Why did 80's movies always portray the future as dark and dystopian?

Why did 80's movies always portray the future as dark and dystopian?


They didn't

Because they predicted what would happen if Drumpf wins and they are right.

It is.

Because everyone expected a nuclear war with the Soviets would happen

Because back then the future seemed like it was going to be bright.

Whereas now that we know it isn't going to be, the future is portrayed as better than we would hope it be.

Go back to /r/politics faggot

>future is dark
>blacks outbreeding Whites



Cold War, Japan Dominance (early 80s), dystopian futures or corrupt "utopias" are far more interesting than actual utopias to name a few.

Because the future is dark and dystopian. Your living in it right now you should know.

because people could see where we were heading

then the (((NWO))) bumped up the fluoride in the drinking water

now everyone listens to nigger music

Trump is the last stand of the white. It's fitting. The West really was designed by whites and no one else. Call me racist if you want. I don't care. This is the internet. The last bastion of free speech.

Because its one of the most basic themes of Cyberpunk, which was popular in the 80s.

I don't listen to nigger music. Am I different? Am I SUPERSPECIAL?????

*tips tinfoil hat*

Drumpfkins are so fucking pathetic. I can't wait until you all get outbred by Mexicans and we can have a 100% progressive Democrat government.

Whites have done nothing but cause pain and suffering wherever they go.

Why thank you. I really honestly don't care that non-whites don't think whites designed the white world. They just want to think whatever they want to think. And that is fine. I'm a white liberal by the way.

>white only do bad things
we created civilization
what have you done?
okay, so you created a short-lived civilzation
but was it LONG-lived???


Why do you include yourself among the people who spent laborious hours, immeasurable funds, and sacrificed so much to build what you now take for granted? What have you done, user?


Cry more, faggot

I bet he thinks that his pathetic shitposting from his mom's basement is some sort of accomplishment to humanity.

Does it mean that now that Trump's the president we're gonna get more dark dystopian sci-fi settings in movies?

Damn, now I'm really glad he's the president.

They weren't so blue pilled as people today

blade runner 2 rewritten to be even darker because if trunp. he's making america great again

God I hope so. I watched The Arrival yesterday and liked it. Also liked Sicario, I think that guy could pull it off.

Who created a short-lived civilization?

look around you