>Frodo Baggins says celebrities are covering up for known pedophiles in Hollywood
>claims there are around "100 active abusers"
>Wood, who now knows he was lucky to avoid being abused, said: 'There are a lot of vipers in this industry. There is a darkness in the underbelly – if you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.’
My dad used to be a detective in LA. He has told me some shit he has come across. Celebrities are some weird fuck and their managers are even weirder.
Robert Kelly
Ah, ok then. I had no idea, must be flying below the radar.
Ayden Smith
story time?
Jackson Campbell
This. If you want to take down powerful people, the worst mistake you can make is to go to the police.
Dylan Hill
>He has told me some shit he has come across. Celebrities are some weird fuck and their managers are even weirder. Elaborate pls.
Connor Watson
Why do you think celebrities buy property in Europe? The moment a victim goes to the police, the criminal is half way to some Greek island resort.
Case in point:
>Running DEN out of a Los Angeles mansion, Collins-Rector and his two business partners - his boyfriend at the time, Chad Shackley and Pierce - hosted lavish parties attended by Hollywood’s gay A-list. After his indictment by a grand jury in 2000, Collins-Rector fled to Spain together with Shackley and Pierce. Interpol arrested them in May 2002 in a villa in the south Spanish beach city of Marbella.Collins-Rector fought extradition proceedings for two years before returning to the United States, where he pleaded guilty to eight charges of child enticement and registered as a sex offender.
Brody Ross
Xavier Hill
Look at his eyes, he is asking YOU to help him, YOU who really have evidence, is a plea covered in a minor attention whoring-feel.
Aiden Lewis
>Elijah Wood backtracks on comments about Hollywood pedophile ring as he claims his words were taken out of context and insists he has 'no first hand experience' of predatory 'vipers'
If the rulers of this world like fucling childrens so much why don't they make it semi legal or something?
Brayden Kelly
did we ever find out who raped cory haim?
Gavin Wood
He was in charge of missing persons that were good to turn into a homicide. His partner was a higher ranking detective and had been on leave when someone called in strange noises at a location that was being watched by him so he brought some other dude with him. It was the year Interview with a Vampire came out so he had already busted a couple weird macabre things that happened that year but as he tells it he was watching this house for two months off and on and finally had reasonable doubt to enter the place. He gets there and there are people dressed like animals gang raping his missing person. He had the right to remove her from her situation so he did so. One of the dudes that was arrested was shouting out about how he had connections to directors and actors and whatever. Turns out he was a manager for a group of opera musicians, everything checks out for an arrest though so he cuffs the guy and takes him in and within 2 hours the guy is out. The MP won't talk and is clearly traumatized. They can't get her to testify and she is sent to a psychiatric ward in Northern Cali. A month later she goes missing and the body is found in the same neighborhood as the location she was found in. She was split in half down the middle almost to completion and had her limbs split as well. No witnesses no prints or DNA and they can't pin it on any of the people obtained during the original seige. For two years he was getting calls from payphones, not saying anything, he said one time they were laughing and another time they were crying. He thinks it was the opera singers and some other people into weird rape fetishes stuff. He can't seem to get over it. He retires in a couple months. Says he has big plans once he moves. Things that will set it straight.
You can't make this shit up. He never has given me any names but he says that there will be a time for name dropping but he wants to secure his pension. Strange Hollywood is nothing to mess with.
David Perez
They got to him.
Jack Butler
Because it is all about control. Having irrefutable proof someone is a pedo is a whole shit ton of leverage.
Daniel Cooper
Do you think he got a manilla envelope with timestamped pictures of his family in the mail?
Do you think your dad is going to seek for revenge after his retirement?
Nolan White
They still need the approval of the average person, and the average person hates pedos.
Cooper Russell
Elijah should fight crime alongside Sasha Grey. >Raped child star >Former porn actress >Fight crime and get hard on the bad guys How should be called this?
Luis Turner
Securing public bathroom in a mall so a has-been male star can have gay sex with a barely legal prostitute in there was possibly the tamest one. It's all bribes, all sex, all weird fetishes.
Aiden Flores
I would hope so. It sounds like some movie shit. I saw pics of the body once. I didn't think that kind of violence existed outside of hollywood. I can't even count how many times he has cursed various celebs for getting involved in his cases.
Daniel Anderson
A-Alex Jones??
Henry Clark
sounds like bullshit but far weirder things have happened by people far higher up the hierarchy.
Connor Gray
As a general rule I don't take anything posted on Sup Forums seriously. But that is one unnerving story.
Owen Wilson
>He gets there and there are people dressed like animals gang raping his missing person
The big secret was a bunch of furfags raping a person, that is it. Fuck I can't even fap to that shit.
