Why does everyone hate her?
Why does everyone hate her?
She's a hippo crate.
For a season or so she was really annoying and had a grating meandering plot line or two, but she was great in the beginning and redeemed or used to good effect in the final season.
>muy cheeldrun, Nooky
>ugly nose
>slight underbite
Because when you have a bunch of actually interesting characters, it fucking sucks when writers want to spend more time on absolutely pointless side plots involving pointless annoying characters no one likes.
I like her. Kelly MacDonald is cute.
Idk Kelly MacDonald is cute af (like >76420273 already said).
Anyone who hasn't should watch the BBC tv mini-series State of Play. It's essential cute-Kelly Kino.
it's the hat, really
I just thought her accent was cute and she was cute in no country for old men
>tfw will never have a gf with that accent
She's like Carmella
>Gets everything she wants
>Still finds a way to bitch about things.
Don't remind me.
that reaction image
she doesn't have an underbite
Is Richard /our guy/?
After that episode, I named my cat Richard.
The tinman