How the fuck is this movie so unknown? It's fucking brilliant.
How the fuck is this movie so unknown? It's fucking brilliant
you need to return to your Berensteins dimention
Underrated maybe, but not unknown. It has a decent following. I wouldn't even call it a cult movie it's so well known.
I've literally never met anyone who has heard of this movie.
I only saw it because it was the same director as the Crow.
You need to meet more people.
Ebert gave it four stars, put it on his Great Movies list, and did a commentary for the DVD.
>I've literally never met anyone who has heard of this movie.
Let me guess, you're American or Ugandan?
Worse, British.
Matrix overshadowed it to a degree
>tfw you accidentally watch the director's cut first and get one of the major plot twists spoiled within the first minute
What the fuck were they thinking adding that opening narration? Movie should've just started with the main character waking up in the bathtub.
Perfide Albion que tu es.
Well naturally you would be as far removed as this piece of cinéma as you could, sir Rosbif.
But anyways, hiya neighbor.
Oh wait I'm a fucking retard it was the theatrical that did it. Guess I should kill myself.
I'd imagine most 30+ basement dwellers are very familiar with this movie, 25+ have likely seen it in a list somewhere and maybe watched it, and everyone younger has such a backlog of 80's-00's dystopian/thriller/sci-fi movies that they could have easily missed it. Plu
Sup Forums actually used to recommend this all the time. I downloaded it years ago but never watched it
it got assraped by the matrix
It's worth a watch, but close this thread right now so you don't get spoiled.
This film fucking sucks.
gr8 acting tho
>so you don't get spoiled.
If he doesn't skip the intro the movie will spoil itself anyway.
What is there to spoil?
>For the theatrical release, the studio was concerned that the audience would not understand the film and asked Proyas to add an explanatory voice-over narration to the introduction. A director's cut was released in 2008, restoring and preserving Proyas's original artistic vision for the film.
So apparently he wants the Director's Cut. That's the one I saw and it didn't have an opening monologue. FUCKING PLEB AUDIENCES.
>Only just found out today this was Richard O'Brien
I'd say no one or almost no one I know recognizes it by name. But once you give a description most people realize what you're talking about and appreciate it.
Great movie but difficult to be appreciated by retarded immature morons who have never had a life such as the ones who come to this shit hole.
because it's mediocre and has the same basic themes as several other superior movies that came out at the same time
same reason the thirteenth floor is unknown
you must be under 30. The movie was well known, it was in the time that GitS became mainstream popular and people started doing similar themes like simulated realities in 13th Floor, Dark City, Matrix etc.
literally in Sup Forums essential movie list
It has close to 200,000 ratings on imdb. You really need to get out more.
How many "Dark City"s are there?
I borrowed one from my neighbor once it looked like some noir stuff then I flipped to the back and it was hardcore porn.
>200,000 out of 7 fucking billion people is a lot
Sir I believe it's you who needs to go out more if I may say so myself.
>7 billion people have internet access
u is retart
>moving the goalposts after getting royally BTFO
Just leave kid maybe Sup Forums is a better place for you eh? Heh figures you'd be butthurt after I used my amazing debating skills on your sorry ass. Fucking punks I swear always trying to get the best of me not realizing I'm the boss of this joint.
It has 159K ratings on imdb and that's certainly not a small amount. Event Horizon only has 123K and that's fairly well known movie.
This. Happened with The 13th Floor, too.