t-minus 6 months left until the telekino event of the century
T-minus 6 months left until the telekino event of the century
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Was unsure about it at first but I'm loving it now desu
What's the classical song that played when he went to the heaven hotel throughout the episode?
The sound design is fan fucking tastic in this, including the choice of music.
I enjoyed how much where is my mind playing so much for some reason lol
also don't remember but I remember this
The premise of this seems dumb, you're not just memeing about liking it, are you?
The premise is what makes it so damn good. They take a weird, seemingly small idea and take it to it's logical conclusion in the most interesting ways both big and small.
Pound for pound this is one of the best shows ever made. It makes you feel some real intense shit.
see for yourself just watch
Whenever someone uses "one of the best ever" I get really skeptical.
I'm not going to invest my precious time on something I think is going to be shit.
its not shit though. I'm usually the same with my time I don't watch shitty shows or shitty movies
also one of the subplots with the dad and his daughters friends was pretty hot desu
to meme its a show that will really make you think
I hope you're not rusing me. /lit/ convinced me to read Ulysses and I'm mighty sore at that experience.
international assasin is the best episode of television since pine barrens
Have to put up with life for another six months...
Question for you The Leftovers fans: Do you find Westworld good? I ask because I want to watch The Leftovers and right now I'm testing you whether I should listen to your recommendation or not.
i think westworld is an interesting show that has a few very stupid subplots. it's not like there's anything better on tv airing right now.
well let me see what are some of your favorite shows?
I'm unsure how to gauge your taste and interests
I find Westworld very stupid, minus few decent characters and Anthony/Ed duo. Hm, you passed the test, I'll give The Leftovers a chance.
If by good you mean interesting then yeah. Can't say I hate it
why I watch westworld
>dolores is a qt
>I like westerns
>AI is cool
even if handled poorly and mad at some of the things that happen I keep watching it.
I like House, not because it's clever but because the formulaic structure and the banter feels comfy.
I like Farscape.
I like old Star Trek (original to DS9)
I enjoyed Oz.
I enjoyed Breaking Bad but I'm letting BCS get another season so I can watch two seasons in a row and maybe see shit happen.
I enjoyed Daredevil.
I enjoyed both season of True Detective and didn't get assblasted by the second season because I saw it first.
I, Claudius was top-tier.
That's all I can think off right now.
>>dolores is a qt
That jaw... Eh... She's so plain.
first season was a profound meditation on grief and loss
second season was tryhard LOST-tier bullshit
Just finished Oz recently. Good and depressing at the same time. Loved that hopeless feel in the first couple seasons
I liked BrBa
I haven't finished Daredevil but I like it so far
I enjoyed both seasons of true detective. Especially season 2.
I also liked Leftovers. I think you'll enjoy the first season but the second one is where it becomes divisive
It has some of the best episodes but becomes a blacker show which I didn't hate to my surprise
Guess I could try that first season then.
Yes, l think Westworld is easily the best show on air right now, but l'm not sure if l like it as much as The Leftovers just yet.
Based user.
neat. I look forward to you making threads about it in the coming days or weeks to see how it went
You're gonna have to wait like two months for that though.
this show has really gr8 music
user I've been here, for a little over half a decade now I'll never leave
Gonna have to disagree with The Leftovers seasons. I found the first to be the most divisive among my friends while season two was universally loved.