So what happens in 5016?
So what happens in 5016?
Given the circular nature of the plot, my guess is that the technologically advanced humans arrive on the Heptapod planet and teach the primitive Heptapods the Heptapod language, thus granting them the time-perception ability that they paradoxically granted the humans.
There is no before or after in the circular logic.
We help
mind blown
shame the discussion surrounding this movie is more impressive than the movie itself
eh, i thought the movie was pretty good. At least someone tried to make thoughtful cinema.
How fucking bizarre would it be though if it was that big of a paradox?
The humans warp on over to Heptapod Prime in their shell-spaceships, and the Heptapods are like "who the fuck are you? we've never met before, you need to DIE!"
Of course, by that point the humans would already know this was destined to occur, and would feign ignorance in order to satisfy the future prediction.
it sounds more inkeeping with the movies pretentious and simplistic plot than any of the other theories ive seen so far.
Imagine if they did a sequel to show exactly what you just said ahhaha
the most devastating meme is created
did anyone read the book? do they actually say the "3000 year" exchange in it? curious what the author has to say about it
I'm sick of this fucking stupid meme that if anything is more than generic action trash it's "pretentious". Do you know what that word even means you fucking retard? What exactly about this movie is pretentious, please enlighten me. Was it the fact that it wasn't made by Marvel Studios or Zack Snyder?
if they made a movie about the theory i'm describing, it would be called Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clark.
>If it's a small film with an obscure and/or unknown director, it is not pretentious
>If it's a well known director trying to walk the line between Hollywood blockbuster and an engaging film, it is pretentious and/or trash
This is Sup Forums and this is how it will be if /film/ will ever be a thing.
if it's a small film with an obscure director it's 2deep4u hipster trash.
so basically Primer?
It's not a book it's a short 40 page story that's far more interesting than the movie.
Anyways the answer is no. When asked why they are there they answer "to observe". Communication is primarily done through their spoken language via recording/playback, and as soon as Louise understands the written language enough to perceive time differently, they leave. Previous sessions are spent exchanging information, which when deciphered is revealed to be physics stuff we already knew.
The movie also kind of screwed with the look of the aliens by having them appear to have a discernible "front and back". They are described as completely cirular beings with no front or back, no walking forwards or backwards, just moving in a direction, with 7 single eyes placed above each of their tentacles. It's a minor gripe but still a gripe none the less. The story has a heavy focus on the process of figuring out the heptapod languages and building a dialog and vocabulary with them and that aspect is very interesting so it's a shame they kind of glazed over it in the movie.
Thanks for this. I'll go hunt down a .pdf online
Curious to see what other differences there are. I see the author has a lot of other works. Are you familiar?
They're going to ask us to use a weapon to help them. But they gave us a heads up 3000 years early, That was thoughtful of them.
It all makes perfect sense of course
FUCK that blew my cock
He's primarily a sci-fi writer but no I'm not familiar outside of the story I read back when this movie was announced. I'll probably check more of his stuff out eventually because if Story of Your Life is any indication of his style it's pretty good.
Here's a direct link to the story you can read online (32 pages, shorter than I remember)
And in the top row here you can find a collection of his stories titled "Stories of Your Life and Others"
I agree with your point about the aliens in the movie having a "front and back". It makes a lot more sense in the book they have a language which reflects their own physiology. Personally I think reading the book helped me like the movie even more than I would going in blind.
>They are described as completely cirular beings with no front or back, no walking forwards or backwards, just moving in a direction, with 7 single eyes placed above each of their tentacles.
They're fucking Elder Things
You're giving an exact description of the most thoroughly described creature Lovecraft ever wrote
I find that to be the case with most novel/novella adaptations. Whether the movie is better or worse than the source material, I always enjoy experiencing both due to the added level of insight you have.
Perhaps my description wasn't verbose enough because they really aren't all that similar at all. The heptapods in the story are radially symmetrical and the "body" above their limbs is small giving them a jellyfish/squid sort of appearance.
The movie version of the heptapods is actually closer to an elder thing, because they lack radial symmetry and have an elongated body when they fully "stand up".
Post link to story?
>I always enjoy experiencing both due to the added level of insight you have
I think in this movies case that is extra true. Having knowledge of the story before seeing the movie made me sympathize with Amy Adams more.
It doesn't let you time travel, it lets you see the future
Which means present-day Heptapods saw that they would need our help in 3000 years and did what they could then to ready the help they would need, not that they went back in time.
Louise didn't time travel or anything, she just saw that in the future she would realise the past her would need to be able to look forward to see the information that she needed, so she had the conversation with Big Domino so her past self could premember what she needed to know.
My guess is that something happened to them in the future they couldn't prevent from happening but could ready their defenses after the fact. Similar to how if hypothetically Louise had been able to see the Heptapods arriving she couldn't exactly stop them from arriving but she COULD give her self information that would help her after the fact.
