What are some actors that the Hollywood machine have tried to convince you are attractive?
What are some actors that the Hollywood machine have tried to convince you are attractive?
Jeremy Renner, Meth Demon, Muslim Bale.
Angelina Jolie
>he doesn't know the ayylmao pack
Scarlett Johansson
Eyes far apart are totally aliens. Who are the invaders with eyes too close together, machines?
remove maisie
>implying Lily Cole isn't an 11/10
Who's the qt3.14rino on the middle top row?
go away ET
this is their mother spawn
Need to make room for Devon Aoki.
Maisie doesn't look like an alien, she looks like Quasimodo, who is arguably not an alien. And Bendydick is some kind of reptilian.
The only reason you think that is because you have a ginger fetish.
Source: I do too.
I have to concur with this user, i am seeing the same
>tfw lizard people are real
from Gotham
i believe that's teen catwoman on gotham
Wew lads
That's from those spacecd's in the cornflakes packet that are old people #ayylmaopack #nozika0themimed 2312planet
I'd be totally okay with some abduction and probing with this sextraterrestrial.
is mid bottom a real face?
those other faces actually make maisie look hot
Most chinks look like that.
unfortunately. Rila Fukushima took a nuke to the face so im not sure what connections get her jobs. this is her only good pic
nah, only camcam looks good
she should get her face tattoo'd with green ink.
all britishers have congenital fetal alcohol syndrome
nothing can be done
Eh, it's those bangs that really make her look like an ayylmao. That haircut looked specifically styled to make the bottom of her head look small and the top of her head look wide as fuck. That's how it's shaped, but it was exaggerated. With a normal hairstyle she looks like an ordinary gook.
how many ear piercing are too many?
No, she is ugly. She is ugly but with some styling and makeup + certain angles she looks ok. Which is how most women do it but its not enough when you want to be an actor
Britons, you moron.
>when the actor has uneven eyes
>its all you can focus on
So ET reproduced before going away.
>file name
if we're on the subject of aliens
i member
(sidenote: last southpark was the worst, most nonsensical episode in the worst way, created out of mismanagement and lack of ideas since ziplining)
The file name is the same as the post you fucking retard
>Benedick Cumbercunt
>That ugly fuck from Game Of Shit
>Uma Turdman
>Idris Elbow
>Channing Tatum
He looks half down syndrome but he's /fit/
>Ryan Gosling
He looks like an average guy, in fact, I've seen better looking dudes on the street
>Leonardo DiCaprio
>Cara Delevmeme
>Vin Diesel
>Mark Wahlberg
>Emma Stone
>Anna Kendrick
Also, if Jennifer Lawrence wasn't a movie star, she'd be that fucking cunt in your friend group that no one can stand and her boyfriend beats her and you smile about it occasionally to yourself while mid conversation with the annoying rat fuck
Hell be fine.
What makes you think that Hollywood is trying to convince you? Why would they care?
>men complaining that Cumberbatch isn't hot
You guys are such fags, seriously. You're not supposed to find other males attractive, faggots.
prime angelina was hot as fuck
>beenadick cumthatbitch
What if you're gay?
Every single long nosed curly haired fat Jew that somehow has a hot girlfriend.
>have a lot of money and a good personality
>how the fuck does he have a hot gf
>and a good personality
Except no. They're always "lmao weeed" slackers.
+ I was talking about the characters they play, which aren't rich. Obviously there are golddiggers irl, that's nothing new.
Yeah but they're nice people, fun to hang out with and they've clearly made something of themselves judging by the fame and fortune they've accrued.
>I was talking about the characters they play
No you weren't.
Yes I was tard. I was talking about Hollywood letting extremely ugly and fat Jews play the lead in movies and coupling them with female love interests that would be way out of their league irl.
Bitch they've been pairing attractive women with unattractive men since the goddamn Honeymooners.
Kendrick is adorable shut up
This is Linda Evangelista's kid, right?
Yes, (((they))) have indeed.
What the fuck is this (((()))) thing nowadays
The British have garbage genetics
Refugee dick might actually improve your gene pool
Yes, of course, it's obviously a conspiracy, just like anything else you can't understand.
It couldn't be that women are autonomous and are capable of making their own decisions in terms of who they wanna fuck or partner with, or that it's simply fantasy fulfillment for any guy who considers himself unattractive, it's just part of the global Jewish conspiracy.
You've really cracked this one wide open, goyim.
the Sup Forums invansion
You don't have to find someone attractive to know whether or not they'd be considered attractive. You don't need to be a gay to know if a dude is classically handsome or not.
Cumbercunt is fucked. He looks like you if you look at your face on the reflection on the back of a spoon.
Stop pretending to be some alpha male on a fucking imageboard, you faggot fuck. You think it doesn't pay to know if a dude is objectively better looking than you? Extrapolate that and think about how that all works within a group setting...
acting has nothing to do with attractiveness
sound like a closet case
It's not a conspiracy. It's just Hollywood Jews being Hollywood Jews. Nothing secret about it.
Also, great point about fictional character (written by men) being able to have free will. Very smart remark.
>simply fantasy fulfillment for any guy who considers himself unattractive
This is your only reasonable point and I would agree with it if the script at least acknowledged that the lead didn't look attractive (but got the girl regardless). My problem is that they cast very ugly people as leads and have everyone around them be attractive people, acting like the lead is attractive too.
>still watching South Park
i'm in your moms closet every night bro
waiting for her to take me out and turn me on like a real life hitachi magic wand clit massager
suck me off cunt