Is this the best Holocaust movie?
Is this the best Holocaust movie?
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One of the worst actually
Propaganda. Shindler was a nazi who save those jews only to save his ass. The funny thing was that he start to help them only after news about loosing war and aliants coming.
>yfw you realize it never happened
Fucking stupid movie.
The Pianist
The Great Escape is much better.
I'd go with The Pianist aswell.
Am I the only guy that found it to be more of a comedy?
There are several parts in the movie that are just simply funny.
Night and Fog is excellent.
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Aside from being a movie about the Holocaust, it effectively shows how children see each other as equals because before they are poisoned by political ideologies and divisive memes that are passed down to them from older generations upon reaching adolescence.
watched it for the first time last night and I thought it was bollocks, none of them even die
how is this supposed to be a sad film? they all get saved in the end - and what's with that tacky bit where it goes to present day/real life
rubbish, absolute rubbish
Stupid word prediction. Because* shouldn't be there.
Be honest, do you guys actually believe the holocaust didn't happen
I know what you mean, like the bit where he's testing out the secretaries
Life Is Beautiful is.
The holocaust was about 6 million people who died, Schindler's List is about 600 who survived
That's just Sup Forums being Sup Forums. They also show severe cognitive dissonance like the idiots they are.
>the next day
that movie is awful
Shoah is obviously the only right answer
what did the others find so funny about Schindler wanting to get the hose out?
Giving them false hope.
>who save those jews only to save his ass.
how would it save his ass? he started helping then in the early 1940's, before germany was losing
Wasnt burning people alive in the ovens a myth? As far as i know from trip to auschwitz they burned just dead people who died from work and sickness.
He worked for Canaris, who knew Germany was fucked before anyone else realized it
>Wasnt burning people alive in the ovens a myth?
who said anyone was burned alive? the ovens were for dead bodies
they did indeed mostly burn dead people in the ovens, but sometimes somebody who was still a bit alive got slipped in there
He started to help them when soviets were crossing the front lines and marching towards berlin. Of course they wouldnt kill him as a nazi active member and suplier if jews were on his side, logic.
The Counterfeiters (2007)
Kys yourself
They had rollercoasters that threw them inside alive according to some
>but sometimes somebody who was still a bit alive got slipped in there
>Shoah is obviously the only right answer
Ah, good call. That is indeed the correct answer, if you include 9.5 hour documentaries.
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What did the JIDF mean by this?
This desu, true holokino
SL is decent but that one is amazing (also the very first holocaust film).
The Day the clown cried
This and just this everything else is pure kikery.
Is it about Armenians?
Nah thats Raimi's Spiderman.
>how is this supposed to be a sad film? they all get saved in the end
that's the weirdest thing - that the most well known movie about the Holocaust is the one with the happy ending. Kind of defeats the whole point
i wouldn't call the ending happy.
maybe bittersweet
Musa Dagh adaptation when??
Son of Saul was surprisingly excellent
that movie with Harvey keital, also about the zondercommando
Nothing being found at Treblinka hurts their narrative.
This alone makes 6 million impossible. Not to say it didn't happen, but look at what else the Jews claimed, such as Germans turning them into furniture.
oy vey
But... this isn't true?
It happened but not in the propaganda way with 6 million gassed and evil Nazis jerking off in front of the ovens
dont be silly, why would somebody lie on the internet?
Citation needed
Check out Treblinka documentaries.
They find the odd skeleton in the woods, but no mass graves.
>No mentions of The Cremator
the best