>*leans forward*
wtf is going on
You're in a coma. Wake up.
Where can I get a jacket like Rick's?
the jerk store, jerk
You are now aware that you have started watching a live action cartoon.
Is that Jesus he is breaking Lucille on?
Yeah they need to go back to season 1 and start all over again
No it's one of the new bad guys. Negan seems to have switched sides and is a good guy now. That bad guy's name is Beta.
Get a new one, asshat
Can someone summarize what happened since Glenn got vegetabled?
>Negan leans back and claps
>"Well Rick I've got to hand it to ya. Killed all my men even without your guns. I like that, you and I are cut from a different cloth than the rest of these dopes"
>Rick takes the crowbar and slams it against Negan's skull
>"You feel that? That's what it feels like to get a dick slid down your throat"
>Negan staggers in agony, blood pours down his head
>"What's wrong gone quiet? I do have to say you are taking it like a champ"
>Rick grabs Negan by the jacket and pushes the crowbar through his right eyesocket
>"Tonight on Ricksty Minutes; your death!"
>Rick twists the crowbar collapsing Negans skull and sending piles of bone and brains all over the scene
>Rick pulls off his shirt and screams to the forming rain clouds
>blue glowing ghost of Glenn appears behind Rick and silently nods in gratitude
well at least that's how the season SHOULD end, only the writers are so obsessed with killing good guys for controversy that they're afraid to actually make a satisfying conclusion.
BWC literally reigns supreme
There's one kangz left but he's a larping retard who was a homeless actor before SHTF and negan can btfo him in no time
I wouldn't have fucked with that guy.
Negan goes to Alexandria and go "Eyyy Rick gibs me dats", Norman reddit goes crazy in a cell, Dwight having second thoughts but still acts like an asshole, Rick hasn't showered for several months and proceeds to sweat two litres of bodily fluids, Carl acts like a edgy teen, Negan says "If you haven't realized I just slipped my dick down your throat and you thanked me for it".
Maybe I missed some stuff, there you go lazy ass.
God fucking damn it i hate it when cunts dont tie down their sidearms
>Watching them run holding it in place just makes it worse
Remember that one time when he confessed to Keira.
>people are watching this show after 2014
>introduce GOAT villain
>kill him after only one season
This is why you don't write for tv
well that last night's episode was god fucking awful
And Trevor Phillips from GTA 5 is Negan's 2nd in command, and he make's Hilltop his bitch
Why is Andrew Clutterbuck so handsome?
>*tilts head*
Does Judith have downs syndrome?
the fuck is this thread?
>this place is magnificent
>zoom out to reveal a steel wall segment and a shitty car
Wow yeah looks magnificent.
That's his fucking wife, asshat.
time for bed. good night Sup Forums