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Damn, son you fucked up.
>the uploader had not made this video available in your country
Oh I'm sorry I thought it was the current year
>3rd worlder
Seriously, what the fuck. What's even the point of making vids region-locked?
America is a 3rd world country
>t. Georgian
asshole reason
t. tyrone hernandez
the jokes aren't funny
t. millennial
But where's the profit? I get banning it in the US, making people watch it on TV, thus making more profit on ads. But it's the other way around, it's banned outside of US, in places where you can't get HBO anyway. Why?
That's the first time I've ever seen the intro.
It's the first time I watched his show in full.
Was mining salt
goddamn oliver has aged so much in the past 5 years
>Literally says the current year within the first minute
Top fucking kek
he pokes fun at it nowadays. he's surprisingly self-aware
What's up with the argument that trump is a racist because some former klan dude voted for him? He brought it up at least 3 different times in this video and as far as I'm aware Trump didn't take money from him or say he appreciates the support. It would be like if some famous baby rapist said he was a Clinton supporter and then calling Clinton a pedophile because of it.
Trump denounced him, but he wasn't fast enough to.
>Not allowed to watch in the UK
Hillary was in close connection to a former Klansman named Byrd and Oliver doesn't seem to care.
Did Hillary denounce George "doesn't care about black people" Bush when he endorsed her?
torrent it son
>What's up with the argument
They have nothing substantial to argue so they have to stick with forcing fake stories and identity politics even though it cost them the election.
>capitalism has ever made sense
He didn't vote for her.
Bush has given more aid to Africa than any other prez, even Obama, so I dunno where this myth came from.
He and Laura said they did, or did the media lie about that too?
I don't remember exactly the whole thing about it, but I think it was a rumour or something a staffer "overheard".
The definition of capitalism might as well be "sense" you fucking moron.
see if this site makes the video work for you
That's fucking retarded, he has to denounce every outright racist immediately otherwise HE'S racist even though he couldn't be aware?
Didn't Al Queda support Obama in '08 or something?
I like how he used Buzzfeed, a clickbait site, as a source for his clickbait segment
>not having a VPN
>current year
This tbqh
I am LITERALLY shaking right now, I just...I don't even....like, ugh, could we not? How could John Oliver do this to me in the current year?
Read the thread.
>not using Tomorrow
>remember I have a VPN
>use it to watch the video
>regret it immediately
Didn't this guy participate in a Writer's Strike protest which is illegal for a non-US citizen to get involved in? I'm pretty sure that's ground for deportation.
What's it feel like knowing a "3rd World Country" has states with higher GDP's than your entire country?
>very fluffy cat relaxing at EXTREMELY comfortable speeds
>It would be like if some famous baby rapist said he was a Clinton supporter and then calling Clinton a pedophile because of it.
Even better than that, guess who was an enthusiastic registered Hillary party-member.
Naturally the media was completely silent about it.
Watch the moive in my doc slot
>bash oliver for his bullshit liberal garbage
>suggest an equally garbage propaganda doc
can't make this shit up....
>Predator 2
What is wrong with you?
>Naturally the media was completely silent about it.
no they weren't, persecution complex nerd. It wasn't headline news because mentally ill people's political affiliations aren't interesting.
The guy who killed those two cops recently because he wasn't allowed to wave a confederate flag at a game was a Trump supporter. Nobody gives a shit.
White supremacists aren't like those two, they're political agents who have open and closeted supporters, they exert an influence on society.
is this your first time realizing that the left has been using so called "comedy" shows as hit men against anyone conservative since obama got elected?
They're pro establishment propaganda now
>the uploader had not made this video available in your country
Poland here, what the fuck? Are we so red pilled that they've blocked us so we can't downvote this shit? Funny thing is that all other videos are available.
>because mentally ill people
>Omar Mateen
>mentally ill
Either you're calling Islamists mentally ill, which is problematic, or you think he was insane and you're covering for him, which is disgusting.
You're starting to wake up to the Left's tactics
>It wasn't headline news because mentally ill people's political affiliations aren't interesting.
But some KKK douchebag saying he liked Trump WAS headline-news because......
>Omar Mateen
>mentally ill
There is zero evidence he was "mentally ill".
It was a standard terrorist-attack, during which he even pledged allegiance to ISIS.
>making vids region-locked?
> Anonymous 11/20/16(Sun)01:26:00 No.76450302▶
germany is among the top five most powerful countries right now.
sitll blocked.
>The guy who killed those two cops recently because he wasn't allowed to wave a confederate flag at a game was a Trump supporter. Nobody gives a shit.
Apparently they did. The media wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.
His show is mostly cringe but I thought it was cool in an ironic way.
>White supremacists aren't like those two, they're political agents who have open and closeted supporters, they exert an influence on society.
I'm sorry, it's not 1910 any more.
The KKK hasn't been relevant for a long time now. You might as well be terrified of the Whig Party.
>White supremacists aren't like those two, they're political agents who have open and closeted supporters, they exert an influence on society.
Except that's not true. The KKK hasn't been relevant for 50 fucking years.
ISIS, however, which Omar Mateen pledged his allegiance to, is.