>early 2000s
>stay up late as a kid watching comedy central
>see GGW commercials every fucking night for years
>finally see it uncensored years later when i was a teen
>it's the most boring shit of all time
I don't know what I had expected.
>early 2000s
>stay up late as a kid watching comedy central
>see GGW commercials every fucking night for years
>finally see it uncensored years later when i was a teen
>it's the most boring shit of all time
I don't know what I had expected.
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Teasing the possibility of seeing tits is much better than just seeing tits
How wild were they?
But yeah it was teen fap material along with spanish channel hoes
Yeah, but as a kid, hearing that music perked me up at night.
being introduced to hardcore porn by way of internet file sharing software probably didn't help.
The producer used to rape drunk girls of varying levels of consciousness. Snoop Dogg was present but "didn't partake".
>jamaican music starts playing
Seems like such a weird product of the era now. Like, we used to send a film crew and producers to random colleges. And they would offer girls booze and tshirts to get them to take their shirt off.
Now we just have a subreddit. And they don't get free booze or tshirts.
Snapchat put Joe Francis and steel drum makers out of a job
>Watching comedy central on saturday night at 1am when they showed the uncensored movie of the week and every commercial break would be girls gone wild.
Pretty comfy if you ask me
>it ain't steel drums starts playing
Not as good as the free ten minutes on the porn channel, that was all teenage me needed.
oh man those were the days. ive seen the southpark movie and jack ass so many times
>not being so good at drawing you could draw your own hentai
>not charging kids at middle school $5 for hentai
topkek I remember this, are you referring to when the first 10 mins of a porn movie would play before it ended? trying to entice purchases from adults but also serving as free porn fun times for anyone who is at the tv
girls gone wild infomercials were the best masturbation fodder for me
I haven't heard this in probably 15 years and I immediately got a raging erection.
>I don't know what I had expected.
Old people back then knew how to use the internet even less than they do now.
Most commercials in general are for old people or women. Kids have no money and 18-34 men are too smart to be swayed by ads.
One time in class we were painting and the teachers put newspaper down on the tables. Mine had a page with a bunch of topless girls on it and I snuck it out. I showed it to my friend but we were so young I don't think we even knew about masturbation but we were mystified by these tits anyway.
>Being able to get hard, fap, and nut all in 90 seconds
Ahhh to be 14 again Sup Forums
>SPH fetish
>jerked off to those cheesy extenze commercials
I can't fap to this
*island drums start playing*
My girlfriends 15 year old sister fucked 2 of the guys behind this. They paid her off when it was revealed. I tried to fuck her and the best I got was a hand job.
Yes, I was, uh, I was thinking about ordering the tape, the videotape about the college girls and the wild, the wildness.They're going wild or something. Somebody told me about going wild.
Refrain from masturbation and porn for a while and you can experience those amazing orgasms again.
Shit I remember being a kid and trying to watch the scrambled porn channel on cable. Good times
It's not rape just because a girl wants to fuck and regrets it later.
>tfw you mostly fap to clothed teasing videos
My grandma orders a pizza just because she sees a commercial yet will have a fridge full of food.
This. I used to jerk it to this show called Bliss on Oxygen. They had a sex scene in every episode and it got to the point where I knew if the episodes had a fapworthy scene or not and I also knew when the scene was coming up so I could start getting my dick ready. Ooooh to be young again.
Watch your gf. Shes gonna cuck you
They're girls, and they've gone wild.
it is in america
I jerked off more to the censored stuff when I was younger than I ever did once I finally saw it all.
>watching BET uncut
>"Tip Drill" by nelly comes on
>that video that got jamie hammer her start
>ywn jack off to naughty america trailers in 2005-2006 again
I still have some saved
Is it weird that I am really considering trying to find some of the censored commercials to jerk it to now?
I'm a millennial numale cuck and wat is this?
Has anyone here ever actually paid for porn? How does the porn industry still exist?
When I was getting paid a lot more than I am now I was paying for the FakeTaxi site. 15$ for that and all of the fakeagent stuff was a steal since I'm a pov guy
No, you just want to take a trio down memory lane.
Remember when we had to put in effort to find good porn when we were younger? Now it's all accessible to us. The thrill of the hunt and the satisfactory of success is gone. You want that true satisfaction again.
I recently bought a naughty america pass and to finally see thing I haven't seen when I was younger is great. I like pics, so that was the main reason I got it, but I found do many unused angles in the low resolution image slots that it's perked my interest into finding master copies of those vids. It'll never happened but it's nice to have the feeling of the hunt again.
I usually go through many vids during a session trying to find that one I want to bust to.
Was it worth it? It seems like there's still a decent amount of POV stuff on the free sites.
Pay attention to the commercials you're watching. Ask yourself who the market is.
