is it any good
Is it any good
It only serves to introduce the main characters. Start with the show itself, or start with Season 3-ish if you want to skip the majority of the crap.
When taken as a whole, yeah it is.
>it's a republic politics episode
Did anyone else read it as Star The Clone Wars Wars every time?
No. Not even once. Not ever.
Why would you read it that way when you should have known that it's always "Star Wars: [subtitle]" when spoken?
I actually enjoyed it as a whole, though it has a lot of trash episodes. Anakin is 100000x more likeable, and his deep mistrust of the Jedi Council in Episode 3 makes a lot more sense after seeing the series
The movie or the series? The movie is meh but does a decent job of introducing the original characters.
Seasons 1-2 of the series are really hit or miss, some great episodes/arcs and some terrible ones.
Seasons 3-6 are literally the best thing ever produced with the Star Wars label.
wrong Clone Wars
>Seasons 3-6 are literally the best thing ever produced with the Star Wars label.
That's not the KotOR series.
And that's not canon, so why bother
I wish Durge would make an appearance somewhere.
I loved those episodes.
>Its a Jar Jar episode
Because what is canon is fucking shit, minus the cline wars.
What are you the Catholic church ?
howdy diddly do reddit!
REALLY makes episode III more enjoyable. Watching episode III as if it was the finale to the show honestly puts an awesome and noticeable twist on things. Dookus death is shocking, the lack of Ahsoka Tano gives it a slight melancholy it hadent before, anakin and obi wans final showdown is heartbreaking
Order 66 is fucking devastating
The artstyle can seem odd at first, but it really grows on you.
>tfw we went from Thunderbirds to Disneyshit
Ummm no
Listen to this man couldn't have said better myself
The show made me wish we had the same kind of thing between V and VI desu
Yes, Yes it is.
do the imperial guards do anything in clone wars? they look so cool but did nothing besides getting BTFO by Yoda in ROTS
No, it's garbage.
Its fucking great as a whole. some episodes, especially season 1 can be pretty pointless since they haven't found their style yet. season 3 onwards is the best star wars content ever produced.
watching Maul and Opress getting compeltely fucking rekt by Sidious was amazing
I'm still upset that they retconned it.
>forgetting that time he literally cucked Samuel L Jackson