Is this seriously supposed to shock?
Jackson Fisher
So whats the deal with pedophilia in hollywood?
Is it a 'Rich' thing? Like, are they so rich and corrupt that they can only get aroused by corrupting innocent children ?
And yet nobody has the balls (pun very much intended) to stand up and name names.
>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all
Justin Gray
Why don't they just kill your dad?
Robert Powell
Its another conspiracy theory by people trying to explain a world that is chaotic and they can't understand.
Is their likely a person or two who fucks children, sure. Is there some systematic organization whose purpose is to get people to fuck children to control them, no
Samuel Gutierrez
Fuck off with your pizzagate shit, reddit.
Kevin Moore
This sounds like a decent film.
Josiah Howard
That's awful. I hope your dad gets some peace of mind, whatever he decides to do.
Justin Watson
It's fucked up. The way he says it was that it looked like they were trying to turn her into a human octopus. It was done with a round saw and was done right outside near the body. How no one saw this eludes hI'm and I honestly think that is what sticks to him the most is no witnesses to such a loud and messy affair.
Levi Bailey
True Detective season 3
Jace Parker
>get hard on the bad guys >How should be called this? Get hard on bad guys.
Nicholas Russell
It would be interesting if the entire movie is about the father deciding what to do, and at the end, only if you were paying attention, would get what was his decision.
Aaron Thomas
He is a serious alpha male. Lots of friends who would love to look into it if he does vanish or something.
Aaron Martinez
what celebs?
Eli Walker
Great story, user. Thanks for sharing!
Juan Brown
California is a very corrupt state, I´m sure that all those millionaires and billionaires have payed off the cops
only way to get to the truth would be via politics
>pedo sex trafficker in Belgium >get discovered, has connections to supposed "rich and powerful people" >leads to one of the most pathetic investigations in the countrys history >23 witnesses who were supposed to come forward in the trial mysteriously die >they include being burned alive in a bed, hit by a train, and having a car run off the road into a bridge >some even left journals saying they were being harassed and threatened in the weeks leading up to their deaths >all labeled accidents or suicides
hed be a dead man the minute he named one name
Nathaniel Taylor
>He thinks it was the opera singers Damn Perverotties
Camden Jones
It wasn't just a conspiracy theory with the catholic church.
Aaron Perez
Wow this billionaire is doing something illegal, better tell about it to a semi-criminal state force.
Jace Wright
It always surprise me how some people just get free after doing such awful things. Junko Furuta's case comes first, but then I remember the other Jap guy who canibalized a cute french girl in Paris, and now is free and even made a manga. Few days ago I read about The Alcasser Girls, and is just ridicoulous.
Camden Flores
>only way to get to the truth would be via politics Politician are all massive pervs.
Connor Jenkins
isn´t he afraid that this will have massive negative consequences for him and his family?
Lucas Foster
That's why we really need feminism.
Justin Price
wtf I hate Japan now. Fucking shitskins.
Brayden Cruz
There should be a world wide female leader that forced us to have sex with women.
Jace Lewis
Fuck you, buddy.
Ethan Ortiz
Most recently The Insane Clown Posse bailed out someone who was a missing person running a meth lab. I guess it is the cousin of one of their members. Whichever one Joe Bruce is.
Tyler Ross
*pulls down pants*
Jason Foster
Fuck off.
Xavier Rodriguez
Anri is half-White, thus fully capable of being, and likely is, perfect
Owen Wright
>Anri is half-White
Christopher Scott
How long until he's found having committed suicide jumping from the top of a building with a noose around his neck and landing on 14 bullets to the back of his head?
Chase Edwards
lol imagine it that was true (and I suspect it is) can you imagine how lol will the celebrities berating people for RACSIM ANTI SEMITISIM SEXISM AND HOMOPHOBIA be when it's clear they protected kid abusers
A Trump presidency can probably do something about it if it's true, I mean if he can't then nobody does
Benjamin Morales
common lore
Evan White
By a powerful pedophile ring of anal muscles
Sebastian Baker
You sly bastard
Jayden Smith
>if you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.’ BRB, imagining Elle Fanning suckling on her sister's tits.
Mason Adams
>A Trump presidency can probably do something about it
he's a pedo you Sup Forumstard
Jackson Cooper
Caleb Flores
Michael Cook
>A Trump presidency can probably do something about it if it's true, I mean if he can't then nobody does
Trump is a pedophile too dumbshit. It's just going to be covered up even more now.
Jace Wood
>From a recent interview:
So where's the link?
Leo Price
Because telling the police doesn't get you media attention.