Why doesn't Kojima make actual films instead of video games? He knows plenty of people in hollywood, he could just make a movie
I never really played any of his games, just a little bit of Metal Gear Solid
Why doesn't Kojima make actual films instead of video games? He knows plenty of people in hollywood...
Working in an office is much different than going out and shooting something.
Besides that, he doesn't actually have much of a cinematic voice, his cutscenes just copy whatever Hollywood is doing at the time.
he's a bigger hack than george lucas
>Why doesn't Kojima make actual films instead of video games?
Because the 3rd act would be a storyboard and test footage with subtitles telling you what's meant to be happening
It's easier to get your weeb tier action stories made in a low-brow medium.
Kojima shit is the antithesis of weebs, it's westaboo as fuck
I think he just supervise people that made his games. The guy cant be trusted to make anything on his own.
Western action flicks with a spice of weeb. The perfect recipe for your average "gamer".
He can't direct for shit. Even in video games where perfect camera angles and steady, solid frames are possible, he uses shaky cam, lens flare, and quick cuts.
Also directing requires working with actors. Kojima, being a westaboo, would only want Americans actors, and the guy's english is fucked. It'd be a disaster. Imagine a Bruce Willis/Kevin Smith type conflict but with every actor involved.
Because he would be an awful director. I would prefer a movie from Shinji Mikami. The cinematics from his Resident Evil games are very good.
I give you an actually good reply since everyone is just shitposting.
It's simply because Kojima loves to make "interactive" movies.
He liked movies, yes, but he wants to bring the medium to the next level, making us interact with the story and characters.
His video games are basically a new form of storytelling. They mix film and games together.
Kojima going from game design to film would be a step backwards for him.
>shaky cam, lens flare, and quick cuts
These are just techniques, the opposite is possible in film as well. They can be utilized to good effect.
Also V doesn't use cuts until the last scene, they're continuous shots.
Why did you make this thread on Sup Forums, retard?
Can we talk about any musician, politician or artist here if why just say WHY DON'T THEY MAKE FILMS?
He'd get no money to make films in America and the Japanese film industry is a joke compared to the video games one.
He's also a crazy perfectionist and the casting alone for a live action film would probably take him 6 years. I imagine it being like in Synecdoche with the guy making that play that took him 40 years.
Because Kojima's games are very very cinematic, and you always see pic of him with different people from hollywood, you retard
>japanese creator and production
holy fucking shit neck yourself
You quoted weeb when the incorrect word is "spice"
Kojima games are full weeb
The mechs are the only weeb thing really, everything else wouldn't look out of place in a 1980s Bond or American action film
He's just a fan, no one gives a shit about Kojima on film industry.He's like Nicolas Refn.
Why don't you Sup Forumsedditors go back to your containment board?