Consult the Almanac.
Yeah, I posted it here. But really you're a big boy you could have just googled it, no?
It certainly made me appreciate the casting more. I always found her acting dry, empty and soulless which fits perfectly for someone in her hypothetical situation.
Personally having read the story made me appreciate the red herrings more, both the not so subtle ones that your average moviegoer could pick up on, and also the more subtle ones that would require a second viewing/knowledge of the story to fully appreciate.
Maybe they are at war with another alien race and see us as being able to wage wars quite well. They seem to see weapons and tools as one in the same.
What are you even trying to say here? The fabric of space and time IS real.
Fabric is real. Time isn't. There is no before or after. There is now. Now takes over the space that before occupied. To go back or forward in time would destroy the now. Being able to see things in the future to change the past to affect the now is fucking retarded
You are so confused about things. I was halfway into a lengthy explanation then realised you are so stuck up your own ass that you would be totally incapable of considering that your understanding is wrong.
Hmm really makes you think
Time does not exist.
People are able to predict the future when they are able to meditate and understand the energy that surrounds the universe and communicate with the universe itself.
You have a lot to understand about our world.
Stop believing in Atheistic Evolution.
As a PhD student in Linguistics in Cornell, I can say I didn't like this movie.
I thought it was going to be more focused on the proces of learning the heptapod language as well as on their knowledge of physics.
Also, a fucking voice-over? Come on... I just hate movies with voice-overs. That's just lazy writing.
>But really you're a big boy you could have just googled it, no?
reee, etc.
>So what happens in 5016?
We will be able to buy the entire DC Cinematic universe on a couple discs.
>I thought it was going to be more focused on the proces of learning the heptapod language as well as on their knowledge of physics.
I wanted for them to show more on the learning of a foreign language but instead Amy Adams' character is able to understand it in a couple days..
And then there are subtitles like her character 100% can read it without using her tablet app? COME ON
What can you tell me about being a PhD student in Linguistics in Cornerll?
>still discussing babby's first "deep" sci-fi
Please just fucking nuke this pleb board already Hiro
>couple days
it was like months dude
thisPlus she was the one most directly exposed to the language. Its obvious she has a much higher understand of it, which is why started to not use the tablet.
Literally every physicist and scientist would disagree with you but sure I'll hop over to your side of the fence.
>focused on the proces of learning the heptapod language
Read the story. 5-10 out of the 30 pages covers that aspect more than the entire movie, two-fold. They don't seem to know/share much more than we already know about physics, implying their methods of travel, antigravity, etc were all achieved using knowledge we already have.
fascinating, user
well done
>>Literally every physicist and scientist would disagree
no -- you may be aware that many "dimensional" measures, including time, are merely placeholders using in mental computation of things -- they don't necessarily have to exist inasmuch as they only have to serve the purpose of representing something with sufficient approximation without actually being that thing which is represented in totality
that is, time isn't real, although what people use, as the notion of time, to represent that which we perceive as time, is real
Yes. Time is literally a dimension. A malleable bendable fabric that can bend in one direction but not the other (as far as we currently know).
As many "smart" words you try to use you still sound like a fucking idiot. Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up already.
>time is a fabric
no, cotton is a fabric
time is an abstraction used to represent a collection of similar things, the relations between which are yet to be fully understood
didn't do well in math, huh?
oh shit man
>no, cotton is a fabric
Sure, in the context of man-made synthetic materials. Surely you're not going to act like you're some sort of intellectual and then conveniently ignore that words change meaning given the context? That would just be silly.
Nothing you said has anything to do with math, he's just pointing out that it reads like the ramblings of a 12 year old trying to sound smart by arbitrarily shoving a bunch of multi-syllable words into run-on sentences.
>they don't necessarily have to exist inasmuch as they only have to serve the purpose of representing something with sufficient approximation without actually being that thing which is represented in totality
Probably in reference to this "sentence" in particular, which reads like something Ron Slater would shit out after smoking a joint.
I've had quite a bit to drink tonight, so thank you for making my shitty rage-post into an articulated one.
if you're going to make shit up about things which are already vaguely represented then you wind up with garbage like you got in Interstellar
and you don't seem to comprehend that all math is representation, and the symbolic values which are given numeric identity are in most physical situations only approximations of that which actually exists
what the fuck. y'all are stupid. it aint a time travel machine, its just a change in the perception of time. we cant give them the language when they were primitive. because we were in caves back then or whatever.
I appreciate you trying, I really do. But you need to learn to articulate better. I can see exactly what he means when he says you're rambling on about nothing like some stoner. Like you're typing a bunch of words but not actually saying anything of intrinsic value to the subject.
Not if you want the "we made it less shitty" extended editions.