The video that killed Marvel
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You mean like how her Suicide Squad and BvS videos killed DC?
She's so pretty! I want to ask her out
Comic book characters have thin and stock personalities? Shocker!
is this the /ourgirl/ thread?
Wow she is so cute and so much better looking than all the other girls at school!
I guess. She is very average, attainable, perfect for tv.
Super cute, insightful, funny. Is there anything she can't do?
being my wife ;_;
What did she mean by this?
Just sit on my face already Jenny
Explain the appeal of her videos other than "shes cute", shes literally just repeating what reddit has been saying for weeks
>I shilled my ugly face on Sup Forums again all while pretending I'm much better than they are
Heh... yeah....
Jenny stop shilling please.
Probably means she wants to go steady.
We should ask her out.
that jaw thought
Jenny please sit on my face and then let me cum inside of you
> Browsing Reddit.
2bh it is just nice to have someone confirm your opinions every once in a while, especially when normies and media are morons, what's wrong with liking something because it agrees with you?
WHAt was she implying with this
>ywn cuddle with Jenny while wathing the entire Star Wars saga
isn't she a coalburner?
This bitch is legit fucking retarded, and she's not pretty enough to have an unpopular opinion.
I actually don't know what she meant by this
Sup Forums BTFO
Dunno, I heard she was a mudshark tho
>AMC Theaters
>not Marcus Theaters
Even though you have to sit through that obnoxious fuck Marcus' introductions, you get leather reclining seats and free refills and reserved seating.
Stop shilling your fucking videos you ugly cunt.
This is her bf btw
i like her personality desu senpai
>"something like a shy nerd boy"
Does that mean we have a chance?
are you kidding me
fucking dropped
I was going to make you my wife but now that I know she is a coalburner she has no chance with me
fucking slut
>Ugly stupid niggerloving bitch with unwarranted self importance
It's like she was made to be a fan of the DC film universe.
She's Jewish so of course she is.
if by "shy nerd boy" she meant "socially retarded autistic manchild" then yes
no, she's a white supremacist
What a handsome young man. I'm happy for her and hope he knocks that pussy out 3 times a day.
does this need to be a video? this could easily be a 1 minute read in text. what is wrong with the world today?
Sorry no, she has yellow fever.
It is known.
pandering to her audience
she'll take the chad cock iRL
>DCucks female kiketube hero is a fucking niggerlover
nice meme cuck
hang yourself
would Chad have her though? she seems too average
I'd fuck her, but I would make fun of her in front of my bros after until she cried.
Chad fucks everyone
That's the point of being a chad
Uhh triggered much? Get the fuck over it, pussy.
post proofs
Goddamn Chads and niggers get away from my waifu we're gonna get married and watch BVS everyday with your kids!
Why did desperate redditors make her popular again?
Goddamn that jaw never fails to impress. Rest in peace Bob.
'she's just like us xD'
Because reddit loves trash, that's why this board is so full of redditors.
>me 12 years old playing lego in my room
>mummy knocks on door and says bedtime
>tidy up lego and climb into bed
>mummy comes over and tucks me in
>tell mummy i need to speak to her about something very private
>mummy reassure me i can talk to her about anything
>tell mummy about problem where peepee go big and stiff very irritating
>mummy says is normal but needs tickle from time to time
>ask whats that
>mummy says she will show me how to
>take off pyjama bottoms and sit on mummys lap
>mummy gently stroke peepee and it go hard again
>kiss mummy and touch her boobies
>mummy unbutton her dress and let me suckle
>suddenly feel rush and peepee start pulsing
>hold on to mummy tight and yogurt comes out
>start to cry
>mummy ask whats wrong but just tell her i love her lots
>mummy says she loves me too and very proud of her big boy
Just fucking kill yourself
>hold on to mummy tight and yogurt comes out
I don't get this part. could anyone explain?
What is that jaw thinking?
Isn't she super into pony stuff, which turns Sup Forums off?
>betas thirsting this hard for some random 5/10 on youtube
who cares?
she's a girl
her twitter, duh
she keeps saying "it's not terrible" and then acts like it is terrible
wtf did she mean by this
Imagine playing with this niggerloving whore's blood.
T.b.h I want her to tie me up and abuse me for being a shut-in.
She's into negroids
while her severed head stares blankly at you from atop a pike
That she's a liberal.
she is a virgin
someone send this to her
also where does she say she's into niggers id love to see that
autism mouth
she's really lovely.
That explains why she loves horses so much. Their cocks are the same size.
I think she's a little ugly desu and her insight is as deep as a puddle.
Also looks the same to be aich
I actually met her at a pony convention once and she's actually quite nice in person.
I also think that you guys should chill a bit
>butthurt marveldrones trying to turn Sup Forums against /ourgirl/
nice try faggots, she is a white supermacist and a virgin
>I also think that you guys should chill a bit
Girls caring about ponies is nothing unusual. When grown men do it, it's fucking degenerate.
Definitely not
that goblins faces chick is the girl of DCucks
I demand proofs marvelfag
she's cute
kek fucking kike slave trying so hard
Does anybody have the screencap of /lit/ driving a reviewer girl away from the internet with shitposting? I think the same thing will happen to her.