Who is more of a Mary Sue between these two?
Who is more of a Mary Sue between these two?
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A Mary Sue is an author insert character. Neither are a Mary Sue.
Beerus >>> your microdick
A Mary Sue is a character who's too perfect. There's nothing wrong with the antagonist being perfect, the main character is the one who's supposed to develop.
Future Trunks
That's hardly a fair comparison. He's literally god-tier.
what? no
a "mary sue" is a character written with no faults
a character who can do things better than an established character can on their first try
a character who gets purple hearts and keys to the city although they just got into the game
>The name "Mary Sue" comes from the 1974 Star Trek fanfic A Trekkie's Tale. Originally written as a parody of the standard Self-Insert Fic of the time (as opposed to any particular traits), the name was quickly adopted by the Star Trek fanfiction community. Its original meaning mostly held that it was an Always Female Author Avatar, regardless of character role or perceived quality.
>The prototypical Mary Sue is an original female character in a fanfic who obviously serves as an idealized version of the author mainly for the purpose of Wish Fulfillment.
>A Mary Sue is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character, a young or low-rank person who saves the day through unrealistic abilities. Often this character is recognized as an author insert or wish-fulfillment
>A Mary Sue character is usually written by a beginning author. Often, the Mary Sue is a self-insert with a few "improvements" (ex. better body, more popular, etc).
your first example was the first mary sue ever granted but you just went and proved me right with your second one
>>A Mary Sue is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character, a young or low-rank person who saves the day through unrealistic abilities. Often this character is recognized as an author insert or wish-fulfillment
>an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character, a young or low-rank person who saves the day through unrealistic abilities.
it isnt always necessarily a self-insert but it always is what i stated before
you just reinforced what i said
thank you for your autism
>Mary Sue
Hey guys don't you think this Jesus guy is kinda Mary Sue?
No man, Jesus had so sacrifice himself at the end of his character arc.
hakai this
>coming back to life
reyrey is kathleen kennedy's self-insert user
>A Mary Sue is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character, a young or low-rank person who saves the day through unrealistic abilities. Often this character is recognized as an author insert or wish-fulfillment
Which of these two sentences is the most important part of the description? Think really hard before you answer.
Rey Mysterio Vagina of course.
Beerus is lazy, a glutton, has a hair trigger and is arrogant. He has plenty of flaws.
Rey is one of the biggest Mary Sues ever. Her flaw is not trusting people immediately, which is also known as caution--a positive trait.
Is arrogance a flaw when no one can stand up to him?
His boss doesn't like his attitude and there're characters that can get in contact with his boss really quick.
trunks is a mary sue you faggot
Gary stu you newfag
new dbz characters are cringe
what do you call fusion of mary sue and gary stu? trunksue
>saga is literally called "Mirai Torankusu Hen" in japanes
>Toranku Su
Yup, but they look like subtly layered masterworks compared with Episode 7's cast of characters.
How the fuck is Trunks a Mary Sue, apart from one shotting Freeza and his dad he is absolutely useless in any other fight, even with all his training he couldn't beat the androids fresh out of their cryotubes and he couldn't beat Cell, he only got powerful enough to beat the androids in his timeline because he died.
The shit he pulled against Goku Black and Zamasu
>knows both Masenko and Final Flash
>learned Galick Gun in less than a day
>learned Mafuba in less than 10 minutes and could use it perfectly in a first try
>learned Genki Dama in less than 10 seconds (or even invented it on his own)
>controled Genki Dama to such extent that he could turn it into a ki sword
>gained totally new saiyan form that made him even stronger than Vegetto SSJB and immortal god
Seeing how Goku is nearly the biggest Mary Sue in animu history, they needed someone even more ridiculous to counter him, so the guy on the left gets a pass.
Rey can go suck a dick.
Goku isn't Mary Sue. He trained to be stronger than every of his enemies. Only giving him godly ki without any training was a MarySue-ish move but until DBS he trained a lot before each confrontation and even after Beerus Arc he trained to be stronger.
Trunks on the other hand - see
It's entirely possible for a villain to be a Mary Sue.
Jesus was a self insert for God.