I watched Walking Dead at a friend's house and all the commercials were for boner pills, pain pills, depression pills, and class-action lawsuits for advere reactions to boner/pain/depression pills. Clearly not the demographic for the show, but it works because old people are fucking dumb and will buy anything.
It was worth it for a month, since most of the teaser vids on pornhub that I tried to torrent had horrible dl times. At the time I could download any video from there for free as well, I don't know if it's like that any more now. All of it is pretty high quality POV with good looking girls and good scenes. I'd say it was worth it just for the downloads alone
That's the problem, there's always too much. You'll never be fully satisfied. It's gotten so bad for me at this point that I'm considering getting a older escort. Times were so much simpler back then.
Any Britfags remember Friday nights on Chanel 5, where they'd show at least two softcore porn films (or "erotic" films") back to back?
Those were my Friday nights until I was of age to go out drinking.
Good times.
If she's unconscious she doesn't want to fuck. Think back to this post when you're sitting in court.
My grandma does nothing but watch Lifetime/Hallmark movies on weekends, Family Feud reruns weekdays on that god forsaken gameshow network, and General Hospital at 3.
She doesn't even notice that Family Feud is reruns everyday and it's the most retarded shit. All they advertise is fucking food and medicine.
Always change the channel during commercial, women are retarded about that.
I can fap to the same 3-4 pornstars and I'm bitter my favorites are retired. I wanna see what they look like now as creepy as it sounds.
I hate when videos I haven't seen are locked behind pay sites or dvds and I'm not torrenting shit because my computer is dead.
those ggw camera faggots were everywhere. i remember early 2000's at club la vela in panama city they scored out bad. beta af asking girls to flash. i saw one hambeast attack one of ggw fags at la vela when they tried to get her hot drunk gf naked. then the hambeast told the ggwfags to wait she was going to get her guy buddies. the ggwfags bolted and the guys showed up ready to pounce.
nope. reliving childhood faps still feels pretty gud. sometimes i look for old skinemax softcore scenes that used to get me crazy horny as a kid sneaking around watchin with the sound off like the massage oil scene in emanuelle 2 or the hut doggy scene in emanuelle 6 or most of the NR version of Carnal Crimes. Desert Passion sex scene on the dunes was pretty hot too. especially when a girl's butthole would slip into a skinemax flick cuz that was rare. i would pause the butthole frames and fap deliriously at those wins
>tfw fapping before the body learned to make semen and nothing came when cumming
People do send the reddit girls gifts. Basically those girls never have to pay for underwear ever again and only have to model in it on camera.
Literally my first fap was to some GGW commercial on SPIKE TV at 2 AM.
Manswers was good shit now Spike doesn't have anything.
Anybody got coordinates for the original video?
>tfw my half sister is on an episode of girls gone wild inside the bus
>tfw never seen it but desperately want to
>tfw I used to print porn
What's stopping you.
Too many videos to sort through
Just skim them all.
What's stopping you from sexing her?
Girl from my high school was in one of the GGW videos. Used to see her in the commercial all the time. I didn't think she was that hot though and she didn't have a great rack but it was stil pretty cool.
life isn't like your animes
We had Dish when I was a growing up, there some some kind of glitch or built in lack of authentication in that generation of set top boxes where you could order about 2 - 3 movies before it had to call in and put the charges on your account. My parents never plugged in the phone line since they didn't rent stuff, so it was essentially free porn.
Anyway, each box could do this since they didn't communicate with each other, so I exploited the hell out of that as a teenager.
I'm still like this and I'm 23 years old. At this point I think there's something physically wrong with me, especially considering I have a low sex drive and my orgasms aren't at all satisfying.
>fap to petite lil Candy
>she becomes fat and can only still work if she does interracial creampies
TFW you're so desensitized to everything you have to spend 30 minutes browsing porn just to find something to get you fully hard.
>Used to fap to printed ecchi
>there's a company called mindgeek
>they created 8/10 most popular free sites
>during 2008 recession everbody was going broke
>they swooped in and bought the big online production companies
they can get by on the free site advertising
transition to digital instead of film was huge savings too
I can still do this easily and I fap 3 times a day on the regular
Doesn't feel as good though as when you build it up for half an hour
>went to a few schools in teens
>every school had a rumor about how a hot teacher was in ggw/playboy
>always someone claimed to have seen it, but they didn't have proof
happen to anyone else?
Are you me? It's story time mother fuckers.
>Be me
>Be 13
>spending night at friends house
>friend falls asleep.
>Watch GGW commercials over and over
>get a raging boner
>accidentally edge myself over and over
>lay down in his guest bed
>touch my erection through the blanket
>cum gallons all over the blanket
>never get invited over again
>dont care because he was a faggot that wouldn't let me play with any of his toys
>laugh and remember cumming all over his blanket for my first cum dump
You're gross
>early 2000s
>finally see it uncensored years later when i was a teen