No Black Mirror thread?
Post you're're best episodes.
How can you ignore this cutie?
You KNOW you wish you could live in San Junipero with her forever, admit it
No Black Mirror thread?
San junipero is probably my favorite black mirror episode. Shut up and dance is also a really good episode from this season.
Playtest and men against fire were just okay. Blake mirror have had some duds but these are probably my 2 least favorite episodes, after the Waldo moment.
Top Kino
Mammories of You was pretty good
What about the San Junipero episode is redeemable at all? I still can't understand people who claim its their favorite.
I like the concept, the storytelling, the plot itself is good and type ending always makes me... I don't know. Introspective? Something about the music and the last shots make me afraid and hopeful.
I agree with this, it must be because of lesbians because it wasn't a memorable episode overall. It didn't even seem like a Black Mirror episode because the ending was 100% positive.
Exactly my feeling, almost like there was a clause in their contract with netflix that there be at least one unreservedly pro-technological-singularity episode in the season.
Nah, they said in an interview that they changed the ending because they "just liked the characters too much to give them a tragic ending" or some bullshit. I suspect it's also why the last 5-10 minutes or so feel so disjointed and rushed.
The whole episode felt like a half-assed wet dream to me man. Ticked all of the most predictable tumblr sci-fi boxes complete with the terrible narrative structure, and then gave the target audience exactly what it wanted.
I don't know whose brain child it was but its a glaring outlier as black mirror episodes go.
San Junipero is low key red pilled as fuck.
Think about it, in the end the nigger still had some christian beliefs claiming that maybe her husband and daughter were waiting for her.
She didn't accept the possibility of the kingdom of heaven and then decided to live in hell with her degenerate lover. Eventually they will go insane and will be essentially trapped in a state of existence where nothing has meaning because their spirit's are essentially trapped inside a man made technological prison.
In a sense this was one of the most disturbing messages in the show because the idea of a man made heaven is implied to be something evil and artifical, maybe even of the devil if you will.
Which is why people in the Quagmire were the way they were, they were essentially trapped in an existential hell with no escape.
dude Bryce Dallas Howard's ass is out of this world.
I really liked the first episode this season. The ending felt quite nice despite them being imprisoned.
I kind of thought that the implication of the robot arms at the end was that they were already in a virtual world, just one that mimicked the real world. It never shows them actually being uploaded anywhere, it just shows them being assisted-suicided with poison and then at the end it shows some robot arms moving them from one spot on a server wall to a segment labeled "San Junipero." Made me think the whole point was none of it was actually real because humans at some point had just completely uploaded themselves into this huge automated system a long time ago and no one remembered that.
That's a good interpretation, but that was probably just their minds being put in that particular node for the virtual reality.
You are really clutching at straws there, christfag.
They literally said in the episode that you can leave san junipero and pass on any time.
I didn't get the ending for ep1 either. People who are mentally liberated get put in prison? W000t!
Then why didn't the people in Quagmire do the same if they literally feel nothing anymore? In fact the orderly states that people who spend time in there too long become literally insane.
Maybe when you become insane from the simulation the idea of escape becomes lost to you, or it doesn't actually exist and you can't actually leave.
Either way you are wrong.
>plebs talking about how San Junipero is the only 'happy ending' Black Mirror episode
It's probably the least objectively "unhappy" ending but it's still not objectively happy.
I'm an atheist but I could see how some religious people would see a guaranteed worldly afterlife superseding their spiritual faith based afterlife as deeply conflicting.
Also the fact that the old black woman killed herself so she could live eternally in a fantasy world with other dead people.
Also the fact that you'd live that eternity basically in a lie that you're young forever. Also the depressing implication that after an entire life humans they just long to go back to being in their early 20s partying forever.
Also the idea of a corporate entity essentially manufacturing eternity for you. Is San Junipero the only option you have?
Fuggin plebs, dude.
I think the point is you wouldn't want to take the risk.
If I was religious I wouldn't want to die just to go to heaven because I'd have doubts about it actually being a thing.
When society is like a prison, the only true freedom is in that society's prison. It's deeeeeeeep, bruh.
ding ding ding
People who say this had a happy ending are missing the point.
Which is where faith comes in, and she failed in her final moments and accepted the second rate eternity living in Junipero.
>Ticked all of the most predictable tumblr sci-fi boxes complete with the terrible narrative structure, and then gave the target audience exactly what it wanted.
