Why didn't they just let him get something to eat?
Why didn't they just let him get something to eat?
Cause they wouldn't have a movie then.
Because the author needed to push the story along.
Well you see my good friend, it wasn't really the meal or the knife they had a problem with, it was his life as a travelling man, general loner attitude, and service in Vietnam (which many at the time thought was synonymous with baby-killing).
Nothing is over! Nothing! You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my war! You asked me, I didn't ask you! And I did what I had to do to win! But somebody wouldn't let us win! And I come back to the world and I see all those maggots at the airport, protesting me, spitting. Calling me baby killer and all kinds of vile crap! Who are they to protest me, huh? Who are they? Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about!
He's a no good hippie wearing a veteran's jacket
A lot of Vietnam veterans were treated like garbage when they came home even during the parades.
This really is a great scene
Conservative like to fuck with people based on appearance. They love it when they find someone they think they can turn their noses up at. This is what Stallone meant by this.
War criminals tend to not get much love.
An interesting factoid from this movie is the Sheriff is actually a decorated Korean War veteran(you can see his medal in one scene, it might have been cut) and feels resentment towards John because everyone forgot about his war but remembers Vietnam, and also that when he got back from service he wasn't treated nearly as badly so thinks Rambo is just a bum.
Weak bait my friend.
yeah because liberals just love white males, even more if they're ex military
You have no idea how badly Vietnam Vets were treated. Also, he's in Washington State.
Trump taught me that he is no hero because he was captured by the enemy. He had it coming.
>you're fucking a white male
washington police looking for a reason to have a pissing contest.
No one ever implied he was a hero.
I feel as though people try to white wash how terribly these people acted there nowadays.
Because in the book he did looked like a hobo and behaved very strange, even then sheriff kicked him out of town several times before he got tired of that shit and just arrested Rambo.
Yep. People tend to think of it as "back then", but fuck that was only 50 some odd years ago the war ended. Almost everyone from that era is still alive and can remember that.
These guys thought they were doing their American duty when they signed up (according to veterans websites, more than 2/3s of all soldiers in Vietnam were volunteer). The rest were draftees who may or may have not wanted to fight. But all of them were hated by the media and leftists the same.
A chilling speech/mental breakdown form Stallone, GOAT Rambo material. Feeling it for all the vets around the world, fuck people who sit cozy back home and yell at people who are trying to do their duty.
It's because by the time of the Vietnam war, (((communists))) had fully infiltrated the media and liberal movements in America after McCarthyism failed because of "muh morals". They did everything in their power to cast a bad light on the intervention even if it was much more grey than it was perceived by the public. Yes Americans had committed war crimes, and the war was brutal on civilians(even if a lot of them were VC sympathizers) but you have to keep in mind that North Vietnam was fully planning(and did in the end) to kill thousands of people for associating with the Americans and South Vietnamese government(which was just as legitimate as the North Vietnamese government). Vietnam was a mistake, but at the time I can see their reasoning for it. Now with the fall of the Soviet Union it's easy to see the true masters of the media and the higher cause they were working towards.
>Stallone is actually a great actor but forever typecast as a retard because of his crooked mouth and slurring mumbling voice
>crooked mouth and slurring mumbling voice
>they drew First Blood
Being typecast as a dumb brute is what lead Stallone to write Rocky. That's why the movie starts with him seemingly just being a leg breaker but you see he's more than that. Stallone had only ever gotten that type of role before.
If you watch interviews he's actually very eloquent but it's just that everything he says no matter how smart or poignant comes out sounding retarded obviously through no fault of his own he was born fucked up.
Wasn't it nerve damage?
Yeah during birth actually, the doctor fucked up with the forceps and gave him the nerve damage that paralyzed his whole lower face including the tongue lips and chin.