What did we think?
The Grand Tour
As good as scripted car shows can get
what was with the celebrity bit? Why did they all die? I don't understand
but yeh enjoyed the rest
would've been better without 20 mins of filler
Amazon Prime, heck yes! Fuck Netflix! Fuck Hulu! Amazin Prime is where it's at!
Was there a bit where they drove around in beaten up old cars without working AC? Literally the only reason to watch Top Gear.
Basically saying they wont do a celebrity bit, or at least that's how I took it.
I liked it. Overall
Some of the studio portions felt too forced since they're really shoehorning the mobile studio and audience from different locations idea.
Very try hard. I'd rather have the rest of the cancelled Top Gear season than this contrived bullshit.
Ok, I guess it will get better with time. Studio part needs a lot of work. A lot. It felt forced and cringeworthy all the time.
Also please bring back some version of Stig, professional drivers have zero personality. Just cuz' they drive good does not mean they are good presenters.
how are amazon handling advertising?
do they do in-show commercials or heaps of product placement?
i guess all cars are literally product placement
Reddit got to them
has he punched anyone yet? only reason i'd watch.
hypercars was good
studio was meh
rest was awful
Track was nice even tho a bit forced (like everything else except the super cars)
i only really cared about their adventures together and the news section
better than new TopGear
not as good as classic TopGear
lets see if the season improves
Too much "Fuck You BBC" for my taste
it was very obviously a forced introduction to the 'top gear dynamic', over the top because it has to appeal to an american audience.
Reddit loved it. That means we have to hate it.
It was fucking shit.
You love BBC don't you.
I think the bbc mandated that they can't have the same track or do celebrity in a reasonably priced car so they all died due to contractual obligations.
The intro was fantastic. When Richard and James came up behind Jeremy and they all waved at each other and had big smiles on their faces. That's the moment when real men cried.
Other than that, not the most exciting episode, but the production was really good. Looking forward to the more adventure orientated episodes.
Yanks ruined it
REALLY good production values.
its a start. wasnt an amazing start. but thats not where they excel, they've got like 2 different "specials" for the first season which will be awesome
i rarely watched top gear for its everyday format, or even for the jerking off over cars, the best parts were the specials and unique episodes that wasnt just car reviews and shit
anything will be better than the "new" top gear, which was complete dog shit
It was alrght. A bit forced at times.
Personally I am more interested in the challenges and the banter that comes with them than anything else. This episode didn't have a challenge, but I'm sure (like Top Gear) they'll have plenty of challenge episodes.
>Cheap car challenges
>Road trips
>Building vehicles (limos, motorhomes, ambulances etc)
The holy trinity of Top Gear brilliance.
They're going to do some cheap car challenges right?
Definitely. Jeremy said in an interview that's what they enjoy the most.
The episode was kino
That's why ones like the Vietnam special are kino
>Shitty motorbikes
>Driving through a country
>Have to make them into boats at the end
>James' car falls apart the second it takes off
liked it
didn't like "the american"
stig being fucking quiet worked for me
Hypercars part was ok
"The American" is a bad choice of caracter
The yanks audiance was aweful.
The studio part was forced and quite unfun
Glad that they don't seem to do the celebrity part anymore, that always bored me to death
Overall 6/10. I'll see the rest.
Pretty much this.
I would be okay with it if every week a celeb guest dies one way or the other
I think everyone agrees 'the american' is a terrible misstep.
and no matter who is doing the timed laps i don't want them talking and distracting from the lap and the commentary
I rememberd I dont like cars all that much
The episode was hot garbage
>endless skits, setups and terrible TERRIBLE fucking "acting" by the trio
>half the ep entirely wasted on nonsense
>other half of the ep was a pointless supercar commercial that felt empty as fuck
>yanks soul sucking everything
As shit as their last 5 years on Top Gear. It's a parody show that takes itself seriously.
The episode was great. Can't wait for the next one
The scripting and jokes weren't as good as the original top gear with the same cast, for some reason, the visuals were better.
They need to work on the narrative and the chemistry seems a bit off.
I'll probably watch it and latter dump it if it doesn't loose the fake edge.
Still the best car show, right now, fuck Le Blank Top Moron Gears, that show sucks with Evans or not.
I thought they'd drop the segment altogether because It's gotten very confusing. They can't really do british celebs because I feel the audience is no longer mainly limited to britain. Like the Carol Vorderman joke really fell flat.
heaps of product placement
feel too much american, not good feel
I think the joke was that the celebrity segment in Top Gear was boring as fuck (which it is), and that they won't have anything like it.
But the joke dragged on for faaar to fucking long and fell completely flat.
loved it desu
I fear Celebrity Braincrash is not a joke and we'll be forced to watch some celeb using that shitty machine every week.
>Brits complaining about Yanks
What a surprise. You guys are so salty
I want to see some cheap car challenges.
If it's going to be all super cars and road tests then it won't be as good
>tfw you will never EVER drive any of the super cars they have had on the show.
Imagine what it must feel like putting your foot down in a bugatti
This. GT needs all three, as well as the news segment, to be excellent. Missing a single bit will make it worse than Top Gear.
It made me envious. 7/10, enjoyed it
Felt like meeting an old friend.
I enjoyed it. Main problem was with the fucking American.
Some things I'm worried about are then going too hollywood with it and never having shitty car episodes in the countryside. The new driver isn't funny either.
They are genuinely annoying. I don't know how there is any salt, they just tend to be loud obnoxious people. Not all of them but a lot.
I can't imagine The American being anything but a one time thing, maybe later on they bring him up again when talking about an American car but that's it.
I had hoped it would be more like their specials than their regular show. The in-tent parts were the weakest parts of the show, they are at their best when they are out doing something.
This bait is literal shit.
yanks ruin everything
nice quads
It's exactly the same. E-X-A-C-T-L-Y.
it's all right
but it's fascinating to watch just because of the massive budget they're doing it with. these car shows usually have budgets similar to fucking cooking shows and talk shows and shit but these guys probably spent the budget of a major Hollywood oscarbait movie on one fucking episode.
I don't know if 'the American' is going to be a regular on the show, I saw a clip where they found 'The Ben Collins' sleeping in a garage
It was pretty much Top Gear, which was good.
Only problem was some of the jokes went on way too long, looks like the missing component is the BBC producers who knew when to reign it in.
I.e. the RAF joke was garbage, did we really need 3 celebs to die? and The American is trying too hard. There was nothing wrong with a silent driver, they could have just had a big name guy who didn't crack wise.
Still liked it for the guys bants though.
>suddenly, fisher-price looking rev counter
bravo Ferrari
this, shitty car challanges are GOAT
as someone who lives in the middle of a yuroshit dorist centre, I can tell you that brits are waaay more fucking annoying than murrikans. I've gotten to the point where I'd approve of sharia abiding arabs overthrowing the UK if that would result in the genocide working class british subhumans.
>loud obnoxious people
Sounds like Anglos in general to me. Aussies, Brits, and White Americans are all loud and obnoxious. Especially when you're drunk.
the jump cuts part I had to skip
didn't watch the last 10 minutes
just reminded me that the only good part of classic Top Gear was the specials
This. It's funny when British people complain about Americans but don't realize how much worse they are. Just look at what they do to Majorca
Ferrari have always been tacky as fuck. That's why they're so popular with tasteless arab billionaires.
Calm down Fernando, Spain's entire economy would tank if it wasn't for "lads" holidays to the Balearic Islands every Summer.
Little Juan is made because Maria loves that big English cock after a night out of banter with the lads.
The india special, right after Jeremy fucks up his jag, is the height of comedy. The noise that and James' car made killed me and my sides.