I turned it off when the initial sex scene didn't cut as it started. Why the fuck are these girls even fucking? There was no narrative drive in the beginning besides "ooooh nerdy white girl is in a coma or something because she got in a car crash and now there is a spunky woman of color to open her sexuality"
>all these people going on about San Junipero
But Hated in the Nation was the best episode in this season.
White girl is a lesbean who caused her own coma by driving off the road when her parents disowned her. So she's never had a relationship.
>not liking lesbian sex
What are you, gay?
The concept is disturbing, but the episode was directed in a way that presents it in the most alluring and inoffensive way possible. Its not just that within the value system of the episode they got a 'happy ending'. It was presented in a way that encourages the viewer to contemplate the 'positive values' which san junipero represents.
Well I mean I'm an atheist but I'm pretty sure the vast majority of Christians would take the guaranteed worldly afterlife.
I think the most fucked up thing about San junipero is that I'm pretty sure even if we all thought that it would be dystopian, most of us would still take the guaranteed afterlife.
It dragged on too long. It also wasn't gory enough. We weren't attached to anyone who died, so a short death like Playtest man got isn't satisfactory.
>Generic Cop Drama with bees
Argue you high, nigga? It was the second worst behind "le social media is making you shallow xD, look up from your phone, share this Prince EA vid"
That's what I'm talking about, which is why the concept is disturbing. I wouldn't take it though, just out of principle.
>liking lesbian sex
What are you, a virgin?
I thought the ending where the song was playing and the robot arms were just putting people into servers haunting and disturbing as fuck. It might not be "unhappy" but the ending still felt unnerving
I liked the genre fiction aspect. The idea of a stereotypical cop procedural written to convey the scale of technological horrors all around us to an audience of normies is amusingly absurd. Sort of like a spoof on Law and Order's gamergate episode.
Meh. I'm sure that was included for you to think so, but it felt like an easy out to me. Something slapped on to excuse the depraved fantasy being promoted in the previous hour.
Its an existential love story that is reaffirming life experience. The virtual space didn't matter, as it was just the medium they could meet in, but it was cool. The nerdy white girl character's life is totally transformed. The backdrop of the show is really exciting, and its kind of mysterious as to whats happening until the end. The acting is pretty good. The music is good, from the times they travelled. I think if you hate this one, you shouldn't watch TV shows.
I definitely appreciated the subtleties of the vocabulary on a rewatch.
>The virtual space didn't matter,
This is exactly the problem. The science fiction should not be mere trappings on a show like black mirror.
What do you mean?
The writers said let's piss off Sup Forums and tease the virgins with a lesbian episode with mah nostalgia.
I don't know about you but I missed a lot of little things they say about the world they live in and I picked them up on a second watch. It made me like it more, I guess
Was it him?
Was the porn kenny looked at in episode 3 child or am i wrong in assuming that?
Yeah it was kiddie porn
oh sshiiiii
I think I'd prefer being blocked by everyone on the planet since I'd have the choice of offing myself. I don't know for sure if you could comity suicide if you were in the Cookie simulation.
You definitely could not. Being trapped in a zillion years of that song probably reduced his mind to mush.
I hated how they showed this kid with absolutely nothing else to tell us why he was here
they say it's sea pea at the end, it's not ambiguous.
also lmao that dude got murdered by that weedy little kid.
Kenny killing that dude seemed like an inconsistent scenario to me
A pistol makes a pretty good bludgeoning weapon.
It was to show Kennys paranoia, anyone looking at him and holding a phone might be part of the group manipulating him.
I did wonder why this stupid faggot was doing all of that over the fear of someone seeing him jerking off. But jerking off to CP yeah I get that.
I thought he seemed like a nice guy as well. Shame.
Good ep
Platest > Shut Up and Dance > Nosedive > Hated in the Nation > San Junipero > Men Against Fire
My ranking of season 3
Daily reminder that Blacked Memer is a government psy op and athe least 5% responsible for Trump winning
I just wish there were more episodes. Had a really comfy day staying in and watching 6 hours of black mirror when it came out
season 4 when?
Hated in the nation > Shut up and dance > Playtest > San Junipero > Men against fire > Nosedive
I probably should have put Hated in the Nation before Nosedive but I think I just enjoyed watching BDH's slow breakdown more than the overly long plot of Hated. What made you rank it last, as opposed to Men Against Fire? Most people I've talked to seem to consistently consider that the worst episode of s03
Just saw Playtest and holy shit did it fuck me up i need a drink.
What am i in for the next episode?