s best film, but it’s without question the purest distillation of the dark psychology that makes him and much of his work so uniquely repellent yet fascinating: His aim is to make a war movie about faith in the form of a biopic of pacifist Medal of Honor winner Desmond Doss (a devout WWII combat-medic who saved dozens of lives while refusing to so much as touch a weapon as a matter of religious expression); where the horrors of war highlight the strength of the hero’s conviction… except the director is clearly not horrified by the wartime violence he conjures – he revels in it with the pornographic fixation of a sex-starved teenager gingerly pouring over every page of a smuggled Playboy (ask your grandparents.)
>Naturally, all of it plays out with the same painterly Hallmark Channel grace as the saccharine-sweet, amber-hued flashbacks to Desmond’s pre-war life (and the abuse heaped on him by squad-mates who regard his desire to serve in the army without committing violence himself as a personal affront) that occupy the first half. Like so many other examples of “shock ministry” sermonizing, Mad Mel’s heart may be in the preaching the salvation; but his passion is in depicting the sin – call it “Full Metal Jack Chick.”
>Hacksaw Ridge is a singularly bizarre work: Enjoyable as an absurdly blood-drenched splatterfest of a war flick and fascinating in the context of momentarily peering into the perverse abyss of Gibson’s fixations; but also genuinely affecting as a narrative about faith – even if you don’t subscribe to either Mel Gibson or Desmond Doss’s respective expressions thereof. It’s the handiwork of a madman, but this time there’s more to look at beyond the madness.
>3 stars
>America won the war
Russia, faggot.
gore porn? asking for a friend.
a little bit over the top with the violence and pure gore, but otherwise a fine film
3 stars form a retard
>watching trailers
How do you enjoy movies?
in the theater
I bet you're an atheist OP. Atheists can't understand movies like this.
No problemo eurofriend, we'll keep being the worlds scapegoat and doing what needs to be done and you pussies can continue existing
>movie comes out
>1st week on Sup Forums nothing but praise and smart criticism
>couple weeks later and everyone acts like it is shit
I can guarantee the majority of the people who are shit talking in this thread are:
A)Eurotrash/Canadians who hate to admit that America did more than them in WW2
B)Edgy atheists who balk at the idea of someone being Christian
C)Shitposters who have never seen the movie but will give nondescript criticism like"It was shit" or "It was preachy"
Movie was between great and good depending on your tastes, and the meaningful discussion was already had in the opening week, just like every movie on Sup Forums.
Yes but it's more of an anti-war message because of it.
Wow, I'm sorry that the Allies were better at total war than the Axis. That's just really terrible and unfair.
This is 100% accurate.
Movie was incredible. Even if you are an atheist you should be able to appreciate the sheer conviction of Desmond Doss.
Atheists are so edgy that if someone even has an ounce of faith they have to shit on them because of their shitty lives.
Once you realize its about Mel himself it loses something.
Still 4/5.
>all atheists are elitist Redditors stuck in 2011
Wew lad. I'm an atheist and Hacksaw Ridge is one of my favorite movies of the year.
""""won"""" the (((war)))
nice generalization you cock sucking twat.
Based on the trailer, looks like Oscar bait schlock. Might give it a chance if I come across it flipping through channels one day.
>Have you heard of fire bombing? Brits came up with that.
I think you are confusing the British with the Germans
they were a little over the top
>Almost walked out of this one guys. What you think?
Terrible. But what can you expect from a knuckledragging brute like gibson? Racists are not intelligent, can't expect them to create great art.
The blitz was absolutely pathetic compared to what the RAF was doing to Germany. It's just the brits make a fucking massive deal out of it, just like everything to do with WW2, because they've got nothing else
Alexandra Hospital massacre.
Laha massacre.
Banka Island massacre.
Parit Sulong.
Palawan Massacre.
SS Behar massacre.
SS Tjisalak massacre.
Wake Island massacre.
Tinta Massacre.
Bataan Death March.
Shin'yō Maru Incident.
Pontianak incidents.
Unit 731.
>Some historians and governments hold Japanese military forces responsible for the deaths of millions, some estimate between 3,000,000 and 14,000,000 civilians and prisoners of war through massacre, human experimentation, starvation, and forced labor that was either directly perpetrated or condoned by the Japanese military and government.
Japan deserved what it got.
I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the violence.
>being this dumb
>thinking Russia could have done anything without enormous lend lease from USA
Shhh no Russian Army stronk and Zhukov is military genias, T-34 revolushenary and best tank in war much better than shitty sherman, RED ARMY UUUURAAAAHH XDDDD
Sneaky burgersteins sold weaopons to both sides. I hate you cyka blyad pidarazi!!!!!!
Kino. I'm russian, and this was fucking great. The tonal shift after an hour and a half of bright colors and silly bootcamp with muh believes when the barrage of war violence hits you, made me shiver. Mel still got it.
Im an atheist and i thought it was spectacular
Precisely. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.
kys, my man
shut the fuck up
Checkmate atheists
I've almost cried, when his commander said that he was so wrong about him. Does it mean that I'm a human bean at the end?
>Please Lord, let me save one more
I almost cried when he asked God for a sign and he hears the screams.
People expect God to supernaturally talk to them while they ignore everything around them that God has put into place to answer their prayers.
>hacksaw glorifies war and violence
is there a better way to find out if someone has sub 50 iq?
Does it mean that Sup Forums is the voice of God?
If you prayed to fulfill the great commission you have a method of reaching thousands of people across the world everyday on Sup Forums.
Well yeah, I'm kinda lonely.
This, the heightened violence isn't meant to be "gore-porn", it's filmed to shock you into realizing how horrible war is. After the initial battle, it clearly focuses on what he said earlier in the film"With the world so set on tearing itself apart, it don’t seem like such a bad thing to me to want to put a little bit of it back together.", and barring a few action scenes(the one dumb part of the movie is the sled scene with Vince Vaughn) it sticks to focusing on Doss saving the lives of his comrades, and even showing compassion to a wounded Japanese soldier. The movie isn't glorifying violence, it is showing you war and letting you come to the conclusion of what that means yourself. If you come out of it thinking war is cool or that the movie was trying to show you war is cool, you've completely missed the point.
I've seen some people also point out the scene where the soldier says the Japs didn't make it after being lowered down, and thinking this is supposed to be some quip, but it's conveying that the execution of prisoners in such a hostile environment was both incredibly common and often accepted or ignored. It doesn't insult the audience by simply showing some other character trying to stop it, or getting angry after discovering an execution took place, it shows you that these same men who are carrying the wounded from the ridge and saving lives, who have likely risked their own lives in battle for their comrades and shown love for them, are at the same time able to execute defenseless people because that's how war is, and there's nothing "glorious" about that.
The movie was mostly great, I loved it, but it does have one HUGE flaw.
Doss doesn't want to kill people, right?
Does he have a problem with "killing" paper targets too?
He could have taken part in target practice, so they would leave him alone, take the gun, and then never use it in battle if he doesn't want to kill.
Simple as that.