John Wick
John Wick
>emotional support dog
>do not pet
What am i supposed to do? Stare at it to feel better?
the dog is for him to pet, not others
seriously? the do not pet sign is for other people not to pet
the owner who needs the support can pet it all he wants
Never pet a dog you don't know, it's just common sense. You ever tried to pet a police dog without permission?
It's pretty dangerous to pat dogs you don't own.
no it's fucking not any dog that is a pet is a pussy br definition.
I work at a pound, we put down a few dogs a week for biting owners or other dogs.
I've pet a police dog before without permission.
All that means is that the owner was more pussy than the dog, making the owner the real pet.
This is bullshit, anyone can buy a dog jacket and milk the system.
>You ever tried to pet a police dog without permission?
Yeah, the stupid cunt handler started yelling what the fuck am i doing but dog didn't seem to mind scratching behind ears n shiet
emotional support animal is the biggest load of horseshit because these asshats are completely taking advantage of a system that is actually in place to help people. It takes months of rigorous training to get an animal certified as a service dog or even a therapy dog. These cunts go out and get a note from a therapist, and a vest and then slap it on their untrained pet and now they get to take it everywhere even though that animal has never been properly trained to handle those environments. Fucking cunts.
This sounds like an American thing. I've never even heard of this, and I'm American.
Probably the thing to come out of the sjw camp. You can bring your best bud with you without paying extra to have him in the the cargo.
What happened?
First time ive seen this dog "job". How often does this happen?
Yeah, I almost got my hand bitten off by this huge nigger of a dog my neighbors had when I was a kid. I learned real quick not your try and pet a dog that doesn't know you
You do realize that they're only doing this so that they can bring their dogs into pet restricted areas right?
>dog has an emotional support job
>dogs used on safe spaces for fragile sjw's to emotionally cop with trumps presidency
>an animal having a fucking "job"
americans are disgusting, degenerate and immoral.
I used to work at Starbucks and they had a memo sent to all the stores last year about how we had to allow support animals inside and couldn't question the owners claims and shit. Never happened though, maybe like one lady with a lapdog she carried that was wearing a support animal vest but that's all.
My dad works at the VA and he mentioned there's this big military combat vet who has a little emotional support dog that goes to work with him
t. Abu
>mocking an animal having a job
You are an idiot. Animals have been doing jobs for humans since the dawn of fucking civilization. Neck yourself as soon as possible, cunt.
Yeah, it got started to help vets with PTSD but now we've got these fucking retards jumping on the wagon like they faced anything similar to that in life.
Addy is QWUTE